
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Rank 30 Free Company "Tempest" was formed on and registered on with ID 9236742098248532049. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

A storm is brewing.

Operates on Hyperion, Primal, leaving tags "TMPST" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder. Has a medium base named "Tempest Hall" on plot 11 in ward 1 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to Tempest Hall!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
116 234 97
143 153 98
234 153 98
207 147 100
130 147 102
122 147 102
122 153 102
185 197 102
219 133 101
173 119 99
155 119 99
67 117 84
223 88 85
83 78 85
59 242 86
132 141 88
156 141 88
168 155 87
326 145 85

Current members:

Claire Lamont 11/10 Claire Lamont Cidel Paratonnerre 9/10 Cidel Paratonnerre Kira Foxtail 10/10 Kira Foxtail Kupopo Kupo 10/10 Kupopo Kupo Nakira Ogde'rel 10/10 Nakira Ogde'rel Alethia Surewing 8/10 Alethia Surewing Bolo Bao 8/10 Bolo Bao Enkidu Kyouraku 8/10 Enkidu Kyouraku Garrett Little 8/10 Garrett Little Indu Pomadu 8/10 Indu Pomadu Leongard Silber 8/10 Leongard Silber Mika Totto 8/10 Mika Totto Olivia Darkchyld 8/10 Olivia Darkchyld Para Sol 8/10 Para Sol Quitis Faerquarth 8/10 Quitis Faerquarth Regen Allergy 8/10 Regen Allergy Rikuistis Codeway 8/10 Rikuistis Codeway Vandel Haala 8/10 Vandel Haala Aeryn Heartilly 7/10 Aeryn Heartilly Alundra Allond 7/10 Alundra Allond Amber Koh 7/10 Amber Koh Amelia Iccles 7/10 Amelia Iccles Angry Goobbue 7/10 Angry Goobbue Ari Varis 7/10 Ari Varis Ariana Cross 7/10 Ariana Cross Aruktai Gesi 7/10 Aruktai Gesi Averyl Yaeger 7/10 Averyl Yaeger Bowie Files 7/10 Bowie Files Briza Nashezbaermon 7/10 Briza Nashezbaermon Broccula Radishio 7/10 Broccula Radishio Callie Sniffs 7/10 Callie Sniffs Clive Iccles 7/10 Clive Iccles Colonel Anguess 7/10 Colonel Anguess Curios Sojourn 7/10 Curios Sojourn Dancing Cheveyo 7/10 Dancing Cheveyo Dragon Haven 7/10 Dragon Haven Drew Who 7/10 Drew Who Eclipse Haven 7/10 Eclipse Haven Eclipse Solar 7/10 Eclipse Solar Elsabeth Valkyria 7/10 Elsabeth Valkyria Frost Tetsuya 7/10 Frost Tetsuya Full Frontal 7/10 Full Frontal Garulax Stalwart 7/10 Garulax Stalwart Gauge Smash 7/10 Gauge Smash General Celes 7/10 General Celes Gnar Brew 7/10 Gnar Brew Gradriel Varendia 7/10 Gradriel Varendia Happy Dragneel 7/10 Happy Dragneel Havvyavenven Haven 7/10 Havvyavenven Haven Heoki Doki 7/10 Heoki Doki Hoolie Who 7/10 Hoolie Who Impressive Shooter 7/10 Impressive Shooter Ironclawlane Asura 7/10 Ironclawlane Asura Jeauxzuf Longfellow 7/10 Jeauxzuf Longfellow Jello Minion 7/10 Jello Minion Kaim Argonar 7/10 Kaim Argonar Kainden Longblade 7/10 Kainden Longblade Kais Rah 7/10 Kais Rah Kali Zephyr 7/10 Kali Zephyr Kat Aya 7/10 Kat Aya Killa Joker 7/10 Killa Joker Kimi Kama 7/10 Kimi Kama Lannyar Darkness 7/10 Lannyar Darkness Lucilla Codeway 7/10 Lucilla Codeway Mahiwa Godo 7/10 Mahiwa Godo Miria Sapphire 7/10 Miria Sapphire Netha Knight 7/10 Netha Knight Night Starlight 7/10 Night Starlight Nox Vladinov 7/10 Nox Vladinov Null Proxy 7/10 Null Proxy Petrina Sniffs 7/10 Petrina Sniffs Pon Keto 7/10 Pon Keto Poppy Boppy 7/10 Poppy Boppy Raynora Canddy 7/10 Raynora Canddy Rem Well 7/10 Rem Well Rena Iccles 7/10 Rena Iccles Riscii Minu 7/10 Riscii Minu Seika Asato 7/10 Seika Asato Sendril Lightbringer 7/10 Sendril Lightbringer Shaula Darkstar 7/10 Shaula Darkstar Shiva Brightstone 7/10 Shiva Brightstone Simi Snipe 7/10 Simi Snipe Soldiercloud Strife 7/10 Soldiercloud Strife Sonusem Thazar 7/10 Sonusem Thazar Spirit Lance 7/10 Spirit Lance Starry Sky 7/10 Starry Sky Sua Sponte 7/10 Sua Sponte Teloset Orpheus 7/10 Teloset Orpheus Tiffa Belmount 7/10 Tiffa Belmount Tova Dawnbreaker 7/10 Tova Dawnbreaker True Spell 7/10 True Spell Vari Visermoore 7/10 Vari Visermoore Vizjerai Dragon 7/10 Vizjerai Dragon Whitewolf Cheveyo 7/10 Whitewolf Cheveyo Zandan Rein 7/10 Zandan Rein