
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Knights of The Dawn

Rank 30 Free Company "Knights of The Dawn" was formed on and registered on with ID 9236460623271863850. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

We are currently recruiting all player from new to experienced. We are casual, friendly and respectful.

Operates on Excalibur, Primal, leaving tags "DAWN" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named "Castle Morn" on plot 60 in ward 8 of The Goblet, Ul'dah, Thanalan Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to Knights of the Dawn.

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
160 98 242
157 174 242
252 484 243
360 398 243
394 398 239
394 433 244
456 433 244
407 403 251
370 447 250
326 284 251
191 284 250
102 41 219
33 41 217
95 24 211
29 44 210
24 44 209
52 73 205
86 69 202
32 35 52

Current members:

Deg En Owner Deg En Arithon Hanzo CEO Arithon Hanzo Albio Albino COO Albio Albino Aya Maki COO Aya Maki Ilya Ilyanie COO Ilya Ilyanie Lia Maki COO Lia Maki Lucky Box COO Lucky Box Marigold Froggy COO Marigold Froggy Pik Alty COO Pik Alty Saltimi Cheesecheers COO Saltimi Cheesecheers Tek Maki COO Tek Maki Blue Snow CFO Blue Snow Celesterra Truemark CFO Celesterra Truemark Hanwi Kota CFO Hanwi Kota Johnny Manziel CFO Johnny Manziel Marie Suzaku CFO Marie Suzaku Meerah Too CFO Meerah Too O'bokhn Tenbe CFO O'bokhn Tenbe Other Jerry CFO Other Jerry Zypher Gw CFO Zypher Gw Airisaiia Soleiseala Employee Airisaiia Soleiseala Alari'ondar Farwalker Employee Alari'ondar Farwalker Albert Stormageddon Employee Albert Stormageddon Apakalypse Destructoris Employee Apakalypse Destructoris Asus Trident Employee Asus Trident C'ode Test Employee C'ode Test Captain Valeran Employee Captain Valeran Casper Qerel Employee Casper Qerel Cassie Kittie Employee Cassie Kittie Craft Chesttank Employee Craft Chesttank Dark Frost Employee Dark Frost Draco Faza Employee Draco Faza Eji Khatayin Employee Eji Khatayin Eox Xoe Employee Eox Xoe Evil Sin Employee Evil Sin Fynnlee Relanah Employee Fynnlee Relanah Gafgarion Faustus Employee Gafgarion Faustus Hells Beard Employee Hells Beard John Whorfin Employee John Whorfin Karl Malboro Employee Karl Malboro Malifisent Xetempe Employee Malifisent Xetempe Maxine Blackfate Employee Maxine Blackfate Monk Of'crunk Employee Monk Of'crunk Moptimus Prime Employee Moptimus Prime Mysteria Monoz Employee Mysteria Monoz Nychta Koraki Employee Nychta Koraki Papa Shaggy Employee Papa Shaggy Patchi Onishi Employee Patchi Onishi Rinoa Moonblade Employee Rinoa Moonblade Sarelena Kurayuki Employee Sarelena Kurayuki Scotholemu Hiiru Employee Scotholemu Hiiru Shinarah Meliamne Employee Shinarah Meliamne Toasty Tomi Employee Toasty Tomi Whopper Meal Employee Whopper Meal Zerg Scalewalker Employee Zerg Scalewalker Adrigal Nightwielder Manager Adrigal Nightwielder Axel Centaure Manager Axel Centaure Beriech Beriech Manager Beriech Beriech Cash Ews Manager Cash Ews Chairithon Banzo Manager Chairithon Banzo Das Impaler Manager Das Impaler Dusk Vinzer Manager Dusk Vinzer Elder Wolfe Manager Elder Wolfe Elza Sebok Manager Elza Sebok Gwyn Mishima Manager Gwyn