
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Without Shadow

Rank 30 Free Company "Without Shadow" was formed on and registered on with ID 9236460623271891325. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Did you know rats make subsonic laughing squeaks when you tickle them?
Now you do!

Operates on Excalibur, Primal, leaving tags "-W.S-" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a medium base named "Hall of Shadows" on plot 30 in ward 10 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to Without Shadow's company house!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
338 313 144
313 217 144
99 227 142
174 227 142
117 180 144
54 76 156
41 76 156
83 181 156
287 181 157
143 181 157
143 101 157
90 52 156
57 130 153
149 168 149
165 168 149
184 168 146
204 243 112
49 112 115
124 112 115
87 111 107
58 77 75

Current members:

Jenny Koda 12th Staff Jenny Koda Anock Lorecheck 12th Chalice Anock Lorecheck Hail Shareva 12th Chalice Hail Shareva Jojoshan Roroshan 12th Chalice Jojoshan Roroshan Katya Akula 12th Chalice Katya Akula Maple Mash 12th Chalice Maple Mash Soltinn Foa 12th Chalice Soltinn Foa Asa Fialova 12th Sword Asa Fialova Aurora Telthas 12th Sword Aurora Telthas Baihu Yumishi 12th Sword Baihu Yumishi Borte Oronir 12th Sword Borte Oronir Camille Moreau 12th Sword Camille Moreau Cathryn Luminous 12th Sword Cathryn Luminous Claire Glorfindel 12th Sword Claire Glorfindel Courage Thecatte 12th Sword Courage Thecatte Dahlia Un'dal 12th Sword Dahlia Un'dal Danu Titiaia 12th Sword Danu Titiaia Edge Boi 12th Sword Edge Boi Evalyn Nightsky 12th Sword Evalyn Nightsky Evan Stonehoof 12th Sword Evan Stonehoof Faelyn Stranger 12th Sword Faelyn Stranger Fenroe Keleiah 12th Sword Fenroe Keleiah Forgiven Lust 12th Sword Forgiven Lust Gemini Valera 12th Sword Gemini Valera Gigina Gina 12th Sword Gigina Gina Jin Tea 12th Sword Jin Tea June Shareva 12th Sword June Shareva K'sara Ban 12th Sword K'sara Ban Kagosin Tensei 12th Sword Kagosin Tensei Kid Kuro 12th Sword Kid Kuro King Iravos 12th Sword King Iravos Kitson Foxfire 12th Sword Kitson Foxfire Kou'ta Blue 12th Sword Kou'ta Blue Lu'cie A'lighieri 12th Sword Lu'cie A'lighieri Maevis Lunarwing 12th Sword Maevis Lunarwing Mango Marshmallow 12th Sword Mango Marshmallow Merri Berry 12th Sword Merri Berry Mistress Lumesa 12th Sword Mistress Lumesa Nazeer Un'dal 12th Sword Nazeer Un'dal Ovelia Va'lie 12th Sword Ovelia Va'lie Pasadola Gugunima 12th Sword Pasadola Gugunima Pink Papalooka 12th Sword Pink Papalooka Regnir Wile 12th Sword Regnir Wile Ren Tonioth 12th Sword Ren Tonioth Rychen Lestrade 12th Sword Rychen Lestrade Rysir Arcalane 12th Sword Rysir Arcalane Sangria Snake 12th Sword Sangria Snake Sasha Divnasch 12th Sword Sasha Divnasch Sedna Ensong 12th Sword Sedna Ensong Sheika Wafylaka 12th Sword Sheika Wafylaka Tasian Lorecheck 12th Sword Tasian Lorecheck Terryl A'lighieri 12th Sword Terryl A'lighieri Tharisan Imrah 12th Sword Tharisan Imrah Tokaka Toka 12th Sword Tokaka Toka Torami Kyattsuai 12th Sword Torami Kyattsuai Tshanai G'rel 12th Sword Tshanai G'rel Valoriel Talonheart 12th Sword Valoriel Talonheart Winter Light 12th Sword Winter Light Yov Natasch 12th Sword Yov Natasch Zhalmurak Imp 12th Sword Zhalmurak Imp Anastasiya Villeneuve 12th Pentacle Anastasiya Villeneuve Andromeda Centuori 12th Pentacle Andromeda Centuori Ashlyn Golmarr 12th Pentacle Ashlyn Golmarr Azsa Malphur 12th Pentacle Azsa