
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "yippee" was formed on and registered on with ID 9234208823458282566. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

one man's trash is another fc member

Operates on Ultros, Primal, leaving tags "trash" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a medium base named "Trash Clan" on plot 60 in ward 4 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

there is nothing of interest here

Is recruiting, but does not specify whom.

Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
98 22 167
30 16 166
19 16 167
14 17 165
28 17 161
9 20 158
24 27 150
42 26 136
24 16 137
15 16 137
26 16 138
15 12 127
16 20 127
31 13 108
23 13 107

Current members:

Luu Ciel daddy big dick Luu Ciel Titia Tia nintendogs+cats Titia Tia Ai Dai benis music Ai Dai Syx Averis benis music Syx Averis Wolf Steak benis music Wolf Steak Alekos Oizys devious plots Alekos Oizys Clayton Moore devious plots Clayton Moore Dolce Pico devious plots Dolce Pico Mathleen Ossbo devious plots Mathleen Ossbo Shine Lick devious plots Shine Lick Alayahna Melisande tiddy hobgoblin Alayahna Melisande Alexi Milliston tiddy hobgoblin Alexi Milliston Avati Zane tiddy hobgoblin Avati Zane Avina Zane tiddy hobgoblin Avina Zane Bigg Thecatt tiddy hobgoblin Bigg Thecatt Buttwise Operator tiddy hobgoblin Buttwise Operator Cydae Renhold tiddy hobgoblin Cydae Renhold Good Dog tiddy hobgoblin Good Dog K'mentain Jipperloux tiddy hobgoblin K'mentain Jipperloux Leinhart Arkwind tiddy hobgoblin Leinhart Arkwind Lug Butt tiddy hobgoblin Lug Butt Turbo Shibe tiddy hobgoblin Turbo Shibe A'lyhia Zhed recycling A'lyhia Zhed Ace Pro'jehkt recycling Ace Pro'jehkt Aegis Aionios recycling Aegis Aionios Aelyn Riverwood recycling Aelyn Riverwood Aeron Eldric recycling Aeron Eldric Aeyrgran Yi'pii recycling Aeyrgran Yi'pii Aima Kat recycling Aima Kat Anarban Ura recycling Anarban Ura Anita Hyskaris recycling Anita Hyskaris Antharina Minster recycling Antharina Minster Anthoni Anarchi recycling Anthoni Anarchi Ari Himeno recycling Ari Himeno Ashcynelle Aionios recycling Ashcynelle Aionios Astrid Wolfe recycling Astrid Wolfe Aule Arxaa recycling Aule Arxaa Baldwin Baxter recycling Baldwin Baxter Bandrick Aidelson recycling Bandrick Aidelson Barnaby Ashtear recycling Barnaby Ashtear Bazark Rarekis recycling Bazark Rarekis Bellarys Wynrie recycling Bellarys Wynrie Bennith Shapiro recycling Bennith Shapiro Big Buggums recycling Big Buggums Brongar Miredlurker recycling Brongar Miredlurker Butter Cat recycling Butter Cat Candle Donkeypunk recycling Candle Donkeypunk Carton'of Milk recycling Carton'of Milk Casty Wasty recycling Casty Wasty Cena Starfyre recycling Cena Starfyre Chichen L'aughel recycling Chichen L'aughel Chif Zakrige recycling Chif Zakrige Chris Jetstreamlover recycling Chris Jetstreamlover Chrispy Chrem recycling Chrispy Chrem Cillia Katel recycling Cillia Katel Cinnamon Nights recycling Cinnamon Nights Colgate Minuette recycling Colgate Minuette Cordia Nyx recycling Cordia Nyx Cordia Tehp recycling Cordia Tehp Creamed Cthulhu recycling Creamed Cthulhu Cyan Sky recycling Cyan Sky Darth Xenovia recycling Darth Xenovia Decius Gallienus recycling Decius Gallienus Derion Minster recycling Derion Minster Desuita Tokki recycling Desuita Tokki Devilish Boredom recycling Devilish Boredom Duskleif Konoha recycling Duskleif Konoha Eaulnaux Fabubon recycling Eaulnaux Fabubon Eis Linn recycling Eis Linn Elaine Kunit recycling Elaine Kunit Elderly Gentleman recycling Elderly Gentleman Endovelicus Flare recycling Endovelicus Flare Eridesence Oppenret recycling