
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Bun N Bean

Rank 30 Free Company "Bun N Bean" was formed on and registered on with ID 9236460623271951488. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

LGBTQIA+ Safe Space. 3 Kindness required.

Operates on Excalibur, Primal, leaving tags "B-N-B" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named "Bun-N-Bean" on plot 45 in ward 4 of Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to The Bun N Bean! We are so happy to have you! Take a look around! Accepting new members. LGBTQIA+ Friendly. Be Kind ♥

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP
Has an open community.

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • Debauchery-Tea-Party
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
5 2 114
2 3 110
3 8 108
8 5 100
15 5 98
9 8 86
6 8 86
13 10 79
7 5 67
3 57 53

Current members:

Lucian Evahn Queen Bean Lucian Evahn Nefer Kauket Neferpedia Nefer Kauket Haruki Aizawa Green Bean Haruki Aizawa Light Umbermere QB Consort Light Umbermere Neeko Yazawa Build-A-Bean Neeko Yazawa Albanix Caelum Navy Bean Albanix Caelum Cinder Majarra Navy Bean Cinder Majarra Sned Pie Navy Bean Sned Pie Ferric Fireheart Leader Bean Ferric Fireheart Immi Claire Leader Bean Immi Claire Kiryuu Ariku Leader Bean Kiryuu Ariku Klein Lang Leader Bean Klein Lang Maximilien Slacaeloix Leader Bean Maximilien Slacaeloix Syn Derella Leader Bean Syn Derella Yaya Karsnet Leader Bean Yaya Karsnet Zellane Morris Leader Bean Zellane Morris Ages Golmore Beansprout Ages Golmore Ashley Ballard Beansprout Ashley Ballard Auboko Molkoh Beansprout Auboko Molkoh Bonpon Tremblay Beansprout Bonpon Tremblay Bun Bro Beansprout Bun Bro Draco Everhart Beansprout Draco Everhart Eldon Marshal Beansprout Eldon Marshal Ezreal Solanum Beansprout Ezreal Solanum Gauche Busters Beansprout Gauche Busters Haywood Jablomi Beansprout Haywood Jablomi Heele Vathurts Beansprout Heele Vathurts Liieuna Corvus Beansprout Liieuna Corvus Mabodacama Ito Beansprout Mabodacama Ito Marigold Mayapple Beansprout Marigold Mayapple Meta Moot Beansprout Meta Moot Nala Olochtli Beansprout Nala Olochtli Nanachi Chi Beansprout Nanachi Chi Nick Hopps Beansprout Nick Hopps Nox Yaeger Beansprout Nox Yaeger Noxia Yaeger Beansprout Noxia Yaeger Ovi Atkascha Beansprout Ovi Atkascha Rebecca Strixen Beansprout Rebecca Strixen Rhaya'ra Modestus Beansprout Rhaya'ra Modestus Rodeera Fallows Beansprout Rodeera Fallows Roric Stryker Beansprout Roric Stryker Runite Alphonze Beansprout Runite Alphonze Shadow Hitori Beansprout Shadow Hitori Stal Stal Beansprout Stal Stal Storm Shadowwz Beansprout Storm Shadowwz Suto Kingu Beansprout Suto Kingu Syn O'nym Beansprout Syn O'nym Tobio Ville Beansprout Tobio Ville Vaenir Trelnax Beansprout Vaenir Trelnax Wren Varamont Beansprout Wren Varamont Ziero Djt-ventus Beansprout Ziero Djt-ventus Anadia Arcytte Bean Anadia Arcytte Ashar Tarndell Bean Ashar Tarndell B'ulba Saur Bean B'ulba Saur Baba Bear Bean Baba Bear Bottoms Up Bean Bottoms Up Bunjamin Bigcarrot Bean Bunjamin Bigcarrot Clover Berry Bean Clover Berry Corin Riastradh Bean Corin Riastradh Cova Lucens Bean Cova Lucens Daub Datchery Bean Daub Datchery Dawn Rhotsatzawyn Bean Dawn Rhotsatzawyn Deli Sanwache Bean Deli Sanwache Devi Ra Bean Devi Ra Elapid Ophidian Bean Elapid Ophidian Epi Ona Bean Epi Ona Estebunz Daman Bean Estebunz Daman Fuzzball Rousch Bean Fuzzball Rousch Garrion Trinis Bean Garrion Trinis Gogo Uyagir Bean Gogo Uyagir Gorshum Winnakuns Bean Gorshum Winnakuns Greyson Wolf Bean Greyson Wolf Haseios Kosta Bean Haseios Kosta Hazel Bagel Bean Hazel Bagel Houka Oza Bean Houka Oza Imim Erialc Bean Imim Erialc Kanae Tapfer Bean Kanae Tapfer Lauden Praud Bean Lauden Praud Leana Aino Bean Leana Aino Liber Apollo Bean Liber Apollo Lord Tickler Bean Lord Tickler Lucian Lorde Bean Lucian Lorde Mazikeen Hexem Bean Mazikeen Hexem Mikaela Spirits Bean Mikaela Spirits Mildred Merkins Bean Mildred Merkins Milllenial Backpain Bean Milllenial Backpain Mr Brotein Bean Mr Brotein Nicola Narrowsilver Bean Nicola Narrowsilver Nyx Moirae Bean Nyx Moirae Ovi Berry Bean Ovi Berry Pablo Shacone Bean Pablo Shacone Pavonti Amirir Bean Pavonti Amirir Pound Cakes Bean Pound Cakes Prima Vista Bean Prima Vista Pumpkin Cakes Bean Pumpkin Cakes Pyre Fox Bean Pyre Fox Rhythmwolfy Tsuki Bean Rhythmwolfy Tsuki Ryan Rousch Bean Ryan Rousch Scud Crichton Bean Scud Crichton Scud Muffin Bean Scud Muffin Selena Legacy Bean Selena Legacy Seri Kisne Bean Seri Kisne Shawn Tastic Bean Shawn Tastic Sinclair Hawola Bean Sinclair Hawola Sub Top Bean Sub Top Sylas Amarantos Bean Sylas Amarantos Syn Fool Bean Syn Fool Takk Sevasion Bean Takk Sevasion Tombear Sunblaze Bean Tombear Sunblaze Tora Solveig Bean Tora Solveig Ukiyo Neko Bean Ukiyo Neko Uriel Oshidari Bean Uriel Oshidari Valor Winters Bean Valor Winters Vulcan Skyfalcon Bean Vulcan Skyfalcon