Malphur Baihu Torashi 12th Pentacle Baihu Torashi Barclay Bappypaws 12th Pentacle Barclay Bappypaws Bel Wawel 12th Pentacle Bel Wawel Bibiyon Bubuyon 12th Pentacle Bibiyon Bubuyon Bruwin Discontent 12th Pentacle Bruwin Discontent C'asete Lushra 12th Pentacle C'asete Lushra Cetas Surface 12th Pentacle Cetas Surface Chelzabasu Basubasu 12th Pentacle Chelzabasu Basubasu Crystal Bepis 12th Pentacle Crystal Bepis D'al Cha 12th Pentacle D'al Cha Dai Mc-alter 12th Pentacle Dai Mc-alter Darklord Piggie 12th Pentacle Darklord Piggie Dee Ibori 12th Pentacle Dee Ibori Deiser Alduin 12th Pentacle Deiser Alduin Dre Porium 12th Pentacle Dre Porium Emannual Sil 12th Pentacle Emannual Sil Emi Clawthorn 12th Pentacle Emi Clawthorn Ermiance Asturmaux 12th Pentacle Ermiance Asturmaux Ernadyrs Mharkoenawyn 12th Pentacle Ernadyrs Mharkoenawyn Fabel Ellis 12th Pentacle Fabel Ellis Faris Landale 12th Pentacle Faris Landale Felicity Tempest 12th Pentacle Felicity Tempest Fritz Dalmor 12th Pentacle Fritz Dalmor Geanne Da'la 12th Pentacle Geanne Da'la Glammy Cat 12th Pentacle Glammy Cat Helium Tiger 12th Pentacle Helium Tiger Hound Rovan 12th Pentacle Hound Rovan Ilyana Gordanasch 12th Pentacle Ilyana Gordanasch Inktail Nekogami 12th Pentacle Inktail Nekogami Isabel Spide 12th Pentacle Isabel Spide Juno Trinity 12th Pentacle Juno Trinity Jyudal Takashio 12th Pentacle Jyudal Takashio Kaepaa Moschet 12th Pentacle Kaepaa Moschet Lamli Hidirin 12th Pentacle Lamli Hidirin Lavender Otter 12th Pentacle Lavender Otter Lhos Aravel 12th Pentacle Lhos Aravel Loretta Yelho 12th Pentacle Loretta Yelho Lorilae Voras 12th Pentacle Lorilae Voras Mana Musion 12th Pentacle Mana Musion Maple Moo 12th Pentacle Maple Moo Mharie Thacorge 12th Pentacle Mharie Thacorge Mianiah Relieah 12th Pentacle Mianiah Relieah Moraine Garaiunn 12th Pentacle Moraine Garaiunn N'lothia Lerus 12th Pentacle N'lothia Lerus Noche Desal 12th Pentacle Noche Desal Nova Mesecina 12th Pentacle Nova Mesecina Orsen Lorethal 12th Pentacle Orsen Lorethal Osmond Tannenbaum 12th Pentacle Osmond Tannenbaum Phion Snow 12th Pentacle Phion Snow Pico Picori 12th Pentacle Pico Picori Pimen'to Mewrilah 12th Pentacle Pimen'to Mewrilah Pointer Offset 12th Pentacle Pointer Offset Poppoy Poppy 12th Pentacle Poppoy Poppy Potato Raidmom 12th Pentacle Potato Raidmom Rae Xillefs 12th Pentacle Rae Xillefs Reno Gillespie 12th Pentacle Reno Gillespie Retro Bearcade 12th Pentacle Retro Bearcade Rook Nocturne 12th Pentacle Rook Nocturne Roqlev Pascitino 12th Pentacle Roqlev Pascitino Rouru Romanova 12th Pentacle Rouru Romanova Salix Evylix 12th Pentacle Salix Evylix Sandra Oblige 12th Pentacle Sandra Oblige Sasami Samii 12th Pentacle Sasami Samii Seraphiel Izanami 12th Pentacle Seraphiel Izanami Shadow Cathra 12th Pentacle Shadow Cathra Smithywerben Manjesen 12th Pentacle Smithywerben Manjesen Stout Lion 12th Pentacle Stout Lion Swift Woodknuckle 12th Pentacle Swift Woodknuckle Tater Anbu 12th Pentacle Tater Anbu Tonby Toya 12th Pentacle Tonby Toya Trigger Ephirion 12th Pentacle Trigger Ephirion Vermillion Arc 12th Pentacle Vermillion Arc W'tisnew Pussicat 12th Pentacle W'tisnew Pussicat Wicked Little 12th Pentacle Wicked Little Xavier Riggs 12th Pentacle Xavier Riggs Yinny Basket 12th Pentacle Yinny Basket Yuki Kogane 12th Pentacle Yuki Kogane Yuki Windlas 12th Pentacle Yuki Windlas Z'terra Stonefist 12th Pentacle Z'terra Stonefist Zachery Hinson 12th Pentacle Zachery Hinson