
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "Shiny" was formed on and registered on with ID 9234771773411599378. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Hello!Are you alone?Do you want to join my free company?
If you would be so kind.Do it!Do it!Do it!Do it!Do it!

Operates on Goblin, Crystal, leaving tags "shiny" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom.

Has this message on its plot placard:

/welcome/welcome/welcomeKeep it busy.

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 2 other names:

  • i need an adult
  • shiny
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
336 174 129
299 11 129
10 10 130
9 14 131
13 21 130
24 21 131
25 21 130
28 15 130
27 34 133
3 22 317
9 22 284
9 23 285
12 23 285
42 23 399
47 23 399
47 24 397
37 28 424
22 26 421
56 15 422
23 15 423
32 15 424
26 18 425
15 66 266
34 66 236
74 25 217
21 13 226
15 13 227
25 29 121
22 29 118

Current members:

Awry Vox ♪ Awry Vox Blacker Raven ★ Blacker Raven E' Ee  E' Ee Forest Drakoth  Forest Drakoth Ikuno Emiru  Ikuno Emiru Applesauce George  Applesauce George Dee Oneache  Dee Oneache Keaton Wolf  Keaton Wolf Lord Erp  Lord Erp Lord Sleepy  Lord Sleepy Mike Mikhelson  Mike Mikhelson Node Acyclic  Node Acyclic Syrethea Avertoth  Syrethea Avertoth V'ante Cirrus  V'ante Cirrus Ambrose Fletcher  Ambrose Fletcher Amorhal Strongblade  Amorhal Strongblade Arabelle Rose  Arabelle Rose Ariel Dean  Ariel Dean Aureum Cirrus  Aureum Cirrus Ayla Veuser  Ayla Veuser Aysol Umbra  Aysol Umbra Bellatrix Mara  Bellatrix Mara Doctor Psychovolt  Doctor Psychovolt Eliia Renlos  Eliia Renlos Emiyaa Shirouu  Emiyaa Shirouu Gnome Acyclic  Gnome Acyclic Gwanwyn Hjld-moor  Gwanwyn Hjld-moor Inconspicuous Friend  Inconspicuous Friend Jangkun Leo  Jangkun Leo Kaladin Strife  Kaladin Strife Kile Gudguy  Kile Gudguy Lucia Hali  Lucia Hali Maya Ganajai  Maya Ganajai Mhx Bunbun  Mhx Bunbun Mirei Dracaena  Mirei Dracaena Oldman John  Oldman John Palsadia Talionis  Palsadia Talionis Pj Tabie  Pj Tabie Rad Mahou  Rad Mahou Saph Blue  Saph Blue Set Destroyer  Set Destroyer Shuro Suroh  Shuro Suroh Summoning Bell  Summoning Bell Teferi Xolani  Teferi Xolani Viktor Vaughnn  Viktor Vaughnn Yogurt Gogurt  Yogurt Gogurt Zakiran Dandak  Zakiran Dandak Ada Dhagau ♥ Ada Dhagau Alaster Azureyuki ♥ Alaster Azureyuki Alicia Garfield ♥ Alicia Garfield Amakusa Shirogane ♥ Amakusa Shirogane Amyria Elysdrift ♥ Amyria Elysdrift Benben Stone ♥ Benben Stone Cee Jay ♥ Cee Jay Daemon Wolf ♥ Daemon Wolf Dee Onaich ♥ Dee Onaich Freyjadour Fri ♥ Freyjadour Fri Gekido Deragona ♥ Gekido Deragona Gralf Fugma ♥ Gralf Fugma Inara Avertoth ♥ Inara Avertoth Jade Rilen ♥ Jade Rilen Kara Thrace ♥ Kara Thrace Kotone Arisato ♥ Kotone Arisato L'minha Mithri ♥ L'minha Mithri Lily Moo ♥ Lily Moo Mariko Sunreaver ♥ Mariko Sunreaver Moist Ke'kumu ♥ Moist Ke'kumu Niko Loofuh ♥ Niko Loofuh Princess Mithri ♥ Princess Mithri Quinn Seanchai ♥ Quinn Seanchai Raven Oshino ♥ Raven Oshino Rena Yuki ♥ Rena Yuki Ride'ze Shoopuf ♥ Ride'ze Shoopuf Sariya Inari ♥ Sariya Inari Seele Aensland ♥ Seele Aensland Tetra Loofuh ♥ Tetra Loofuh Tikha Rhowa ♥ Tikha Rhowa Vralen Belriose ♥ Vralen Belriose Yuuki Ashina ♥ Yuuki Ashina Zar Fee ♥ Zar Fee Ai Zi  Ai Zi Aizi Datzi  Aizi Datzi Alestra Horo  Alestra Horo Alexstrasza Lifebind  Alexstrasza Lifebind Aluviel Bloodfallen  Aluviel Bloodfallen Arivus Lunum  Arivus Lunum Aufex Fecant  Aufex Fecant Aurani Latinatos  Aurani Latinatos Baerkais Pow  Baerkais Pow Based On'what  Based On'what Bearry Jajabroni  Bearry Jajabroni Beautiful Prince  Beautiful Prince Beren Luthien  Beren Luthien Braldir Centauri  Braldir Centauri C'adhara Juhn  C'adhara Juhn Celestia Aurilon  Celestia Aurilon Chibirena Yuki  Chibirena Yuki Commander Alatus  Commander Alatus Edge O'glory  Edge O'glory Ekpyros Aevum  Ekpyros Aevum Fonwind Silverwill  Fonwind Silverwill Fonzworth Bentley  Fonzworth Bentley Ginger Tomu  Ginger Tomu Gunnor Wolfshead  Gunnor Wolfshead Hitokiri Battousaitv  Hitokiri Battousaitv Jade Empress  Jade Empress K'becca Azuura  K'becca Azuura Kassandra Inari  Kassandra Inari Khatun Gusi  Khatun Gusi Killia Maximus  Killia Maximus Kolf Blackbane  Kolf Blackbane M'yaako M'rahz  M'yaako M'rahz Naomi Eleniel  Naomi Eleniel Natiri Altair  Natiri Altair Phoenix Ember  Phoenix Ember Rawkstar Fee  Rawkstar Fee Rez Apollo  Rez Apollo Sanesy Gaming  Sanesy Gaming Shadowkiss Nelhah  Shadowkiss Nelhah Solir Ashwalker  Solir Ashwalker Sugar Glider  Sugar Glider Sylvia Tsukami  Sylvia Tsukami Tasty Snake  Tasty Snake Vantur Lionheart  Vantur Lionheart Vatanie Velvet  Vatanie Velvet Viola Mimieux  Viola Mimieux Wren Crystallis  Wren Crystallis Xylon Delwynn  Xylon Delwynn Yra Yumitori  Yra Yumitori