
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Stray Cat Company

Rank 30 Free Company "Stray Cat Company" was formed on and registered on with ID 9234912510899913261. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:


Operates on Mandragora, Meteor, leaving tags "-SCC-" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a medium base named "Noraneko House" on plot 1 in ward 12 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

                ー 野良猫ハウス -

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
345 185 131
184 420 133
394 297 141
264 297 141
295 423 141
297 423 141
351 423 141
346 423 141
346 486 141
150 270 141
285 307 141

Current members:

Giga Cactmage Master Giga Cactmage Ted Bloom 夢のマイホーム Ted Bloom Lina Jeanne 推しメン Lina Jeanne Hippo S'rior ハウジング管理 Hippo S'rior Noraneko House ハウジング管理 Noraneko House Void Vlondett のらね工房(Legend) Void Vlondett Giulia Chang full authorit Giulia Chang Tama Kitty full authorit Tama Kitty Arateno Standtsukai メンバー Arateno Standtsukai Cashew Blanc メンバー Cashew Blanc Cherie Ashe メンバー Cherie Ashe Jo Jo メンバー Jo Jo Kisara Break メンバー Kisara Break Laharl Disgaea メンバー Laharl Disgaea Lyuhne Linkline メンバー Lyuhne Linkline Maccess Mage-ingway メンバー Maccess Mage-ingway Marie Branche メンバー Marie Branche Meyrin Choco メンバー Meyrin Choco Nataliya Vinoh メンバー Nataliya Vinoh Sayaka Magica メンバー Sayaka Magica Toki Plough メンバー Toki Plough Vert Orange メンバー Vert Orange Akira Neet (冬眠中) Akira Neet Alice Ash (冬眠中) Alice Ash Alustriel Silverhand (冬眠中) Alustriel Silverhand Amelia Alcott (冬眠中) Amelia Alcott Amenome Grandval (冬眠中) Amenome Grandval Andrew Avery (冬眠中) Andrew Avery Anemone Grandval (冬眠中) Anemone Grandval Aoi Tan (冬眠中) Aoi Tan Apo Not (冬眠中) Apo Not Ari Gato (冬眠中) Ari Gato Arisia Coudefoudre (冬眠中) Arisia Coudefoudre Arma Theresia (冬眠中) Arma Theresia At Shiner (冬眠中) At Shiner Belle Cattleya (冬眠中) Belle Cattleya Bibiri Bibira (冬眠中) Bibiri Bibira Cerulean Blue (冬眠中) Cerulean Blue Cham Cham (冬眠中) Cham Cham Cherie Cafeaulait (冬眠中) Cherie Cafeaulait Clara Sesemann (冬眠中) Clara Sesemann Condorcet Jawantal (冬眠中) Condorcet Jawantal Crest Gleam (冬眠中) Crest Gleam Cuhrie Marlenior (冬眠中) Cuhrie Marlenior Cup Noodle (冬眠中) Cup Noodle Daigen Daigen (冬眠中) Daigen Daigen Dante Mustdie (冬眠中) Dante Mustdie Delhi Moimag (冬眠中) Delhi Moimag Deneb Fury (冬眠中) Deneb Fury Drizzt Dourden (冬眠中) Drizzt Dourden Ecruru Creme (冬眠中) Ecruru Creme Eirik Lugria (冬眠中) Eirik Lugria Elblood Justitia (冬眠中) Elblood Justitia Eqlulu Qleme (冬眠中) Eqlulu Qleme Eureka Blodoint (冬眠中) Eureka Blodoint