
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Guardians of Centra

Rank 30 Free Company "Guardians of Centra" was formed on and registered on with ID 9233927348481456909. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

We give our lives for the protection of Centran technology, the preservation of Centran architecture.

Operates on Malboro, Crystal, leaving tags "GUARD" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "Filthy Larry's Shoe" on plot 35 in ward 1 of The Goblet, Ul'dah, Thanalan Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

We need help finding Wayne Newton's prized horse roller skates. If you have any info please feel free to call Tony Danza and request a refund.

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
374 28 121
110 28 122
62 48 122
25 32 127
19 61 127
41 61 129
22 61 129
37 61 137
182 133 138
111 108 165
74 108 165
76 107 165
403 107 164
183 107 162
82 107 162
82 86 191
71 47 190
41 53 190
23 53 190
95 53 192
75 39 325
21 25 323
35 11 337
35 11 339
5 13 338
10 4 220

Current members:

Orchestria Karumi FC Lead Orchestria Karumi Pumpkin Escobar Sail Freely Pumpkin Escobar Deadlust Savage Kiwi of Stimky Deadlust Savage Legon Thetdel Quality Pezcock Legon Thetdel Zalestra Howl Quality Pezcock Zalestra Howl Ay Yo Got Gud Ay Yo Eleressa Dawnbringer Got Gud Eleressa Dawnbringer Inanna Anunna Got Gud Inanna Anunna Incoherent Whispers Got Gud Incoherent Whispers Ladyof Thenight Got Gud Ladyof Thenight Ma'aiq Shadowstep Got Gud Ma'aiq Shadowstep Maxhilde Pepoki Got Gud Maxhilde Pepoki Phantom Bunny Got Gud Phantom Bunny Snape Worts Got Gud Snape Worts Sodium Sultan Got Gud Sodium Sultan Ullr Magni Got Gud Ullr Magni Ysayle Iceheart Got Gud Ysayle Iceheart Ara Ara Officer Ara Ara Blueberry Pie Officer Blueberry Pie Celeste Stargazer Officer Celeste Stargazer Deaths Mistress Officer Deaths Mistress Flytermo Squirrel Officer Flytermo Squirrel Jonika Yawny Officer Jonika Yawny Kat Karumi Officer Kat Karumi Momiji Mori Officer Momiji Mori Neko Chini Officer Neko Chini Orchestria Deliquesce Officer Orchestria Deliquesce Orchestria Returns Officer Orchestria Returns Wind-up Flytermo Officer Wind-up Flytermo Atarex Bloodchoke Heros Atarex Bloodchoke Belle Beaudonet Heros Belle Beaudonet Fran Vorpalbunny Heros Fran Vorpalbunny Katia Nimevere Heros Katia Nimevere Kharn Hravek Heros Kharn Hravek Lucia Laevatein Heros Lucia Laevatein Luke Zadia Heros Luke Zadia Ma'mala Mala Heros Ma'mala Mala Novaros Starfang Heros Novaros Starfang Potato O'graitnurnrvs Heros Potato O'graitnurnrvs Royal Greywolfe Heros Royal Greywolfe Sayru Saphron Heros Sayru Saphron Sobek Ra Heros Sobek Ra Soul Kai Heros Soul Kai Zoots Toots Heros Zoots Toots Bobby Rng AFK Bobby Rng Carbuncle Aura AFK Carbuncle Aura Dan Nightshade AFK Dan Nightshade Flyx Mae AFK Flyx Mae Iskarlan Undar AFK Iskarlan Undar Jaxon Vox AFK Jaxon Vox Kasumi Fremelon AFK Kasumi Fremelon Kirin'rin Squirrel AFK Kirin'rin Squirrel Methuselah The'great AFK Methuselah The'great Nyako Aaliyah AFK Nyako Aaliyah Raikiri Farron AFK Raikiri Farron Ratley Kupo AFK Ratley Kupo Riatsu Hunter AFK Riatsu Hunter Roxas Ven AFK Roxas Ven Sherlock Holmes AFK Sherlock Holmes Teuta Gozen AFK Teuta Gozen Thessal Arras AFK Thessal Arras Tsumi Neko AFK Tsumi Neko Tucker Salveran AFK Tucker Salveran Viktor Vance AFK Viktor Vance Boose Sol Adventurers Boose Sol Daddy Ramza Adventurers Daddy Ramza Draveness Star Adventurers Draveness Star Gallantria Balfour Adventurers Gallantria Balfour Hitagi Tempest Adventurers Hitagi Tempest Rem Seikatsu Adventurers Rem Seikatsu Renj Frost Adventurers Renj Frost Vamir Burkhart Adventurers Vamir Burkhart Xeph Dragneel Adventurers Xeph Dragneel Advent Anunna Primals Advent Anunna Alina Akagi Primals Alina Akagi Arzest Aurion Primals Arzest Aurion Barbatos Wolf Primals Barbatos Wolf Brynn Sunseer Primals Brynn Sunseer C'ranmaia Fremelon Primals C'ranmaia Fremelon Chanty Laroux Primals Chanty Laroux Cid Skybreaker Primals Cid Skybreaker Cornell Westknight Primals Cornell Westknight Crats Verde Primals Crats Verde Crimson Mnemosyne Primals Crimson Mnemosyne Cylf Sanjuri Primals Cylf Sanjuri Drizz Drow Primals Drizz Drow Freakus Bloodletter Primals Freakus Bloodletter Fubuki Frostblade Primals Fubuki Frostblade Goljin Moljin Primals Goljin Moljin Hira Sekai Primals Hira Sekai Hisada Aurum Primals Hisada Aurum Holy Friolys Primals Holy Friolys Holy Protato Primals Holy Protato Incendi Infernus Primals Incendi Infernus Iris Eris Primals Iris Eris Jaladir Muraudel Primals Jaladir Muraudel Jen Aside Primals Jen Aside June Kazam Primals June Kazam Kat Fluffytail Primals Kat Fluffytail Kayla Anitelu Primals Kayla Anitelu Kiplom Delaluna Primals Kiplom Delaluna Krylancelo Emiya Primals Krylancelo Emiya Lethal Senpai Primals Lethal Senpai Lolica Squirrel Primals Lolica Squirrel Magish Lihzeh Primals Magish Lihzeh Mance Stoutline Primals Mance Stoutline Nahdia Burkhart Primals Nahdia Burkhart Naya Binghy Primals Naya Binghy Sassy Cabernet Primals Sassy Cabernet Sassy Mcsaltypants Primals Sassy Mcsaltypants Selene Arethusa Primals Selene Arethusa Selrois Windstep Primals Selrois Windstep Silvian Fahrer Primals Silvian Fahrer Snuggles Wuggles Primals Snuggles Wuggles Soren Elisora Primals Soren Elisora Stelyse Kuro Primals Stelyse Kuro Von Stelle Primals Von Stelle Wander White Primals Wander White Wiggle Wagon Primals Wiggle Wagon Ysabel Sanguine Primals Ysabel Sanguine Zeetar Ztorm Primals Zeetar Ztorm