
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Last Whisper

Rank 30 Free Company "Last Whisper" was formed on and registered on with ID 9235053248388269098. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Last Whisper - An awesome family-like FC with awesome people!
A lovely FC which aims for fun and a social atmosphere.

Operates on Louisoix, Chaos, leaving tags "LAST" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "Shrine Of Shinryu" on plot 45 in ward 8 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Tea House Build To Claim Our Doggos From The Shinryu

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
146 113 89
109 80 89
78 50 91
21 27 93
22 27 93
77 103 85
100 52 82
112 44 79
68 44 79
68 17 79
56 17 81
16 17 79
20 17 79
20 77 79
61 33 92
18 29 86
19 65 88
26 65 86
76 65 86
98 65 87
20 12 56
20 12 57
42 12 59
25 13 57
17 13 57
17 13 55
8 13 57
8 32 57
29 32 61
42 32 64
108 36 33
62 36 33
92 59 44

Current members:

Alice Stilzkin Big Boss Alice Stilzkin Onami Theinsane LAST Worker Onami Theinsane Styrnlona Moegmhuwyn Moderater Styrnlona Moegmhuwyn Lindy Felmenia Wise Elf Lindy Felmenia Neithil Withergreen LAST Captain Neithil Withergreen Alex Turcanu Manager Alex Turcanu Karuma Nahul Manager Karuma Nahul Nehemian Pj Manager Nehemian Pj Bea Lunari Sleepy Whisper Bea Lunari Fidona Y'mir Sleepy Whisper Fidona Y'mir Lord Dookiebandit Sleepy Whisper Lord Dookiebandit Nyahu Dreamcat'cher Sleepy Whisper Nyahu Dreamcat'cher Rosemarie Eisenberg Sleepy Whisper Rosemarie Eisenberg Shad Walker Sleepy Whisper Shad Walker Uniqa Dreamcat'cher Sleepy Whisper Uniqa Dreamcat'cher Vidarr Schwarzwind Sleepy Whisper Vidarr Schwarzwind Alnora Crestfallen Old Dude Alnora Crestfallen Cardinal Chemistry Old Dude Cardinal Chemistry Dragan Frost Old Dude Dragan Frost Dragon Mouse Old Dude Dragon Mouse Exusiai Evangelina Old Dude Exusiai Evangelina Jasmine Kiyori Old Dude Jasmine Kiyori Lalah Warpwood Old Dude Lalah Warpwood Lilith Noir Old Dude Lilith Noir Meabh Fiadh Old Dude Meabh Fiadh Onenary Onerous Old Dude Onenary Onerous Rowan Sai Old Dude Rowan Sai Schiffe Versenken Old Dude Schiffe Versenken Xero Lusshe Old Dude Xero Lusshe Yuriya Dreamcat'cher Old Dude Yuriya Dreamcat'cher Aelina Vann Cheesy Whisper Aelina Vann Alexander Of-macedon Cheesy Whisper Alexander Of-macedon Ary Nekori Cheesy Whisper Ary Nekori Baelfire Azurai Cheesy Whisper Baelfire Azurai Cyne Altic Cheesy Whisper Cyne Altic Dyrwin Alder Cheesy Whisper Dyrwin Alder Elathan Nikar Cheesy Whisper Elathan Nikar Gulgarius Deathbringr Cheesy Whisper Gulgarius Deathbringr Imuny Tempest Cheesy Whisper Imuny Tempest Mikasa Lockhart Cheesy Whisper Mikasa Lockhart Saya Fukiku Cheesy Whisper Saya Fukiku Velulaei Ilum Cheesy Whisper Velulaei Ilum Voltigo Ampieres Cheesy Whisper Voltigo Ampieres Vox Cyn Cheesy Whisper Vox Cyn Ykan Sur Cheesy Whisper Ykan Sur Zackou Cree Cheesy Whisper Zackou Cree Aika Moinen Tiny Whisper Aika Moinen Alchighd Gharl Tiny Whisper Alchighd Gharl Aluka Nightingale Tiny Whisper Aluka Nightingale Aria Raihoshi Tiny Whisper Aria Raihoshi Arska Tehtaal Tiny Whisper Arska Tehtaal Biton Miton Tiny Whisper Biton Miton Blair Goro Tiny Whisper Blair Goro Cashmere Amari Tiny Whisper Cashmere Amari E'gao Tia Tiny Whisper E'gao Tia Elesar Bahamut Tiny Whisper Elesar Bahamut Fellcleave Fordays Tiny Whisper Fellcleave Fordays Flynn Higame Tiny Whisper Flynn Higame Ichika Kuro'saki Tiny Whisper Ichika Kuro'saki Irene Helen-moore Tiny Whisper Irene Helen-moore Kael Nightroad Tiny Whisper Kael Nightroad Ketchup Lunari Tiny Whisper Ketchup Lunari Latima Ryoko Tiny Whisper Latima Ryoko Lirhi Litsos Tiny Whisper Lirhi Litsos Mael Nox Tiny Whisper Mael Nox Mal Adjust Tiny Whisper Mal Adjust Marmona Alubyss Tiny Whisper Marmona Alubyss Mikasa Ackermanz Tiny Whisper Mikasa Ackermanz Minky Momo Tiny Whisper Minky Momo Namie Amuro Tiny Whisper Namie Amuro Nima Zerolight Tiny Whisper Nima Zerolight Omega Type Tiny Whisper Omega Type Only Lisbeth Tiny Whisper Only Lisbeth Puyo Ralyo Tiny Whisper Puyo Ralyo Seraphina Filipina Tiny Whisper Seraphina Filipina Seyren Stilzkin Tiny Whisper Seyren Stilzkin Sha Vivi Tiny Whisper Sha Vivi Shelly Kurumi Tiny Whisper Shelly Kurumi Sophia Ritsuso Tiny Whisper Sophia Ritsuso Taitan Brighthaven Tiny Whisper Taitan Brighthaven Thilis Maranoir Tiny Whisper Thilis Maranoir Tozo Rius Tiny Whisper Tozo Rius Twiggy Toto Tiny Whisper Twiggy Toto Vinix Zeta Tiny Whisper Vinix Zeta Xantorin Moonwhisper Tiny Whisper Xantorin Moonwhisper Yarvikson Helen-moore Tiny Whisper Yarvikson Helen-moore Yuki Archiviste Tiny Whisper Yuki Archiviste Yuui Nulah Tiny Whisper Yuui Nulah