
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "Unfaithful" was formed on and registered on with ID 9234349560946638949. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

FC para todos que procuram um lugar amigável, seja iniciante ou veterano, todos são bem-vindos! discord.gg/uft

Operates on Behemoth, Primal, leaving tags "UFT" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder. Has a medium base named "Unfaithful" on plot 6 in ward 10 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

As pessoas mais legais que você vai conhecer! 3

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
4 5 377
8 16 375
26 6 373
8 6 375
14 6 374
5 8 384
8 8 381
7 2 379
6 2 372
3 3 381
4 3 383
3 3 384
3 2 398
5 2 397
8 2 394
4 2 405
3 1 377
1 1 374
2 1 362
1 1 336

Current members:

Mia Flux UFT Hostess Mia Flux Ashton Flux UFT Enricher Ashton Flux Demi Flux UFT Enricher Demi Flux Kimmy Flux UFT Enricher Kimmy Flux Lemon Flux UFT Enricher Lemon Flux Bea Portgas UFT Buff Keeper Bea Portgas Cid Margrave UFT Buff Keeper Cid Margrave Fumii Rokuyari UFT Hand Fumii Rokuyari Kaleas Fleur UFT Hand Kaleas Fleur Klaus Locherd UFT Hand Klaus Locherd Mezeth Galathor UFT Hand Mezeth Galathor Tomate Yumite UFT Hand Tomate Yumite Wilhelmina Nicriagain UFT Hand Wilhelmina Nicriagain Wolfgang Schwarz UFT Hand Wolfgang Schwarz Ailee Fomalhaut UFT Keeper Ailee Fomalhaut Alicia Altinova UFT Keeper Alicia Altinova C'aitriss Zethra UFT Keeper C'aitriss Zethra Daichi Kito UFT Keeper Daichi Kito Hanabi Fomalhaut UFT Keeper Hanabi Fomalhaut Hans Souza UFT Keeper Hans Souza Katla Altinova UFT Keeper Katla Altinova Letros Einar UFT Keeper Letros Einar Lo' Fi UFT Keeper Lo' Fi Sete Vidas UFT Keeper Sete Vidas Sienna Morgenstern UFT Keeper Sienna Morgenstern Sophie Allence UFT Keeper Sophie Allence Usagi Kinomoto UFT Keeper Usagi Kinomoto Xel Aegis UFT Keeper Xel Aegis Yohei D'urkar UFT Keeper Yohei D'urkar Yuki Rinne UFT Keeper Yuki Rinne Abel Blackwolf UFT Zone I Abel Blackwolf Adam Ravnoz UFT Zone I Adam Ravnoz Adapt Scorpion UFT Zone I Adapt Scorpion Aerwyn Caelum UFT Zone I Aerwyn Caelum Ahriana Kitsune UFT Zone I Ahriana Kitsune Akagi Kusushi UFT Zone I Akagi Kusushi Akane Dedoldia UFT Zone I Akane Dedoldia Akira Niykrad UFT Zone I Akira Niykrad Akyranos Lynostra UFT Zone I Akyranos Lynostra Aleister Crowler UFT Zone I Aleister Crowler Alfonse Galahad UFT Zone I Alfonse Galahad Alicia Luvelias UFT Zone I Alicia Luvelias Aligossaca Legolas UFT Zone I Aligossaca Legolas Almeida Rafa UFT Zone I Almeida Rafa Amelia Prevedi UFT Zone I Amelia Prevedi Amon Sensei UFT Zone I Amon Sensei Amy Laverre UFT Zone I Amy Laverre Andr Filip UFT Zone I Andr Filip Any Corwell UFT Zone I Any Corwell Arashi Hakatsu UFT Zone I Arashi Hakatsu Arik Borlaaq UFT Zone I Arik Borlaaq Ashelia Demetria UFT Zone I Ashelia Demetria Astrid Mencional UFT Zone I Astrid Mencional Aureliano Martino UFT Zone I Aureliano Martino Auron Caelum UFT Zone I Auron Caelum Aurora Swiftwind UFT Zone I Aurora Swiftwind Avos Omega UFT Zone I Avos Omega Ayoyo Ayo UFT Zone I Ayoyo Ayo Azami Flammenwerfer