
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Forgotten Heroes

Rank 30 Free Company "Forgotten Heroes" was formed on and registered on with ID 9234490298434847233. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

One of Cactuar's Original FCs

Operates on Cactuar, Aether, leaving tags "FH" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a medium base named "Forgotten Heroes FC" on plot 1 in ward 1 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to the Forgotten Heroes! Enjoy your visit!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
304 209 163
230 77 162
61 53 161
71 160 161
100 131 168
173 131 168
62 35 169
48 35 168
43 27 165
27 27 164
17 27 164
17 49 164
45 69 158
49 26 158
59 26 159
49 26 160
24 39 126
75 39 123
36 38 120
55 38 120
98 78 114
45 165 108
74 45 107

Current members:

Ahern Ragnarok Supreme Leader Ahern Ragnarok Tzuyu Chou Chief Engineer Tzuyu Chou Day Saniya FC GardenMaster Day Saniya Kabe Kebe FC GardenMaster Kabe Kebe Kabekebe O'titan FC GardenMaster Kabekebe O'titan Black Zephyr Shinobi Black Zephyr Celesyi Ai Shinobi Celesyi Ai Emporer Netian Shinobi Emporer Netian Jevibond Dragon Shinobi Jevibond Dragon Silas Kegslar Shinobi Silas Kegslar Akuma Sytry Anbu 暗部 Akuma Sytry Drago Ryujin Anbu 暗部 Drago Ryujin Ephe That Anbu 暗部 Ephe That Friedcurry Rice Anbu 暗部 Friedcurry Rice Huraski Stormbrew Anbu 暗部 Huraski Stormbrew Juni Sororitas Anbu 暗部 Juni Sororitas Keagian Lowell Anbu 暗部 Keagian Lowell Kira Yahmato Anbu 暗部 Kira Yahmato Looney Boon Anbu 暗部 Looney Boon Raika Noviriel Anbu 暗部 Raika Noviriel Ranghar Everhate Anbu 暗部 Ranghar Everhate Renegade One Anbu 暗部 Renegade One Rex Bunn Anbu 暗部 Rex Bunn Saya Uta Anbu 暗部 Saya Uta Shinou Senjou Anbu 暗部 Shinou Senjou Tanger Strife Anbu 暗部 Tanger Strife Tom Stone Anbu 暗部 Tom Stone Valsyna Fhey Anbu 暗部 Valsyna Fhey Akiba Sasaki Manor Executive Akiba Sasaki Alexander Saito Manor Executive Alexander Saito Ammit Praeda Manor Executive Ammit Praeda Anerra Stormwarrior Manor Executive Anerra Stormwarrior Ephe This Manor Executive Ephe This Fauztin Vizjerei Manor Executive Fauztin Vizjerei Fenrir Aetius Manor Executive Fenrir Aetius Hanya Clawruno Manor Executive Hanya Clawruno Hayze A'ercus Manor Executive Hayze A'ercus Noah White Manor Executive Noah White Perseus Aerglo Manor Executive Perseus Aerglo Piety Materia Manor Executive Piety Materia Protien Nourmandais Manor Executive Protien Nourmandais Ragna Lothbrok Manor Executive Ragna Lothbrok Rosefull Salvai Manor Executive Rosefull Salvai Sentient Malevolence Manor Executive Sentient Malevolence Sereno Yael Manor Executive Sereno Yael Siren Perseis Manor Executive Siren Perseis Spooky Bus Manor Executive Spooky Bus Tatjana Saito Manor Executive Tatjana Saito Volund Ragnarok Manor Executive Volund Ragnarok Biana Mar Loyal Shinobi Biana Mar Doctor Pumpkinspices Loyal Shinobi Doctor Pumpkinspices Eijio Muzaki Loyal Shinobi Eijio Muzaki Fenix Sideria Loyal Shinobi Fenix Sideria Judas Kahkol Loyal Shinobi Judas Kahkol Kamado Nezuko Loyal Shinobi Kamado Nezuko Kaw Aii Loyal Shinobi Kaw Aii Killer Hove Loyal Shinobi Killer Hove Kokono Tatano Loyal Shinobi Kokono Tatano Konjo Dimitri Loyal Shinobi Konjo Dimitri Luna Tyballa Loyal Shinobi Luna Tyballa Mio Kawahara Loyal Shinobi Mio Kawahara Rivelyn Sylvanti Loyal Shinobi Rivelyn Sylvanti Rosette Aelius Loyal Shinobi Rosette Aelius Shaquile O'heal Loyal Shinobi Shaquile O'heal Teepo Holmes Loyal Shinobi Teepo Holmes