
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Warlords of the Mist

Rank 30 Free Company "Warlords of the Mist" was formed on and registered on with ID 9236179148295113259. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Just a large, casual, FC. Always willing to host anyone who just wants to chill and relax.

Operates on Balmung, Crystal, leaving tags "MIST" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "Mist Mansion" on plot 15 in ward 3 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to the MIST Estate.

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
195 143 313
83 202 313
18 8 321
6 8 320
8 8 321
10 9 315
4 9 312
18 94 315
129 214 181
250 214 182
250 164 182
352 164 182
285 164 183
142 164 184
142 143 184
198 121 194
117 121 194
279 57 198
53 118 204
12 5 178
7 5 218
6 5 205
6 5 198
8 5 184
4 5 186
7 2 190
5 2 190
5 2 195
1 3 198
3 3 192
1 3 193
10 9 205
4 9 327
9 2 325
2 2 326
3 4 330
3 4 328
3 4 331
3 4 338
5 2 180

Current members:

S'epto Nyte R6 Ankou S'epto Nyte Frosty Mouse R-1 Protected Frosty Mouse Tea Cup R-1 Protected Tea Cup Asuka Gremory R4 Banshees Asuka Gremory Ragna Phantasma R4 Banshees Ragna Phantasma Ava Wolfstin R2 Wraiths Ava Wolfstin Lucifer Fallenstar R2 Wraiths Lucifer Fallenstar Nex Xander R2 Wraiths Nex Xander Axel Maverick R5 Guardians Axel Maverick Ayastar Celestial R5 Guardians Ayastar Celestial Kan Himaa R5 Guardians Kan Himaa Theja Fyth R5 Guardians Theja Fyth Aegirine Stonefist R3.5 Revenants Aegirine Stonefist Annastrianna Starlove R3.5 Revenants Annastrianna Starlove Begone Thot R3.5 Revenants Begone Thot Fowler Shabamagina R3.5 Revenants Fowler Shabamagina Judge Justus R3.5 Revenants Judge Justus Jules Rhel R3.5 Revenants Jules Rhel Kai Stormborn R3.5 Revenants Kai Stormborn Leighsah Steele R3.5 Revenants Leighsah Steele Nomomo Notolo R3.5 Revenants Nomomo Notolo Tatsumi Hanateru R3.5 Revenants Tatsumi Hanateru Valentyne Laska R3.5 Revenants Valentyne Laska Vyncent Ryder R3.5 Revenants Vyncent Ryder Ysera Drehgo R3.5 Revenants Ysera Drehgo Amriel Hearts R1 Familiars Amriel Hearts Aume Spiras R1 Familiars Aume Spiras Checho Blaze R1 Familiars Checho Blaze Ignis Pluviam R1 Familiars Ignis Pluviam Iria Nicholaides R1 Familiars Iria Nicholaides Isaura Sophia R1 Familiars Isaura Sophia Jaysin Storm R1 Familiars Jaysin Storm Lamar Vannoy R1 Familiars Lamar Vannoy Lorianne Friede R1 Familiars Lorianne Friede Rafe Nightingale R1 Familiars Rafe Nightingale Rayner Knallen R1 Familiars Rayner Knallen Seoras Sloane R1 Familiars Seoras Sloane Tina Y'noh R1 Familiars Tina Y'noh Tuza Tayaku R1 Familiars Tuza Tayaku Valtemont Roiteloints R1 Familiars Valtemont Roiteloints Zell Tilmett R1 Familiars Zell Tilmett Ab Demigorgos R3 Specters Ab Demigorgos Add Grenore R3 Specters Add Grenore Airendal Faebrite R3 Specters Airendal Faebrite Albin Arkwright R3 Specters Albin Arkwright Aleksandra Lockhart R3 Specters Aleksandra Lockhart Alexander Red R3 Specters Alexander Red Alrick Rahl R3 Specters Alrick Rahl Amonius Elmnes R3 Specters Amonius Elmnes Annaris Phen R3 Specters Annaris Phen Anolian Ocean R3 Specters Anolian Ocean Anxiety Prime R3 Specters Anxiety Prime Artemis Amaterasu R3 Specters Artemis Amaterasu Ashe Xiii R3 Specters Ashe Xiii Asta Dark R3 Specters Asta Dark Balmung Alzhure R3 Specters Balmung Alzhure Berinhard Redwyne R3 Specters Berinhard Redwyne