UFT Zone I Azami Flammenwerfer Bahamut Lapis UFT Zone I Bahamut Lapis Balmung Fezalion UFT Zone I Balmung Fezalion Bansheea Krunex UFT Zone I Bansheea Krunex Baraggan Louisenbairn UFT Zone I Baraggan Louisenbairn Barbie Anestesista UFT Zone I Barbie Anestesista Bardiche Machine UFT Zone I Bardiche Machine Batedeira Electrolux UFT Zone I Batedeira Electrolux Bayo Rengar UFT Zone I Bayo Rengar Beaumont Florence UFT Zone I Beaumont Florence Bellfhegor Greywolf UFT Zone I Bellfhegor Greywolf Bertolazzi Moonlight UFT Zone I Bertolazzi Moonlight Big Papolin UFT Zone I Big Papolin Bilau Dosnovim UFT Zone I Bilau Dosnovim Biwna Alvs UFT Zone I Biwna Alvs Blink Shawn UFT Zone I Blink Shawn Bobuda Buda UFT Zone I Bobuda Buda Bou Windzon UFT Zone I Bou Windzon Bras Tigerlord UFT Zone I Bras Tigerlord Braska Arc UFT Zone I Braska Arc Brawn K'yo UFT Zone I Brawn K'yo Call On'me UFT Zone I Call On'me Capes Ecksdee UFT Zone I Capes Ecksdee Capirava Beldan UFT Zone I Capirava Beldan Carioca Gamer UFT Zone I Carioca Gamer Celes Branford UFT Zone I Celes Branford Cerberus Mujuuk UFT Zone I Cerberus Mujuuk Cereza Arendbar UFT Zone I Cereza Arendbar Cha Math UFT Zone I Cha Math Chrono Olivier UFT Zone I Chrono Olivier Chronos Emperor UFT Zone I Chronos Emperor Cinquenta Pila UFT Zone I Cinquenta Pila Claon Jr UFT Zone I Claon Jr Cobra Fumante UFT Zone I Cobra Fumante Cornelius Eucasse UFT Zone I Cornelius Eucasse Dan Theman' UFT Zone I Dan Theman' Delfos Valifort UFT Zone I Delfos Valifort Delphoi Seven UFT Zone I Delphoi Seven Demos Oneiroi UFT Zone I Demos Oneiroi Dernier Jour UFT Zone I Dernier Jour Des Vett UFT Zone I Des Vett Devas Cazu UFT Zone I Devas Cazu Dibella Beoulve UFT Zone I Dibella Beoulve Dii Azul UFT Zone I Dii Azul Dink Wink UFT Zone I Dink Wink Djegov Overkill UFT Zone I Djegov Overkill Drakzoh'nin Mareshin UFT Zone I Drakzoh'nin Mareshin Edda Crosswell UFT Zone I Edda Crosswell Elluel Mormont UFT Zone I Elluel Mormont Elton Foz UFT Zone I Elton Foz Eryn Zurc UFT Zone I Eryn Zurc Eureka Hater UFT Zone I Eureka Hater Fatherof Allbombs UFT Zone I Fatherof Allbombs Felipe Simpson UFT Zone I Felipe Simpson Felipe Simpsonn UFT Zone I Felipe Simpsonn Felps Buccan UFT Zone I Felps Buccan Fenrry Noah UFT Zone I Fenrry Noah Fenvy Matters UFT Zone I Fenvy Matters Ferros Greyback UFT Zone I Ferros Greyback Filipe Almeida UFT Zone I Filipe Almeida Flashmanld Br UFT Zone I Flashmanld Br Fleur Akimbo UFT Zone I Fleur Akimbo Frajola Gamer UFT Zone I Frajola Gamer Frank D'arkanikus UFT Zone I Frank D'arkanikus Freak Dead UFT Zone I Freak Dead Fuhme Mahkohna UFT Zone I Fuhme Mahkohna Fuyumi Takoyaki UFT Zone I Fuyumi Takoyaki Galadris Telvanni UFT Zone I Galadris Telvanni Galana Jows UFT Zone I Galana Jows Garp Vanastrea UFT Zone I Garp Vanastrea Geg Ge UFT Zone I Geg Ge George Volmer UFT Zone I George Volmer Geralt Riviia UFT Zone I Geralt Riviia Giow Sunrise UFT Zone I Giow Sunrise Granat Needakitta UFT Zone I Granat Needakitta Gray Tayuun UFT Zone I Gray Tayuun Guaraci Lazaro UFT Zone I Guaraci Lazaro Gudanius Garanius UFT Zone I Gudanius