Water Legend'x Loyal Shinobi Water Legend'x Zaya Qalli Loyal Shinobi Zaya Qalli Aliyeh Callas Master Shinobi Aliyeh Callas Asuska Themaddshatter Master Shinobi Asuska Themaddshatter Bigboy Blue Master Shinobi Bigboy Blue Chii Hanami Master Shinobi Chii Hanami Chiibae Ma-eum Master Shinobi Chiibae Ma-eum Eiledon Amerasu Master Shinobi Eiledon Amerasu Fluffmeister Nightkid Master Shinobi Fluffmeister Nightkid Frodo Bagbins Master Shinobi Frodo Bagbins Jae Shinosaki Master Shinobi Jae Shinosaki Jak Essen Master Shinobi Jak Essen Kyla Rye Master Shinobi Kyla Rye Lopheli'a Nyaeh Master Shinobi Lopheli'a Nyaeh Maple Bork Master Shinobi Maple Bork Nami Bellmere Master Shinobi Nami Bellmere Ren Deux Master Shinobi Ren Deux Salad Dressing Master Shinobi Salad Dressing Sigurros Valerie Master Shinobi Sigurros Valerie Theron Seion Master Shinobi Theron Seion Ticklefairy Sunshine Master Shinobi Ticklefairy Sunshine Tyr Evenhand Master Shinobi Tyr Evenhand Victor Patton Master Shinobi Victor Patton Weiiss Schnee Master Shinobi Weiiss Schnee Zeke Zeppelin Master Shinobi Zeke Zeppelin Alastair Fugue MIA Alastair Fugue Alice Chain MIA Alice Chain Alistair Zam MIA Alistair Zam Alohma Allen MIA Alohma Allen Alota Damage MIA Alota Damage Amasandji Jhungid MIA Amasandji Jhungid Amaya Ito MIA Amaya Ito Ameline Thievenaix MIA Ameline Thievenaix Artemis Agroteraa MIA Artemis Agroteraa Ataraxias Evrardoux MIA Ataraxias Evrardoux Budussie Jennnkins MIA Budussie Jennnkins Bwomb Fwagment MIA Bwomb Fwagment Carnelia Xar MIA Carnelia Xar Celeste Garlope MIA Celeste Garlope Chamaeleon Amerasu MIA Chamaeleon Amerasu Corrin Tatanzo MIA Corrin Tatanzo Darius Black MIA Darius Black Dead One MIA Dead One Deadly Dudley MIA Deadly Dudley Deldarus Raegal MIA Deldarus Raegal Demetria Starr MIA Demetria Starr Dusseldorf Firesand MIA Dusseldorf Firesand Dynama Sky MIA Dynama Sky Elaine Megaera MIA Elaine Megaera Elizabeth Dole MIA Elizabeth Dole Embers A'ercus MIA Embers A'ercus Ennzo Fiontan MIA Ennzo Fiontan Epic Meteo MIA Epic Meteo Ghost Party MIA Ghost Party Gilthanas Kanan MIA Gilthanas Kanan Homeyp Indahouse MIA Homeyp Indahouse Jin Shinosaki MIA Jin Shinosaki Joe Black MIA Joe Black Kane Esper MIA Kane Esper Kate Sux MIA Kate Sux Kayda Kaatapoh MIA Kayda Kaatapoh Keggy Ifritsangel MIA Keggy Ifritsangel Kevin Miller MIA Kevin Miller Kraven Moorehead MIA Kraven Moorehead Krazen Verzak MIA Krazen Verzak Lameca Serenia MIA Lameca Serenia Love Love MIA Love Love Lunaby A'ercus MIA Lunaby A'ercus Lyka Baws MIA Lyka Baws Lyon Law MIA Lyon Law Maledicti Prophetem MIA Maledicti Prophetem Manlufu Firenleahter MIA Manlufu Firenleahter Nandi Zibu MIA Nandi Zibu Paladin Leeroy MIA Paladin Leeroy Pietra Isshu MIA Pietra Isshu Raven Ashe MIA Raven Ashe Sayren Wolfenhiem MIA Sayren Wolfenhiem Scrodos Frotum MIA Scrodos Frotum Shara Rose MIA Shara Rose Sla Go'sal MIA Sla Go'sal Smoke Fu MIA Smoke Fu Snot Picker MIA Snot Picker Soric Ito MIA Soric Ito Starcaller Seridia MIA Starcaller Seridia Storm Crane MIA Storm Crane Surge Stormrunner MIA Surge Stormrunner Sylbweitz Lyngmholsyn MIA Sylbweitz Lyngmholsyn Tahani Bairon MIA Tahani Bairon Tibo Lightbringer MIA Tibo Lightbringer Trian Heartnets MIA Trian Heartnets Vidanaei Xar MIA Vidanaei Xar W'mimshi Soknoba MIA W'mimshi Soknoba Wolf Crane MIA Wolf Crane Xeon Blaqk MIA Xeon Blaqk Yerp Derp MIA Yerp Derp Ylva Jaeger MIA Ylva Jaeger Zantos Uloomini MIA Zantos Uloomini Zianno Zezen MIA Zianno Zezen