Fatman Gluttony (冬眠中) Fatman Gluttony Flight Recorder (冬眠中) Flight Recorder Foo Fighters (冬眠中) Foo Fighters Freyja Astraea (冬眠中) Freyja Astraea Fumi Bauer (冬眠中) Fumi Bauer Himeru Shiina (冬眠中) Himeru Shiina Hongouxxtakeshi Rider (冬眠中) Hongouxxtakeshi Rider Kikka Katsuretsu (冬眠中) Kikka Katsuretsu Klico Grimandi (冬眠中) Klico Grimandi Klico Koobee (冬眠中) Klico Koobee Kong Polca (冬眠中) Kong Polca Laura Kagamino (冬眠中) Laura Kagamino Leglus Vermilion (冬眠中) Leglus Vermilion Leliz Justitia (冬眠中) Leliz Justitia Leon Festinger (冬眠中) Leon Festinger Leon Keats (冬眠中) Leon Keats Leticia Scarlet (冬眠中) Leticia Scarlet Lillgo Salgo (冬眠中) Lillgo Salgo Love Yan (冬眠中) Love Yan Luna Lawine (冬眠中) Luna Lawine Lyrical Kirara (冬眠中) Lyrical Kirara Mad Scientist (冬眠中) Mad Scientist Maho Yaya (冬眠中) Maho Yaya Mame Shigma (冬眠中) Mame Shigma Mel Blanc (冬眠中) Mel Blanc Meme Mento (冬眠中) Meme Mento Meylin Choco (冬眠中) Meylin Choco Milk Forest (冬眠中) Milk Forest Mina Shade (冬眠中) Mina Shade Mira Tete (冬眠中) Mira Tete Miya Kurenai (冬眠中) Miya Kurenai Mizutama Balm (冬眠中) Mizutama Balm Momochi Chocolat (冬眠中) Momochi Chocolat Mut Mute (冬眠中) Mut Mute Nagaimo Man (冬眠中) Nagaimo Man Nahato Damon (冬眠中) Nahato Damon Natalia Jokovic (冬眠中) Natalia Jokovic Nike Queenwlf (冬眠中) Nike Queenwlf Nisshy Speed (冬眠中) Nisshy Speed Norin Mame (冬眠中) Norin Mame Okei Tiramesu (冬眠中) Okei Tiramesu Omnibus Viking (冬眠中) Omnibus Viking Onigawara Chocochip (冬眠中) Onigawara Chocochip Phi Julius (冬眠中) Phi Julius Philia Cocoa (冬眠中) Philia Cocoa Pichone Nicot (冬眠中) Pichone Nicot Pine Apple (冬眠中) Pine Apple Pinot Noir (冬眠中) Pinot Noir Potato Lipton (冬眠中) Potato Lipton Pumpkin Bug (冬眠中) Pumpkin Bug R'ehg Tia (冬眠中) R'ehg Tia Ragdoll Bluepoint (冬眠中) Ragdoll Bluepoint Ragdoll Sealpoint (冬眠中) Ragdoll Sealpoint Rai Kusanagi (冬眠中) Rai Kusanagi Ririn Irias (冬眠中) Ririn Irias Ryushika Ryushika (冬眠中) Ryushika Ryushika Sammy Nishinuma (冬眠中) Sammy Nishinuma San Kaku (冬眠中) San Kaku Shiki Tanuki (冬眠中) Shiki Tanuki Shinachi Muse (冬眠中) Shinachi Muse Smile Lucky (冬眠中) Smile Lucky Takenoo Majenoo (冬眠中) Takenoo Majenoo Tamago Gohan (冬眠中) Tamago Gohan Tapioka Schecter (冬眠中) Tapioka Schecter Tempest Blast (冬眠中) Tempest Blast Tesya Campanile (冬眠中) Tesya Campanile Toku Jin (冬眠中) Toku Jin Totoneri Hirasacka (冬眠中) Totoneri Hirasacka Tyerushisu Tylo (冬眠中) Tyerushisu Tylo Unagipie Vsop (冬眠中) Unagipie Vsop Valaineral Davilles (冬眠中) Valaineral Davilles Valu Keats (冬眠中) Valu Keats Void Surgate (冬眠中) Void Surgate Yuta Rose (冬眠中) Yuta Rose Yuzu Lemon (冬眠中) Yuzu Lemon Zapp Renfro (冬眠中) Zapp Renfro