Garanius Gugun Rose UFT Zone I Gugun Rose Gui Tsukishima UFT Zone I Gui Tsukishima Guldanbr Stormreaver UFT Zone I Guldanbr Stormreaver Gur Gel UFT Zone I Gur Gel Gym Bro UFT Zone I Gym Bro Hadummi Seiker UFT Zone I Hadummi Seiker Hahazen Elequem UFT Zone I Hahazen Elequem Haldir Ghidorah UFT Zone I Haldir Ghidorah Halshen Soul UFT Zone I Halshen Soul Harz Steelsong UFT Zone I Harz Steelsong Haylight Noykin UFT Zone I Haylight Noykin Helgi Kurogane UFT Zone I Helgi Kurogane Hellcain Wimn'arg UFT Zone I Hellcain Wimn'arg Higashi Murakami UFT Zone I Higashi Murakami Hikari Storm UFT Zone I Hikari Storm Hirus Rayleigh UFT Zone I Hirus Rayleigh Hope Lifestream UFT Zone I Hope Lifestream Hory Ux UFT Zone I Hory Ux Hospicio Maldito UFT Zone I Hospicio Maldito Ichiko Aoba UFT Zone I Ichiko Aoba Idris Stone UFT Zone I Idris Stone Ignis Frech UFT Zone I Ignis Frech Ignisnoble Yunalesca UFT Zone I Ignisnoble Yunalesca Ikki Tanner UFT Zone I Ikki Tanner Isaias Coelho UFT Zone I Isaias Coelho Izzy Loccas UFT Zone I Izzy Loccas Jaeh Targaryen UFT Zone I Jaeh Targaryen Jhalin Rabhei UFT Zone I Jhalin Rabhei Joanna Lightbringer UFT Zone I Joanna Lightbringer Junim Ninim UFT Zone I Junim Ninim Kafei Fallinmoon UFT Zone I Kafei Fallinmoon Kairos Lindo UFT Zone I Kairos Lindo Kamikaze Koplin UFT Zone I Kamikaze Koplin Karstan Mahogany UFT Zone I Karstan Mahogany Kazyel Windripper UFT Zone I Kazyel Windripper Kezon Anzon UFT Zone I Kezon Anzon Khairos Lulu UFT Zone I Khairos Lulu Kigeki Kurokami UFT Zone I Kigeki Kurokami Kiki Obrabo UFT Zone I Kiki Obrabo Kim Gyuvin UFT Zone I Kim Gyuvin King Fliipbr UFT Zone I King Fliipbr King Lost UFT Zone I King Lost Kinslay Osbourne UFT Zone I Kinslay Osbourne Kiraniel Chocomint UFT Zone I Kiraniel Chocomint Kiri Lazuli UFT Zone I Kiri Lazuli Kit Katz UFT Zone I Kit Katz Klein Rosfield UFT Zone I Klein Rosfield Kobayashi Namelles UFT Zone I Kobayashi Namelles Kodel Barclay UFT Zone I Kodel Barclay Koh'li Kenshin UFT Zone I Koh'li Kenshin Kotar Caldren UFT Zone I Kotar Caldren Kuro Flammenwerfer UFT Zone I Kuro Flammenwerfer Kuromy Izuna UFT Zone I Kuromy Izuna Kyet Stormborn UFT Zone I Kyet Stormborn Kyson Milos UFT Zone I Kyson Milos Kzeir Alone UFT Zone I Kzeir Alone Laeroth Gilwynn UFT Zone I Laeroth Gilwynn Lamace Drakkon UFT Zone I Lamace Drakkon Last Darknesbr UFT Zone I Last Darknesbr Lawnus Eruen UFT Zone I Lawnus Eruen Le Khaoz UFT Zone I Le Khaoz Leefe Van'mor UFT Zone I Leefe Van'mor Lehenda Ymir UFT Zone I Lehenda Ymir Leinad Cosmo UFT Zone I Leinad Cosmo Leo Carioca UFT Zone I Leo Carioca Lia Uramus UFT Zone I Lia Uramus Lit Kaujin UFT Zone I Lit Kaujin Lonystar Graysapphire UFT Zone I Lonystar Graysapphire Lord Suit UFT Zone I Lord Suit Luck Prince UFT Zone I Luck Prince Luffy Brr UFT Zone I Luffy Brr Lulu Cat UFT Zone I Lulu Cat Lulu Sorc UFT Zone I Lulu Sorc Luphnos Bratcher UFT Zone I Luphnos Bratcher Lupin Darkbane UFT Zone I Lupin Darkbane M' Qasar UFT Zone I M' Qasar Mafuyu Satou UFT Zone I Mafuyu Satou Mago Ado UFT Zone I Mago Ado Maishiro Justino UFT Zone I Maishiro Justino Makoto Ren UFT Zone