
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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A New Leaf

Rank 30 Free Company "A New Leaf" was formed on and registered on with ID 9236460623271827344. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Hi there! We're a casual, chill FC that strives for a cozy, family kinda vibe. No obligations, just don't be lame. 18+ only, LGBTQ+ friendly, NSFW humour. ♥

Operates on Excalibur, Primal, leaving tags "Leaf" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named "Isle of Leaf" on plot 60 in ward 23 of The Goblet, Ul'dah, Thanalan Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Ever thought of branching out after being uprooted? Don't go barking up the wrong tree! Instead, go out on a limb and leaf it to us to spruce up your life!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
120 254 116
53 254 116
118 116 127
303 116 127
180 116 123
81 116 123
81 62 123
60 77 115
74 77 116
68 90 116
147 90 115

Current members:

Altani Starshaper Dommy Mommy Altani Starshaper Illyia Vonawesomsauce Kupo Nuts Illyia Vonawesomsauce Seralth Gentleheart Nero's #1 Bae Seralth Gentleheart W'alrus Tusktooth But Festive W'alrus Tusktooth Walrus Tusktooth But Festive Walrus Tusktooth Asuna Lyehga Roots Asuna Lyehga Bahamut Alii Roots Bahamut Alii Bet'anya Agriosa Roots Bet'anya Agriosa Boxworm Lufaise Roots Boxworm Lufaise Detrious Lysion Roots Detrious Lysion Faelan Tiglaar Roots Faelan Tiglaar Gattsu Berserk Roots Gattsu Berserk Henrietta Vili Roots Henrietta Vili Medina La'fiera Roots Medina La'fiera Raysa Rune Roots Raysa Rune Toko Loko Roots Toko Loko Abaddon Destroyer Branches Abaddon Destroyer Akemi Shutashawa Branches Akemi Shutashawa Ardia Tsukasa Branches Ardia Tsukasa Ddraig Tempest Branches Ddraig Tempest Gwyndolin Kaslana Branches Gwyndolin Kaslana Lbcx Stevie Branches Lbcx Stevie Nila Crescent Branches Nila Crescent Riley Barker Branches Riley Barker Selene Moonglow Branches Selene Moonglow Tyril Sombracier Branches Tyril Sombracier Xeno Miyake Branches Xeno Miyake Cant Waffle Buds Cant Waffle Delta Fionn Buds Delta Fionn Desco Bestco Buds Desco Bestco Faux Paw Buds Faux Paw Flappy Racky Buds Flappy Racky Gavin Baker Buds Gavin Baker Gilrathor Shaarad Buds Gilrathor Shaarad Ice Pop Buds Ice Pop Izzy Omega Buds Izzy Omega Lil' Mack Buds Lil' Mack Lord Hate Buds Lord Hate Lyran Vidarsson Buds Lyran Vidarsson Nef Kah Buds Nef Kah Noelle Lothaire Buds Noelle Lothaire O' Tep Buds O' Tep Professor Fizban Buds Professor Fizban Quad Laser Buds Quad Laser Quixote Everlasting Buds Quixote Everlasting Sydney Heart Buds Sydney Heart Tohg'ra Jaab Buds Tohg'ra Jaab Altani Starshaker Root Caps Altani Starshaker Asu Lyehga Root Caps Asu Lyehga Bigheart Littlestaff Root Caps Bigheart Littlestaff Blossom Powerpuff Root Caps Blossom Powerpuff Boxbun Lop'ear Root Caps Boxbun Lop'ear Boxwyrm Lokaura Root Caps Boxwyrm Lokaura Butterfly Kisses Root Caps Butterfly Kisses Dagger Ixur Root Caps Dagger Ixur Emerik Lunyasch Root Caps Emerik Lunyasch Eskil Jr Root Caps Eskil Jr Fabled Potato Root Caps Fabled Potato Forgiven Reticence Root Caps Forgiven Reticence Lunchbox Lokair Root Caps Lunchbox Lokair Pipiko Piko Root Caps Pipiko Piko Pretty Potato Root Caps Pretty Potato Prostii Tot Root Caps Prostii Tot Ray Hythlodaeus Root Caps Ray Hythlodaeus Stuffed Purrito Root Caps Stuffed Purrito Suna Lyehga Root Caps Suna Lyehga Syd Highwind Root Caps Syd Highwind Tig'ol Bitties Root Caps Tig'ol Bitties Uwu Owo'uwu Root Caps Uwu Owo'uwu Vance Lepus Root Caps Vance Lepus Zorya Kaiyasch Root Caps Zorya Kaiyasch Adaa Wong Leaves Adaa Wong Aremina Abaddon Leaves Aremina Abaddon Aris Snow Leaves Aris Snow Avonia Moonrain Leaves Avonia Moonrain Big Tex Leaves Big Tex Bohan Gamilbi Leaves Bohan Gamilbi Cygy Cygnet Leaves Cygy Cygnet Dwent Nightshade Leaves Dwent Nightshade Evelynn Snowgleam Leaves Evelynn Snowgleam Freya Lee Leaves Freya Lee Freya Tsu Leaves Freya Tsu Fritz Tusktooth Leaves Fritz Tusktooth Frog Biscuit Leaves Frog Biscuit Gabriel Harken Leaves Gabriel Harken Gem Trix Leaves Gem Trix Goshen D'kundarak Leaves Goshen D'kundarak Healbrush Treewood Leaves Healbrush Treewood Inara Serra Leaves Inara Serra Kayleigh Dooks Leaves Kayleigh Dooks Keylar Shaarad Leaves Keylar Shaarad Lostma Shoes Leaves Lostma Shoes Melody Stryker Leaves Melody Stryker Mesaana Terasind Leaves Mesaana Terasind Missus Cocoafro Leaves Missus Cocoafro Modi Bodi Leaves Modi Bodi Monsieur Mabeobeob Leaves Monsieur Mabeobeob Nia Nyako Leaves Nia Nyako Night Archer Leaves Night Archer Orpheus String Leaves Orpheus String Promethius Jones Leaves Promethius Jones Psymuck Copeng Leaves Psymuck Copeng Pure Moods Leaves Pure Moods Rikka Arashi Leaves Rikka Arashi Robinhood Locksley Leaves Robinhood Locksley Ruby Luviah Leaves Ruby Luviah Sad Lemonade Leaves Sad Lemonade Scoobert Doobert Leaves Scoobert Doobert Sindri Arda Leaves Sindri Arda Skell Two Leaves Skell Two Stygian Starhowl Leaves Stygian Starhowl Syf Goldenhair Leaves Syf Goldenhair Takao Reden Leaves Takao Reden Trouble Flores Leaves Trouble Flores Vegemite Sandwich Leaves Vegemite Sandwich Xiiye Mierqid Leaves Xiiye Mierqid