Mishima Impietas Deathwish Manager Impietas Deathwish Innovindil Moonwood Manager Innovindil Moonwood Josh Prime Manager Josh Prime Kalayna Iron'kissed Manager Kalayna Iron'kissed Kamien Gerudo Manager Kamien Gerudo Killua- Zoldyck Manager Killua- Zoldyck Kor Gan Manager Kor Gan Lillith Darkwater Manager Lillith Darkwater Lima Bean Manager Lima Bean Lowne Wulfe Manager Lowne Wulfe Maw Dragon Manager Maw Dragon Meena Rhel Manager Meena Rhel Michael Haen Manager Michael Haen Murdock Alypse Manager Murdock Alypse Nocturnus Arrelian Manager Nocturnus Arrelian Pants Dandy Manager Pants Dandy Percevale Valorstrike Manager Percevale Valorstrike Phyrus Ispuri Manager Phyrus Ispuri Prame Mcduck Manager Prame Mcduck Radical Rajikaru Manager Radical Rajikaru Reapers Highwind Manager Reapers Highwind Revan Belmont Manager Revan Belmont River Bunny Manager River Bunny Skibtaru Waru Manager Skibtaru Waru Slam Berry Manager Slam Berry Solpel Gen Manager Solpel Gen Swanky Spanky Manager Swanky Spanky Tiggity Wiggity Manager Tiggity Wiggity Tl Parkz Manager Tl Parkz Uno Time Manager Uno Time Valivice Monoz Manager Valivice Monoz Vilv Verscylla Manager Vilv Verscylla Vipi Ahr Manager Vipi Ahr Wicked Slappy Manager Wicked Slappy Zenana Zena Manager Zenana Zena Zodiaque Rain Manager Zodiaque Rain Arcaia Delamuire Intern Arcaia Delamuire Chest Cavity Intern Chest Cavity Chione Frost Intern Chione Frost Cobar Mthk Intern Cobar Mthk Cornell Wells Intern Cornell Wells Cygnus Stratospear Intern Cygnus Stratospear Death Control Intern Death Control Dsm Forgetune Intern Dsm Forgetune Duoii Maxcraft Intern Duoii Maxcraft Edit Name Intern Edit Name Elena Griffinsbane Intern Elena Griffinsbane Elimus Gravis Intern Elimus Gravis Firm Hamster Intern Firm Hamster Fluffy Nope Intern Fluffy Nope Hyd Ryn Intern Hyd Ryn Irzen Aruja Intern Irzen Aruja Kadaj Souba Intern Kadaj Souba Khal Vachir Intern Khal Vachir Khaos Fleetfoot Intern Khaos Fleetfoot Kronoz Kenpachi Intern Kronoz Kenpachi Kylor Xi Intern Kylor Xi Larc Keljim Intern Larc Keljim Leeloo Lionheart Intern Leeloo Lionheart Lisanni Laqi Intern Lisanni Laqi Lorddelte Nerdsociety Intern Lorddelte Nerdsociety Mangetsu Hozuki Intern Mangetsu Hozuki Maz Jak Intern Maz Jak Meara Greaves Intern Meara Greaves Misty Bae Intern Misty Bae Nemeria Ravenborn Intern Nemeria Ravenborn O'raha Nunh Intern O'raha Nunh Oomnni D'healor Intern Oomnni D'healor Pauloneus Pamperin Intern Pauloneus Pamperin Pixie Katt Intern Pixie Katt Psik Ivalice Intern Psik Ivalice Raivenred Feathersong Intern Raivenred Feathersong Ramona Flowerz Intern Ramona Flowerz Rudeboy Zack Intern Rudeboy Zack Scar Flex Intern Scar Flex Semi James Intern Semi James Shadowslinger Sled Intern Shadowslinger Sled Shi'no Hakobi'te Intern Shi'no Hakobi'te Silly Lightforge Intern Silly Lightforge Steve White Intern Steve White Tabetha Koofmen Intern Tabetha Koofmen The Exorcist Intern The Exorcist Venomous Intent Intern Venomous Intent Xaela Aura Intern Xaela Aura Yummy Tasheda Intern Yummy Tasheda Zeals Zota Intern Zeals Zota Zoee Chroma Intern Zoee Chroma Ael'ina Moontear Trainee Ael'ina Moontear Afina Zuyo Trainee Afina Zuyo Aishwarya