Eridesence Oppenret Etherus Ulfsaar recycling Etherus Ulfsaar F'sheen Feuri recycling F'sheen Feuri Fable Aura recycling Fable Aura Faera Othronus recycling Faera Othronus Fallen Hyde recycling Fallen Hyde Fanette Wardenshield recycling Fanette Wardenshield Fractline Dechaos recycling Fractline Dechaos Fran Sunray recycling Fran Sunray Gata Nekomata recycling Gata Nekomata Hollyhock Dendale recycling Hollyhock Dendale How Bizzare recycling How Bizzare Iridescent Kitty recycling Iridescent Kitty Iwyll Bite recycling Iwyll Bite Jaydra Solgren recycling Jaydra Solgren Jekod Fadain recycling Jekod Fadain Jelly Beetle recycling Jelly Beetle Jimmy Space recycling Jimmy Space Joxamont Epicgeant recycling Joxamont Epicgeant Kahath Saken recycling Kahath Saken Kai Yozora recycling Kai Yozora Karina Hoshino recycling Karina Hoshino Kaz Winter's-song recycling Kaz Winter's-song Kimi Audene recycling Kimi Audene Kohee Noir recycling Kohee Noir Kysh Wrae recycling Kysh Wrae Lif Aier recycling Lif Aier Lif Fi recycling Lif Fi Mai Solara recycling Mai Solara Malrakas Rhapsody recycling Malrakas Rhapsody Maru Mar recycling Maru Mar Me At recycling Me At Melora Brampt recycling Melora Brampt Merek Cringe recycling Merek Cringe Minui Solei recycling Minui Solei Monochrome Venorin recycling Monochrome Venorin Ms'glares A-lot recycling Ms'glares A-lot Murmillo Retiarius recycling Murmillo Retiarius Neirbai Fahrwei recycling Neirbai Fahrwei Niko Deciel recycling Niko Deciel Nino Kanshi recycling Nino Kanshi Offensive Name recycling Offensive Name Olive Gardens recycling Olive Gardens Onorai Pyre recycling Onorai Pyre Patchouli Wyvra recycling Patchouli Wyvra Pawk Its recycling Pawk Its Peeb Salt recycling Peeb Salt Petra Chor recycling Petra Chor Poppy Willow recycling Poppy Willow Potato Pc recycling Potato Pc Quinn Tessence recycling Quinn Tessence Ra'ce Tam recycling Ra'ce Tam Rada Eikarstofn recycling Rada Eikarstofn Ran Ran recycling Ran Ran Razzle Kuken recycling Razzle Kuken Reiken Xenlon recycling Reiken Xenlon Rickydoodah Grimes recycling Rickydoodah Grimes Rubuteto Bubuteto recycling Rubuteto Bubuteto Sanguinius Cordolium recycling Sanguinius Cordolium Seagle Net recycling Seagle Net Shadaro Dawn recycling Shadaro Dawn Shima Gurutchi recycling Shima Gurutchi Shooty Mcgamerjensen recycling Shooty Mcgamerjensen Sicari Akhabila recycling Sicari Akhabila Skubby Ostara recycling Skubby Ostara Slade The-shade recycling Slade The-shade Sleepy Sen recycling Sleepy Sen Snuffy Simp recycling Snuffy Simp Snuffyowo Simp recycling Snuffyowo Simp Sooty Underfoot recycling Sooty Underfoot Spookier Surprise recycling Spookier Surprise Sticks Baslesatch recycling Sticks Baslesatch Styrling Silva recycling Styrling Silva Surge Lancer recycling Surge Lancer T'amenkoh Abadeer recycling T'amenkoh Abadeer Taehelm Nevrend recycling Taehelm Nevrend Tako Belle recycling Tako Belle Tanya L'heureduloup recycling Tanya L'heureduloup Tay Juniq recycling Tay Juniq Thoroard Odinkar recycling Thoroard Odinkar Tredoin Sodine recycling Tredoin Sodine Unwavering Nathan recycling Unwavering Nathan Valya Audene recycling Valya Audene Vampiress Daeva recycling Vampiress Daeva Visadin Sinnoh recycling Visadin Sinnoh Vissia Sinnoh recycling Vissia Sinnoh Vlordhimir Drake recycling Vlordhimir Drake Vynith Utali recycling Vynith Utali Watson Amelia recycling Watson Amelia Winter Wolf recycling Winter Wolf Wulfgar Heafstagg recycling Wulfgar Heafstagg Yomi Yumishi recycling Yomi Yumishi Zilryn Coppersprocket recycling Zilryn Coppersprocket Zudrag Forcekin recycling Zudrag Forcekin Zuzu Grimes recycling Zuzu Grimes