
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Foster's Hollow

Rank 30 Free Company "Foster's Hollow" was formed on and registered on with ID 9236179148295170667. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Èisd ri gaoth nam beann gus an traogh na h-uisgeachan.
- Listen to the wind upon the hill 'til the waters abate.

Operates on Balmung, Crystal, leaving tags "fae" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a medium base named "Amethyst Hollow" on plot 46 in ward 16 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome home, vagabonds.

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • Heroes Restitution
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
482 328 90
354 328 91
76 54 82
94 54 81
48 36 78
250 36 75
17 53 75
31 53 74
462 210 59
312 77 54

Current members:

Lihli Nbolo Wisp Lihli Nbolo H'aji Tia Trusted H'aji Tia Izhar'a Noukai Trusted Izhar'a Noukai Komae Tia Trusted Komae Tia Kyo'a Tayuun Trusted Kyo'a Tayuun Lucy Hemsworth Trusted Lucy Hemsworth Mysterious Daydreamer Trusted Mysterious Daydreamer Ademur Zen Founder Ademur Zen Gyascutus Poisonborn Founder Gyascutus Poisonborn Jalin Adrastos Founder Jalin Adrastos Jhyl Eidon Founder Jhyl Eidon Master K'rhid Founder Master K'rhid My Friend Founder My Friend Tev Udrah Founder Tev Udrah Vitovai Akutir Founder Vitovai Akutir Alyssa Lockwood Resident Alyssa Lockwood Damian Vandrake Resident Damian Vandrake Fili Niento Resident Fili Niento J'talhdi Rhuwa Resident J'talhdi Rhuwa Jano'a Nhuge Resident Jano'a Nhuge Keru Lowry Resident Keru Lowry Mini Grinnaux Resident Mini Grinnaux Scorra Verrun Resident Scorra Verrun Elliot Sunshine Keeper Elliot Sunshine Ezra Sanglant Keeper Ezra Sanglant Kanna Isha Keeper Kanna Isha Khuja'to Tayuun Keeper Khuja'to Tayuun Morgen Caerdasidh Keeper Morgen Caerdasidh Nanatu Natu Keeper Nanatu Natu Nargui Kagon Keeper Nargui Kagon Nogai Qestir Keeper Nogai Qestir Oseko'to Noukai Keeper Oseko'to Noukai Paaj Rhyn Keeper Paaj Rhyn Promise Areciel Keeper Promise Areciel S'oheila Banhi Keeper S'oheila Banhi Xha'ya Viqqoh Keeper Xha'ya Viqqoh Xha'zi Viqqoh Keeper Xha'zi Viqqoh Aiswyda Fyrlihtwyn Prospect Aiswyda Fyrlihtwyn Akane Irezumi Prospect Akane Irezumi Alazar Corrina Prospect Alazar Corrina Aqualys Rockykun Prospect Aqualys Rockykun B'oba Tia Prospect B'oba Tia Barlyn Upperscotch Prospect Barlyn Upperscotch Deli Nquent Prospect Deli Nquent Drake Draconian Prospect Drake Draconian G'az Pacho Prospect G'az Pacho Gabriel Salsik Prospect Gabriel Salsik Gunny Grayfull Prospect Gunny Grayfull Hilaria Clinz Prospect Hilaria Clinz Jakoto Tabito Prospect Jakoto Tabito Lorienne Ghaz'ridian Prospect Lorienne Ghaz'ridian Marku'a Taali Prospect Marku'a Taali Paksenallia Perrinfil Prospect Paksenallia Perrinfil Raudant Bienert Prospect Raudant Bienert Rhel'rah Tayuun Prospect Rhel'rah Tayuun S'ol Adller Prospect S'ol Adller Ser Aymeric Prospect Ser Aymeric Stardust Moonsong Prospect Stardust Moonsong Taffee Taf Prospect Taffee Taf Tegusken Urumet Prospect Tegusken Urumet Tilvi Rolvasch Prospect Tilvi Rolvasch Toast Ghost Prospect Toast Ghost Zeta'a Nuhn Prospect Zeta'a Nuhn Amrit Eilam Key Holder Amrit Eilam Bardam Kagon Key Holder Bardam Kagon Cyr Mason Key Holder Cyr Mason Damien Scox Key Holder Damien Scox Dark Scale Key Holder Dark Scale Dieudonne Fournier Key Holder Dieudonne Fournier Empty Azure Key Holder Empty Azure Firenze Caolann Key Holder Firenze Caolann Forgiven Karaoke Key Holder Forgiven Karaoke Fran Sansisco Key Holder Fran Sansisco Glenn Keltmerlsyn Key Holder Glenn Keltmerlsyn Grinnaux Dzemael Key Holder Grinnaux Dzemael Hilja Kielo Key Holder Hilja Kielo I'rahta Tia Key Holder I'rahta Tia Iyrnswys Rosnsathwyn Key Holder Iyrnswys Rosnsathwyn Janlenoux Courcillant Key Holder Janlenoux Courcillant Kahina Kisne Key Holder Kahina Kisne Kin Kiyotsuna Key Holder Kin Kiyotsuna Lyris Whitethorn Key Holder Lyris Whitethorn Mad Rain Key Holder Mad Rain Monkey-d Luffy Key Holder Monkey-d Luffy Papaissa Paissa Key Holder Papaissa Paissa Ruut Valdis Key Holder Ruut Valdis Squirrel Girl Key Holder Squirrel Girl Tomoe Aoyama Key Holder Tomoe Aoyama U'takata Tia Key Holder U'takata Tia Zemietruus Orono Key Holder Zemietruus Orono