I Makoto Ren Mandril Malvadeza UFT Zone I Mandril Malvadeza Mani Gold UFT Zone I Mani Gold Masa El UFT Zone I Masa El Matsuyuo Ragazzi UFT Zone I Matsuyuo Ragazzi Maya Ogami UFT Zone I Maya Ogami Mazak Asher UFT Zone I Mazak Asher Meliadoul Tengile UFT Zone I Meliadoul Tengile Merry Cotton UFT Zone I Merry Cotton Mestre Splinter UFT Zone I Mestre Splinter Mi'ko Lafolia UFT Zone I Mi'ko Lafolia Mika Guanyin UFT Zone I Mika Guanyin Mikan Sanohart UFT Zone I Mikan Sanohart Miller D'aragom UFT Zone I Miller D'aragom Mister Magios UFT Zone I Mister Magios Mithra Erudhir UFT Zone I Mithra Erudhir Montblanc Moonhunter UFT Zone I Montblanc Moonhunter Moonke Feice UFT Zone I Moonke Feice Moono Omepha UFT Zone I Moono Omepha Morde Assopra UFT Zone I Morde Assopra Moredays Makoto UFT Zone I Moredays Makoto Muraro Ayaya UFT Zone I Muraro Ayaya Myriad Phantom UFT Zone I Myriad Phantom Nagi Jin-woo UFT Zone I Nagi Jin-woo Nahr Uhrm UFT Zone I Nahr Uhrm Narukami Erdrick UFT Zone I Narukami Erdrick Nellys Dazed UFT Zone I Nellys Dazed Nero Liorasch UFT Zone I Nero Liorasch Nevarth Varlander UFT Zone I Nevarth Varlander Nico Melinoe UFT Zone I Nico Melinoe Nikobu Walker UFT Zone I Nikobu Walker Nipharu Nightshade UFT Zone I Nipharu Nightshade Nipharu Shirogane UFT Zone I Nipharu Shirogane Noctis Weaver UFT Zone I Noctis Weaver Noom Thgil UFT Zone I Noom Thgil Nunaria Moonridge UFT Zone I Nunaria Moonridge Nyathera Grimnir UFT Zone I Nyathera Grimnir Nyghtina Mirrah UFT Zone I Nyghtina Mirrah Nyh Zumi UFT Zone I Nyh Zumi Obryamn Caido UFT Zone I Obryamn Caido Offlin Dorsey UFT Zone I Offlin Dorsey Ophelia Salazar UFT Zone I Ophelia Salazar Paulo Gabriel UFT Zone I Paulo Gabriel Pedro Bragattont UFT Zone I Pedro Bragattont Pedroncio Ferdillaix UFT Zone I Pedroncio Ferdillaix Petra Highwind UFT Zone I Petra Highwind Poney Bloodborn UFT Zone I Poney Bloodborn Push Ur'zik UFT Zone I Push Ur'zik Quer Cafe UFT Zone I Quer Cafe Qw Ert UFT Zone I Qw Ert Rafa Cazu UFT Zone I Rafa Cazu Rapadura B' UFT Zone I Rapadura B' Raphtalia Mikaela UFT Zone I Raphtalia Mikaela Raveruni Ushikai UFT Zone I Raveruni Ushikai Ray Hc UFT Zone I Ray Hc Rei Branco UFT Zone I Rei Branco Ren Amamlya UFT Zone I Ren Amamlya Renmazu Ghesti UFT Zone I Renmazu Ghesti Rezi O'soul UFT Zone I Rezi O'soul Rhazok Rev UFT Zone I Rhazok Rev Rhurt Esclare UFT Zone I Rhurt Esclare Rice Bishop UFT Zone I Rice Bishop Rich Habitz UFT Zone I Rich Habitz Rivaille Ackerman UFT Zone I Rivaille Ackerman Roger Grongos UFT Zone I Roger Grongos Rokudou Sennin UFT Zone I Rokudou Sennin Roronoa Kazuha UFT Zone I Roronoa Kazuha Roronoa Kuzo UFT Zone I Roronoa Kuzo Ross Evans UFT Zone I Ross Evans Rowen Hayes UFT Zone I Rowen Hayes Rox Stylle UFT Zone I Rox Stylle Sakura Zeldris UFT Zone I Sakura Zeldris Sam' Bah UFT Zone I Sam' Bah Samurai Shampoo UFT Zone I Samurai Shampoo Sapphire Omepha UFT Zone I Sapphire Omepha Satoru Kaedehara UFT Zone I Satoru Kaedehara Sayuri Manju UFT Zone I Sayuri Manju Schnitzel Nidhoggr UFT Zone I Schnitzel Nidhoggr Selaris Drith UFT Zone I Selaris Drith Set Raidem UFT Zone I Set