Birdie Cephon R3 Specters Birdie Cephon Blue Sky R3 Specters Blue Sky Brin Rahl R3 Specters Brin Rahl Casia Mitnu R3 Specters Casia Mitnu Celine Lunarbaby R3 Specters Celine Lunarbaby Cesya Etansel R3 Specters Cesya Etansel Chataneuf Dupape R3 Specters Chataneuf Dupape Chiyoko Maydaysan R3 Specters Chiyoko Maydaysan Clover Edoras R3 Specters Clover Edoras Coffee Jitterpaw R3 Specters Coffee Jitterpaw Colonel Black R3 Specters Colonel Black Crummy Coconuts R3 Specters Crummy Coconuts Dae Woo R3 Specters Dae Woo Darwyn Ulondarr R3 Specters Darwyn Ulondarr Delita Rikuu R3 Specters Delita Rikuu Delmis Avagnar R3 Specters Delmis Avagnar Doc Madness R3 Specters Doc Madness Doumeki Lunae R3 Specters Doumeki Lunae Dragonia Adamantus R3 Specters Dragonia Adamantus Eggy Junior R3 Specters Eggy Junior Elizabeth Heart R3 Specters Elizabeth Heart Elysande Starr R3 Specters Elysande Starr Estelle Nox R3 Specters Estelle Nox Ferra Anulum R3 Specters Ferra Anulum Finvyr Lunae R3 Specters Finvyr Lunae Gimlok Moonsong R3 Specters Gimlok Moonsong Grost Wynn R3 Specters Grost Wynn Gwynabeth Harte R3 Specters Gwynabeth Harte Honey Bunn R3 Specters Honey Bunn Ishtra Kitsune R3 Specters Ishtra Kitsune Kai Orsen R3 Specters Kai Orsen Kazumaa Kiryu R3 Specters Kazumaa Kiryu Kelthuzal Yumitori R3 Specters Kelthuzal Yumitori Khel Ehron R3 Specters Khel Ehron Khuchar Mol R3 Specters Khuchar Mol Kiht'a Than R3 Specters Kiht'a Than Koh'a Jinjahl R3 Specters Koh'a Jinjahl Korfax Aprob R3 Specters Korfax Aprob Korra Tonraq R3 Specters Korra Tonraq Krazy Kowboy R3 Specters Krazy Kowboy Laitikus Degorus R3 Specters Laitikus Degorus Landus Deathknell R3 Specters Landus Deathknell Laplace Trux R3 Specters Laplace Trux Larissa Alinac R3 Specters Larissa Alinac Leo Fox R3 Specters Leo Fox Leon Elwin R3 Specters Leon Elwin Lihark Alzioa R3 Specters Lihark Alzioa Lost Belongings R3 Specters Lost Belongings Lucian Nightingale R3 Specters Lucian Nightingale Mad Reefer R3 Specters Mad Reefer Maivy La'dchanny R3 Specters Maivy La'dchanny Malasae Leskench R3 Specters Malasae Leskench Mali Senshi R3 Specters Mali Senshi Marielys Ryoshi R3 Specters Marielys Ryoshi Meduil Moore R3 Specters Meduil Moore Midori Mochi R3 Specters Midori Mochi Minami Aisaka R3 Specters Minami Aisaka Morbylinn Iff R3 Specters Morbylinn Iff Nini Too R3 Specters Nini Too Nofi Hifi R3 Specters Nofi Hifi Onebig Horn R3 Specters Onebig Horn Ouzuki Frowlz R3 Specters Ouzuki Frowlz Pixie Weiche R3 Specters Pixie Weiche Potatoes Aregreat R3 Specters Potatoes Aregreat Psycho Krusha R3 Specters Psycho Krusha Rai'lee Waloo R3 Specters Rai'lee Waloo Raken Tou R3 Specters Raken Tou Ramira Azura R3 Specters Ramira Azura Rejik Fiscalero R3 Specters Rejik Fiscalero Rhaegan White R3 Specters Rhaegan White Rias Koneko R3 Specters Rias Koneko Rodeydod Two R3 Specters Rodeydod Two Rosa Nova R3 Specters Rosa Nova Rose Strider R3 Specters Rose Strider Sai Bowen R3 Specters Sai Bowen Seeraa Sataan R3 Specters Seeraa Sataan Sha'adow Weaver R3 Specters Sha'adow Weaver Shandre Silverwind R3 Specters Shandre Silverwind Shir'ir Kirakira R3 Specters Shir'ir Kirakira Silent Inleithe R3 Specters Silent Inleithe Sindarwin Bloodmoor R3 Specters Sindarwin Bloodmoor Skyltswys Borgwyn R3 Specters Skyltswys Borgwyn Sophie Qoete R3 Specters Sophie Qoete Soul Gorger R3 Specters Soul Gorger Spanky Carter R3 Specters Spanky