
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Greenhouse Gardens

Rank 30 Free Company "Greenhouse Gardens" was formed on and registered on with ID 9235475460853356526. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Welcome, adorable sapling! Come chill and stay while :)

Operates on Sephirot, Materia, leaving tags "GG" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named "Verdant Hearts" on plot 7 in ward 5 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to our Greenhouse!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
57 41 118
49 38 113
39 38 112
33 33 89
35 124 38

Current members:

Mia Aethiana ♡ Florist ♡ Mia Aethiana Anti Hero Hero/s Alts✓ Anti Hero The Wizard Hero/s Alts✓ The Wizard Dorielle Ilyada Gardener ☀ Dorielle Ilyada Ianna Eamonn Gardener ☀ Ianna Eamonn Night Raid Gardener ☀ Night Raid Cheembs Burger Succulent ★ Cheembs Burger Empurror Pawpawpatine Succulent ★ Empurror Pawpawpatine Ferrex Chefu Succulent ★ Ferrex Chefu Foxxy Love Succulent ★ Foxxy Love Izuna Kabuto Succulent ★ Izuna Kabuto Kaenyo Luneli Succulent ★ Kaenyo Luneli Lance Beemer Succulent ★ Lance Beemer Lunala Nights Succulent ★ Lunala Nights Lyra Delhaeos Succulent ★ Lyra Delhaeos Mirura Delhaeos Succulent ★ Mirura Delhaeos Peak Fiction Succulent ★ Peak Fiction Sethaan Wylde Succulent ★ Sethaan Wylde Snek Snekington Succulent ★ Snek Snekington Star Fox Succulent ★ Star Fox Tatalata Dadalata Succulent ★ Tatalata Dadalata Altera Tion Flower  Altera Tion Dain Theros Flower  Dain Theros Euphoria Euphie Flower  Euphoria Euphie Fidget Quinn Flower  Fidget Quinn Fidget Sin Flower  Fidget Sin Lae'shee Teaal Flower  Lae'shee Teaal Mr Fox Flower  Mr Fox Myrkr Mani Flower  Myrkr Mani Nanna Nordion Flower  Nanna Nordion Oda Wolfe Flower  Oda Wolfe Phoenix Un'kindled Flower  Phoenix Un'kindled Solitude Drengrson Flower  Solitude Drengrson Tyson Wildturtle Flower  Tyson Wildturtle Voyce Rose Flower  Voyce Rose Y'arrrr Tia Flower  Y'arrrr Tia Zelfie Windfall Flower  Zelfie Windfall Zephyr Rex Flower  Zephyr Rex Ailema Ai Seed • Ailema Ai Argon Lexus Seed • Argon Lexus Asuna Yuukl Seed • Asuna Yuukl B'lack Tia Seed • B'lack Tia Big Monkey Seed • Big Monkey Bolforth Wispmane Seed • Bolforth Wispmane Elena Romanette Seed • Elena Romanette Freya Ravensighravens Seed • Freya Ravensighravens Gaia Tswarra Seed • Gaia Tswarra Grail Novich Seed • Grail Novich Hakan Romanette Seed • Hakan Romanette Ianna Rose Seed • Ianna Rose John Portman Seed • John Portman Kii Yugen Seed • Kii Yugen Lillia Elderberry Seed • Lillia Elderberry Luna Cerulia Seed • Luna Cerulia Mega Edgar Seed • Mega Edgar Millicent Fourmaux Seed • Millicent Fourmaux Mydia Otoel Seed • Mydia Otoel Neko Miya Seed • Neko Miya Raulin Brashur Seed • Raulin Brashur Rowland Lannis Seed • Rowland Lannis Te Taniwha Seed • Te Taniwha Truffles Qhulu Seed • Truffles Qhulu Zaphir Scytheblade Seed • Zaphir Scytheblade Aeltris Lae'lynn Sprout  Aeltris Lae'lynn Akatsuki Tojo Sprout  Akatsuki Tojo Andos Destroyer Sprout  Andos Destroyer Anko Tobidasu Sprout  Anko Tobidasu Annabelle Pearl Sprout  Annabelle Pearl Asimo Kiwami Sprout  Asimo Kiwami Avenger Black Sprout  Avenger Black Aviatic Bluebird Sprout  Aviatic Bluebird Axel Belzberg Sprout  Axel Belzberg Azrael Pix Sprout  Azrael Pix Blomphrey Phranks Sprout  Blomphrey Phranks Bulb Dengpao Sprout  Bulb Dengpao Cherie D'anjou Sprout  Cherie D'anjou Decimus Brennus Sprout  Decimus Brennus Eliza Yume Sprout  Eliza Yume Elle Fae Sprout  Elle Fae Eloi Elja Sprout  Eloi Elja Elsenne Diefair Sprout  Elsenne Diefair Faedrin Rosterra Sprout  Faedrin Rosterra Gomo Saturo Sprout  Gomo Saturo Hay Thewhite Sprout  Hay Thewhite Jade Looksmaxx Sprout  Jade Looksmaxx Jolly'smuscle Mummy Sprout  Jolly'smuscle Mummy Kaimei Gakunin Sprout  Kaimei Gakunin Khaotik Leckliter Sprout  Khaotik Leckliter Kim Dokuja Sprout  Kim Dokuja Klynahct Nyunmerlwyn Sprout  Klynahct Nyunmerlwyn Korrath Striketalon Sprout  Korrath Striketalon Kouen Pado Sprout  Kouen Pado Lanie Lavender Sprout  Lanie Lavender Lexxee Raifen Sprout  Lexxee Raifen Leyralei Kongroo Sprout  Leyralei Kongroo Lingling Min Sprout  Lingling Min Marine Houshou Sprout  Marine Houshou Miika Piika Sprout  Miika Piika Murasaki Tsuki Sprout  Murasaki Tsuki Nix Lewyn Sprout  Nix Lewyn Noon Heron Sprout  Noon Heron Olinya Bisercate Sprout  Olinya Bisercate Oliver Quinn Sprout  Oliver Quinn Orellen Dransith Sprout  Orellen Dransith Phina Lunarus Sprout  Phina Lunarus Piika Miika Sprout  Piika Miika Raeliana Elakha Sprout  Raeliana Elakha Ren Djt-setlas Sprout  Ren Djt-setlas Roast Potato Sprout  Roast Potato Setsu Maru Sprout  Setsu Maru Tee Money Sprout  Tee Money Touka Gomez Sprout  Touka Gomez Trillick Sin'kor Sprout  Trillick Sin'kor Tryon Highwind Sprout  Tryon Highwind Vammyr Bloodmoon Sprout  Vammyr Bloodmoon Virtuous Treaty Sprout  Virtuous Treaty Xenon Elysia Sprout  Xenon Elysia Yeme Lesrekta Sprout  Yeme Lesrekta