Rai' Trainee Aishwarya Rai' Aizai Vhasos Trainee Aizai Vhasos Anna Kaboom Trainee Anna Kaboom Apirian Crize Trainee Apirian Crize Arisa Divice Trainee Arisa Divice Azalin Soth Trainee Azalin Soth Babu Frik Trainee Babu Frik Bae Clay Trainee Bae Clay Blueman Hanzo Trainee Blueman Hanzo Cassigh Atatl Trainee Cassigh Atatl Cynix Moshantu Trainee Cynix Moshantu Cyreena Kaikira Trainee Cyreena Kaikira Dafne Irizima Trainee Dafne Irizima Dark Helmeta Trainee Dark Helmeta De Gen Trainee De Gen Dexta Sunovaglitch Trainee Dexta Sunovaglitch Doctor Soda Trainee Doctor Soda Eleven Zulu Trainee Eleven Zulu Enfermeiro Triunfo Trainee Enfermeiro Triunfo F'mallibo Tyatu Trainee F'mallibo Tyatu Frankie Zoltin Trainee Frankie Zoltin Geldor Rikslakian Trainee Geldor Rikslakian Genie Iacate Trainee Genie Iacate Gisselle Summers Trainee Gisselle Summers Han Hahahan Trainee Han Hahahan Herpacin Mandraginis Trainee Herpacin Mandraginis Hummerbug Rrurt Trainee Hummerbug Rrurt I'chai Tianu'i Trainee I'chai Tianu'i Iliyas Yshana Trainee Iliyas Yshana Izzy Izwardo Trainee Izzy Izwardo J-azz Tsukuyomi Trainee J-azz Tsukuyomi Jay Koofmen Trainee Jay Koofmen Jimm Toro Trainee Jimm Toro Kara Davnael Trainee Kara Davnael Kario Hason Trainee Kario Hason Kasumi Satoru Trainee Kasumi Satoru Kindness Kills Trainee Kindness Kills Konagrim Stonefist Trainee Konagrim Stonefist Kurosong Highrune Trainee Kurosong Highrune L'macky Fhey Trainee L'macky Fhey Le Smidget Trainee Le Smidget Legia Omnil Trainee Legia Omnil Lorem Drachen Trainee Lorem Drachen Lucid Akumu Trainee Lucid Akumu Mahjong Main Trainee Mahjong Main Matteo Rynn Trainee Matteo Rynn Miniature Turtler Trainee Miniature Turtler Molkos T'ala Trainee Molkos T'ala Morgaine Skarrin Trainee Morgaine Skarrin Mrs Hanzo Trainee Mrs Hanzo Nuadara Tsukuyomi Trainee Nuadara Tsukuyomi Olar Krha Trainee Olar Krha Olath Drathir Trainee Olath Drathir Onyx Fury Trainee Onyx Fury Pendragon Mcpendragon Trainee Pendragon Mcpendragon Phreek'n Amazing Trainee Phreek'n Amazing Pin Ball Trainee Pin Ball Prometheus Hanzo Trainee Prometheus Hanzo Ragz Nazuken Trainee Ragz Nazuken Ravyn Eyz Trainee Ravyn Eyz Reaper Warden Trainee Reaper Warden Ryan Rosado Trainee Ryan Rosado Salty Steev Trainee Salty Steev Sarihn Carcharias Trainee Sarihn Carcharias Sasuke Onichan Trainee Sasuke Onichan Secraz Hawkk Trainee Secraz Hawkk Senara Valard Trainee Senara Valard Shankly Nohr Trainee Shankly Nohr Shea Beuregard Trainee Shea Beuregard Shinryuu Irae Trainee Shinryuu Irae Sibrandel Kai Trainee Sibrandel Kai Sir Panhead Trainee Sir Panhead Soren Dracomancer Trainee Soren Dracomancer Sylvi Wyndmere Trainee Sylvi Wyndmere Teh Lockdown Trainee Teh Lockdown Tehyan Koi Trainee Tehyan Koi Tinks Dragon Trainee Tinks Dragon Trench Diggity Trainee Trench Diggity Tvase Waker Trainee Tvase Waker Twizted Dmonkey Trainee Twizted Dmonkey Vallerin Highwind Trainee Vallerin Highwind Veleda Speake Trainee Veleda Speake Vyndori Canabal Trainee Vyndori Canabal Wee Mans Trainee Wee Mans Xander Drake Trainee Xander Drake Ydnar Simmz Trainee Ydnar Simmz Zana'tan Dolabnha Trainee Zana'tan Dolabnha Zarthon Legion Trainee Zarthon Legion