Carter Speedy Gonzo R3 Specters Speedy Gonzo Spigs Angura R3 Specters Spigs Angura Stalwart Bull R3 Specters Stalwart Bull Stellar Fire R3 Specters Stellar Fire Suki'yakihot Saki'sue R3 Specters Suki'yakihot Saki'sue Tenjou Tenge R3 Specters Tenjou Tenge Tovri Disa R3 Specters Tovri Disa Turbo Grows R3 Specters Turbo Grows Valon Fury R3 Specters Valon Fury Volcade Valri R3 Specters Volcade Valri Vxasshh Tia R3 Specters Vxasshh Tia Whrath Forgiveness R3 Specters Whrath Forgiveness Xserion Minor R3 Specters Xserion Minor Yesunkara Chaghan R3 Specters Yesunkara Chaghan Yoyosamu Lolosamu R3 Specters Yoyosamu Lolosamu Zamiel Belmont R3 Specters Zamiel Belmont Zephyr Cloudborne R3 Specters Zephyr Cloudborne Zhan Subatai R3 Specters Zhan Subatai Zodiac Gemstone R3 Specters Zodiac Gemstone Abigail Johnson R0 Inactive Abigail Johnson Absolute Dogwater R0 Inactive Absolute Dogwater Acid Blade R0 Inactive Acid Blade Alter Nimble R0 Inactive Alter Nimble Alura Moon R0 Inactive Alura Moon Alyela Featherfall R0 Inactive Alyela Featherfall Amatta Rasu R0 Inactive Amatta Rasu An Sharah R0 Inactive An Sharah Ansiel Vairemont R0 Inactive Ansiel Vairemont Anuj Kun R0 Inactive Anuj Kun Arcane Carrot R0 Inactive Arcane Carrot Arizal Vara'thi R0 Inactive Arizal Vara'thi Artermis Entreri R0 Inactive Artermis Entreri Ashe Lourde R0 Inactive Ashe Lourde Ashien Azema R0 Inactive Ashien Azema Ashuwu Lishuwu R0 Inactive Ashuwu Lishuwu Astral Celine R0 Inactive Astral Celine Azeto Sanguisuga R0 Inactive Azeto Sanguisuga Balor Brorson R0 Inactive Balor Brorson Balthe Lothros R0 Inactive Balthe Lothros Bartholf Aestus R0 Inactive Bartholf Aestus Biubiu Magistrate R0 Inactive Biubiu Magistrate Blue Gandor R0 Inactive Blue Gandor Boro Kakke R0 Inactive Boro Kakke Braelara Siyakonica R0 Inactive Braelara Siyakonica Brienne Of-tarth R0 Inactive Brienne Of-tarth Brizhyaan Fhey R0 Inactive Brizhyaan Fhey Bullet Sponge R0 Inactive Bullet Sponge Bun Neys R0 Inactive Bun Neys Bunnithee Chalamet R0 Inactive Bunnithee Chalamet Cami Kase R0 Inactive Cami Kase Captain Snuggleface R0 Inactive Captain Snuggleface Cee' Dee R0 Inactive Cee' Dee Challenger Daedalus R0 Inactive Challenger Daedalus Daboy Radada R0 Inactive Daboy Radada Daddy Penguin R0 Inactive Daddy Penguin Dah Presley R0 Inactive Dah Presley Darkimmortal Lawless R0 Inactive Darkimmortal Lawless Dcx Bloodomen R0 Inactive Dcx Bloodomen Defianse Delacroix R0 Inactive Defianse Delacroix Demitrious Alexander R0 Inactive Demitrious Alexander Des'enkei Mutola R0 Inactive Des'enkei Mutola Droklesk Deathwraith R0 Inactive Droklesk Deathwraith Dryze Whitehaven R0 Inactive Dryze Whitehaven Duration Immortal R0 Inactive Duration Immortal Duvicauroix Teaurelin R0 Inactive Duvicauroix Teaurelin E'jusana Celay R0 Inactive E'jusana Celay Elismar Wandergale R0 Inactive Elismar Wandergale Ems Simp R0 Inactive Ems Simp Fenrir Bloodmoon R0 Inactive Fenrir Bloodmoon Galerie Foudoux R0 Inactive Galerie Foudoux Ghorium Darklite R0 Inactive Ghorium Darklite Hanthos Arclight R0 Inactive Hanthos Arclight Heals Ftw R0 Inactive Heals Ftw Kaio San R0 Inactive Kaio San Kawaii San R0 Inactive Kawaii San Kazushi Sakuraba R0 Inactive Kazushi Sakuraba Khuma Chalahkoz R0 Inactive Khuma Chalahkoz Ki'rah Dred R0 Inactive Ki'rah Dred Kimya Kamba R0 Inactive Kimya Kamba Kiri Risu R0 Inactive Kiri Risu Koko Tumet R0 Inactive Koko