Raidem Severina Severa UFT Zone I Severina Severa Sgambler Voiceofgods UFT Zone I Sgambler Voiceofgods Shadow Heartless UFT Zone I Shadow Heartless Shadow Lotus UFT Zone I Shadow Lotus Shaluna Shamac UFT Zone I Shaluna Shamac Shaya Yamin UFT Zone I Shaya Yamin Shin Kleitus UFT Zone I Shin Kleitus Shipzz Sh UFT Zone I Shipzz Sh Siegg Vash UFT Zone I Siegg Vash Sigma Ley UFT Zone I Sigma Ley Silver Mizar UFT Zone I Silver Mizar Soft Gothic UFT Zone I Soft Gothic Solis Zanarkand UFT Zone I Solis Zanarkand Sora Miyahira UFT Zone I Sora Miyahira Sorkhaghtani Sol UFT Zone I Sorkhaghtani Sol Sortudinha Smith UFT Zone I Sortudinha Smith Sr Silveira UFT Zone I Sr Silveira Striker Axe UFT Zone I Striker Axe Subway Uriangerr UFT Zone I Subway Uriangerr Sumime Kishin UFT Zone I Sumime Kishin Summertime Sadness UFT Zone I Summertime Sadness Swit Zii UFT Zone I Swit Zii Sylwarin Kairel UFT Zone I Sylwarin Kairel Synyster Gate UFT Zone I Synyster Gate Syssin Mochizuki UFT Zone I Syssin Mochizuki Takami Gabs UFT Zone I Takami Gabs Tangerina Esmeralda UFT Zone I Tangerina Esmeralda Tark Slayer UFT Zone I Tark Slayer Teemago Ayaya UFT Zone I Teemago Ayaya Tekami Hira UFT Zone I Tekami Hira Thanrih Hir'paht UFT Zone I Thanrih Hir'paht Thel Zinho UFT Zone I Thel Zinho Theron Lockheart UFT Zone I Theron Lockheart Thommy Iommi UFT Zone I Thommy Iommi Thoney Gauer UFT Zone I Thoney Gauer Thorino Armont UFT Zone I Thorino Armont Tifah Jones UFT Zone I Tifah Jones Toca Raul UFT Zone I Toca Raul Tomoe Satou UFT Zone I Tomoe Satou Toochee Eechtee UFT Zone I Toochee Eechtee Tophie Ainsworth UFT Zone I Tophie Ainsworth Tora Pleura UFT Zone I Tora Pleura Trizly Delrey UFT Zone I Trizly Delrey Uev Catnip UFT Zone I Uev Catnip Umbreon High UFT Zone I Umbreon High Unohana Nozarashi UFT Zone I Unohana Nozarashi Vaanns Volcov UFT Zone I Vaanns Volcov Vaati Minish UFT Zone I Vaati Minish Van Glock UFT Zone I Van Glock Vantelme Surlaint UFT Zone I Vantelme Surlaint Vectis Death UFT Zone I Vectis Death Venora Sunstar UFT Zone I Venora Sunstar Vergil Night UFT Zone I Vergil Night Veridianna Findabair UFT Zone I Veridianna Findabair Verme Insolente UFT Zone I Verme Insolente Vic Tris UFT Zone I Vic Tris Vitor Marinho UFT Zone I Vitor Marinho Vladimir Yorvasch UFT Zone I Vladimir Yorvasch Vlaskis Umbral UFT Zone I Vlaskis Umbral W'yandih Rhel UFT Zone I W'yandih Rhel Was Shatax UFT Zone I Was Shatax Wolkan Spriggan UFT Zone I Wolkan Spriggan Xenut Nags UFT Zone I Xenut Nags Yasanaki Bloodedge UFT Zone I Yasanaki Bloodedge Yeji Sora UFT Zone I Yeji Sora Ymir Skyfall UFT Zone I Ymir Skyfall Yu Kaichou UFT Zone I Yu Kaichou Yukihiro Winters UFT Zone I Yukihiro Winters Yukimura Slain UFT Zone I Yukimura Slain Yume Hanabi UFT Zone I Yume Hanabi Yumekuii Marry UFT Zone I Yumekuii Marry Yumi Kamui UFT Zone I Yumi Kamui Yun Moonfreya UFT Zone I Yun Moonfreya Yunna Pavlichenko UFT Zone I Yunna Pavlichenko Yuriiiziiin Fernandes UFT Zone I Yuriiiziiin Fernandes Zabal Lafric UFT Zone I Zabal Lafric Zenkan Pagodinho UFT Zone I Zenkan Pagodinho Zeratul Protoss UFT Zone I Zeratul Protoss