
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare EnixOpens in new tab. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestoneOpens in new tab with special GithubparserOpens in new tab.

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The Velvet Veils

Rank 30 Free Company "The Velvet Veils" was formed on and registered on with ID 9236179148295235875. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Click to copy blockThe Velvet Veils are an accepting 18+ FC of all walks of life, RP included, where those who join can feel at home and comfy among velvety goodness

Operates on Balmung, Crystal, leaving tags "Veils" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a medium base named "Velvet Veils Inn" on plot 58 in ward 12 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Click to copy blockWelcome to the Velvet Veils Inn and Theatre! Feel free to walk in, sample our
wares, food, drink or otherwise~, and enjoy your stay!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
318 382 83
334 287 85
292 287 85
331 219 85
273 219 85
377 314 87
38 47 98
85 47 98
85 30 96
39 30 96
29 30 97
28 61 90
75 61 91

Current members:

Hoso Seki Diamond Veil Hoso Seki Lapis Frostwhyte Prismatic Veil Lapis Frostwhyte Riku Mewrilah Frayed Veil Riku Mewrilah Lyrra Serenia Promised Pink Lyrra Serenia Leona Maybell Folded Veil Leona Maybell Lyllian Vanih Folded Veil Lyllian Vanih R'tali Vexal Folded Veil R'tali Vexal Shannon De'la'courte Folded Veil Shannon De'la'courte Vahn Lionward Folded Veil Vahn Lionward Ellie Riverlily Dawnservants Ellie Riverlily Fayt Aurion Dawnservants Fayt Aurion Luna Rosaria Dawnservants Luna Rosaria M'zakh Tia Dawnservants M'zakh Tia N'hoso Booni Dawnservants N'hoso Booni Rave Rat Dawnservants Rave Rat Siika Khroma Dawnservants Siika Khroma Yukari Kisaragi Dawnservants Yukari Kisaragi Aridova Intinage Gossamer Veil Aridova Intinage Bell Crofte Gossamer Veil Bell Crofte Belladonna Gravestone Gossamer Veil Belladonna Gravestone Bunni Gallaryd Gossamer Veil Bunni Gallaryd Cailin Evershine Gossamer Veil Cailin Evershine Dyani-zor- Talanthas Gossamer Veil Dyani-zor- Talanthas Infernus Valentine Gossamer Veil Infernus Valentine Minnie Muffins Gossamer Veil Minnie Muffins N'kana Booni Gossamer Veil N'kana Booni N'ymira Khai Gossamer Veil N'ymira Khai O'rheana Khuba Gossamer Veil O'rheana Khuba Tessa Yascaret Gossamer Veil Tessa Yascaret A'elitia Raha Silk Veil A'elitia Raha Blueberry Dusk Silk Veil Blueberry Dusk Bonnie Cinnabuns Silk Veil Bonnie Cinnabuns Braelara Angelos Silk Veil Braelara Angelos Cherry Venus Silk Veil Cherry Venus Cutes Mcgoots Silk Veil Cutes Mcgoots D'zi Bayaqud Silk Veil D'zi Bayaqud Danica Natasch Silk Veil Danica Natasch Eva Moonshadow Silk Veil Eva Moonshadow Florine Dailemont Silk Veil Florine Dailemont Hot Coffee Silk Veil Hot Coffee Jaden Steele Silk Veil Jaden Steele Kokopi Kopi Silk Veil Kokopi Kopi Lynia Khrome Silk Veil Lynia Khrome Magenta Ross Silk Veil Magenta Ross Nesari Sano Silk Veil Nesari Sano Oxolotl Stinger Silk Veil Oxolotl Stinger Sin D'rella Silk Veil Sin D'rella Vesper Desir Silk Veil Vesper Desir Wind-up Suncat Silk Veil Wind-up Suncat Xin Xianying Silk Veil Xin Xianying Yasue Jin Silk Veil Yasue Jin Akilina Sigrunae Velvet Veil Akilina Sigrunae Aoi Mizuhiki Velvet Veil Aoi Mizuhiki Aria Symphony Velvet Veil Aria Symphony Baby Chan Velvet Veil Baby Chan Cordelia Brooks Velvet Veil Cordelia Brooks Devil Jhin Velvet Veil Devil Jhin Elanora Tundra Velvet Veil Elanora Tundra Eliri Dalalilja Velvet Veil Eliri Dalalilja Eoife Leafspring Velvet Veil Eoife Leafspring Ephrael Stern Velvet Veil Ephrael Stern Estelle Sunkissed Velvet Veil Estelle Sunkissed Kyo Mahariel Velvet Veil Kyo Mahariel Lady Natasha Velvet Veil Lady Natasha Leanna Maki Velvet Veil Leanna Maki Ma'saru Drakani Velvet Veil Ma'saru Drakani Malakai Manderville Velvet Veil Malakai Manderville Mika'mika Keitanikana Velvet Veil Mika'mika Keitanikana Mira Arophe Velvet Veil Mira Arophe Mira Tyanu Velvet Veil Mira Tyanu Miss Rookie Velvet Veil Miss Rookie Nesi Greene Velvet Veil Nesi Greene Nikki Gallaryd Velvet Veil Nikki Gallaryd Pichu Dhebne Velvet Veil Pichu Dhebne Rose Floof Velvet Veil Rose Floof Sairina Nighsbar Velvet Veil Sairina Nighsbar Snow Angel Velvet Veil Snow Angel Tsugumi Kurogane Velvet Veil Tsugumi Kurogane Twilight Shadow Velvet Veil Twilight Shadow Tyago Binbotaj Velvet Veil Tyago Binbotaj Xaen Griever Velvet Veil Xaen Griever Ziria Dermaux Velvet Veil Ziria Dermaux Zukhi Sirei Velvet Veil Zukhi Sirei