Tumet Korvo Zattani R0 Inactive Korvo Zattani Krystle Rose R0 Inactive Krystle Rose Kyla Solo R0 Inactive Kyla Solo Lady Blackslash R0 Inactive Lady Blackslash Leoneart Selles R0 Inactive Leoneart Selles Leonides Akaar R0 Inactive Leonides Akaar Lilly Mae R0 Inactive Lilly Mae Lori Horo R0 Inactive Lori Horo Lunas Frigg R0 Inactive Lunas Frigg Lyle Cloverleaf R0 Inactive Lyle Cloverleaf Mahtaeu Kahgnar R0 Inactive Mahtaeu Kahgnar Malady Hex R0 Inactive Malady Hex Miah Zhwan R0 Inactive Miah Zhwan Mike James R0 Inactive Mike James Mike Mike R0 Inactive Mike Mike Millions Knives R0 Inactive Millions Knives Mimikero Fafnir R0 Inactive Mimikero Fafnir Mirakel Worker R0 Inactive Mirakel Worker Mixil Plixim R0 Inactive Mixil Plixim Mot Tomato R0 Inactive Mot Tomato Moytura Draesulis R0 Inactive Moytura Draesulis Ndiian Oakenheart R0 Inactive Ndiian Oakenheart Needs Coozy R0 Inactive Needs Coozy Nico Santiago R0 Inactive Nico Santiago Okin Angura R0 Inactive Okin Angura Okto Puss R0 Inactive Okto Puss Olifen Lionheart R0 Inactive Olifen Lionheart Omni Deity R0 Inactive Omni Deity Omni Divine R0 Inactive Omni Divine Pearl Furguson R0 Inactive Pearl Furguson Pip Pop R0 Inactive Pip Pop Porta Punch R0 Inactive Porta Punch Raphtiel Abriel R0 Inactive Raphtiel Abriel Ravel Nightshade R0 Inactive Ravel Nightshade Rei Hime R0 Inactive Rei Hime Rein Ezra R0 Inactive Rein Ezra Rends Lionheart R0 Inactive Rends Lionheart Rev'tani Orinai R0 Inactive Rev'tani Orinai Rhaya'ra Apocalypse R0 Inactive Rhaya'ra Apocalypse Rhiania Rose R0 Inactive Rhiania Rose Ricardo Clay R0 Inactive Ricardo Clay Richski Delafuego R0 Inactive Richski Delafuego Rin Takanashi R0 Inactive Rin Takanashi Risa Yamaki R0 Inactive Risa Yamaki Roi Clayworth R0 Inactive Roi Clayworth Rowan Peacemaker R0 Inactive Rowan Peacemaker Samael Demyxx R0 Inactive Samael Demyxx Sandkat Sadtank R0 Inactive Sandkat Sadtank Sarang Ai R0 Inactive Sarang Ai Saro Sosa R0 Inactive Saro Sosa Scooby Snax R0 Inactive Scooby Snax Selaria Windrunner R0 Inactive Selaria Windrunner Sentei Kensaki R0 Inactive Sentei Kensaki Seretrin Izolia R0 Inactive Seretrin Izolia Serina Ryfar R0 Inactive Serina Ryfar Shanan Annan R0 Inactive Shanan Annan Silver Ox R0 Inactive Silver Ox Slaybane Mythikzek R0 Inactive Slaybane Mythikzek Sooshi Boate R0 Inactive Sooshi Boate Soth Aron R0 Inactive Soth Aron Spina Arda R0 Inactive Spina Arda Tabika Silverflare R0 Inactive Tabika Silverflare Takumi Ogawa R0 Inactive Takumi Ogawa Tandi Draesulis R0 Inactive Tandi Draesulis Tarika Amarok R0 Inactive Tarika Amarok Tasty Bao R0 Inactive Tasty Bao Tessa Rysto R0 Inactive Tessa Rysto Thorkell Kholin R0 Inactive Thorkell Kholin Thot Bot R0 Inactive Thot Bot Tinne Khamazom R0 Inactive Tinne Khamazom Tolan Pareth R0 Inactive Tolan Pareth Tozzy Sweetlegs R0 Inactive Tozzy Sweetlegs Turnip Boggles R0 Inactive Turnip Boggles Twyla Mornoon R0 Inactive Twyla Mornoon Uzabon Darkfell R0 Inactive Uzabon Darkfell Ventreska Khathi R0 Inactive Ventreska Khathi Victorious Secret R0 Inactive Victorious Secret Volothgar Ammon R0 Inactive Volothgar Ammon White- Claw R0 Inactive White- Claw Wooden Snitch R0 Inactive Wooden Snitch X'vikshi Vhij R0 Inactive X'vikshi Vhij Z'dhizo Chermu R0 Inactive Z'dhizo Chermu Zarious Vaas R0 Inactive Zarious Vaas Zeio Leingod R0 Inactive Zeio Leingod Zemnarack Denman R0 Inactive Zemnarack Denman