
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "Cyclone" was formed on and registered on with ID 9236742098248576487. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Ask if you need anything! Welcome to the team and please refer to our discord for events and info!

Operates on Hyperion, Primal, leaving tags "Clone" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named "EYE OF THE STORM" on plot 30 in ward 9 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome all! Please sign our message book in the house!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
221 206 119
312 433 119
185 83 74
63 83 74
167 119 74
118 119 76
180 119 76
76 66 73
69 60 71
170 60 71
73 78 71
220 328 41
386 328 41
409 328 41

Current members:

Oronir Caragai Chairman Oronir Caragai A'embri Lheya Officers A'embri Lheya Jakel H'ralian Officers Jakel H'ralian Luna' Arkwright Officers Luna' Arkwright Mike Arkwright Officers Mike Arkwright Andy Tumet Veteran Andy Tumet Eyriwilf Iyrndaegsyn Veteran Eyriwilf Iyrndaegsyn Faelyn Amaius Veteran Faelyn Amaius Mavin Wildwind Veteran Mavin Wildwind Reaven Nevermourne Veteran Reaven Nevermourne Snake Greyskull Veteran Snake Greyskull Aeolana Sol Interns Aeolana Sol Akina Eiko Interns Akina Eiko Amathain Saiyan Interns Amathain Saiyan Cyan Nightstalker Interns Cyan Nightstalker Drigo K'niche Interns Drigo K'niche Lilith Farsight Interns Lilith Farsight Steele Moxie Interns Steele Moxie Thel Vadam Interns Thel Vadam Zell Strife Interns Zell Strife Aeolana Rozen Clones Aeolana Rozen Alikar Fortuna Clones Alikar Fortuna Alusohn Hegro Clones Alusohn Hegro Amara Asharrow Clones Amara Asharrow Angel Bunn Clones Angel Bunn Anya Arkwright Clones Anya Arkwright Avis Kanai Clones Avis Kanai Axel Bost Clones Axel Bost Blue Petals Clones Blue Petals Cera Kuma Clones Cera Kuma Chuck Finley Clones Chuck Finley Cowboy Corncob Clones Cowboy Corncob Cura Ayaruk Clones Cura Ayaruk Daken Alclaseus Clones Daken Alclaseus Detective Detective Clones Detective Detective Drain Bamagge Clones Drain Bamagge Eylis Grimbald Clones Eylis Grimbald Fearless Jcc Clones Fearless Jcc Fried Takoyaki Clones Fried Takoyaki Gabbie Carter Clones Gabbie Carter Gandoft Returns Clones Gandoft Returns Gato Majima Clones Gato Majima Glombit Guy Clones Glombit Guy Human-sized Rat Clones Human-sized Rat Jayden Talbain Clones Jayden Talbain Jhiin Kaos Clones Jhiin Kaos Johan Blacktooth Clones Johan Blacktooth Kairos Evergreen Clones Kairos Evergreen Kalveno Valtin Clones Kalveno Valtin Kamui Myass Clones Kamui Myass Katori Way Clones Katori Way Kazuto Fuma Clones Kazuto Fuma Komet Lynhimmel Clones Komet Lynhimmel Korona Bok Clones Korona Bok Kuromii Arkwright Clones Kuromii Arkwright Lady Rinn Clones Lady Rinn Lance Xtrm Clones Lance Xtrm Landiren Vronel Clones Landiren Vronel Leon Stark Clones Leon Stark Lewis Slayer Clones Lewis Slayer Light Heddu Clones Light Heddu Lorenzo Sarzuelo Clones Lorenzo Sarzuelo Lorilae Sudena Clones Lorilae Sudena Luis Sanchez Clones Luis Sanchez M'dola Blacktooth Clones M'dola Blacktooth Mag Nificent Clones Mag Nificent Maggie Rene Clones Maggie Rene Mago Nitsche Clones Mago Nitsche Master Rellik Clones Master Rellik Maylenn Neasdra Clones Maylenn Neasdra Merrik Talwin Clones Merrik Talwin Moon Sthars Clones Moon Sthars Mrsroxout Golder Clones Mrsroxout Golder Nathanial Whittany Clones Nathanial Whittany Neko Arkwright Clones Neko Arkwright Nic Soulkin Clones Nic Soulkin Nice Axe Clones Nice Axe Not Afurry Clones Not Afurry Notkawaii Arkwright Clones Notkawaii Arkwright Okasaki Jokerx Clones Okasaki Jokerx Omega Alpha Clones Omega Alpha Osiel Mollis Clones Osiel Mollis Pappas Bravas Clones Pappas Bravas Paup Paup Clones Paup Paup Potemkin Busta Clones Potemkin Busta Qianna Tundhri Clones Qianna Tundhri Raicrie Seilyn Clones Raicrie Seilyn Ram Skyz Clones Ram Skyz Ren Soulkin Clones Ren Soulkin Rowan Magikos Clones Rowan Magikos Roxout Golder Clones Roxout Golder Rudy Moei Clones Rudy Moei Senoc Roots Clones Senoc Roots Sereb Jastrus Clones Sereb Jastrus Sev Erickson Clones Sev Erickson Shappo Mabappo Clones Shappo Mabappo Sickstar Osiris Clones Sickstar Osiris Sinon Chan Clones Sinon Chan Smithen Udat Clones Smithen Udat Smol Mochaccino Clones Smol Mochaccino Stratik Yoshimitsu Clones Stratik Yoshimitsu Sylphrenia Sanguinis Clones Sylphrenia Sanguinis Taco Arkwright Clones Taco Arkwright Tactus Raan Clones Tactus Raan Tee Pac Clones Tee Pac Tjrn Kisne Clones Tjrn Kisne Vaughan Lives Clones Vaughan Lives Verdant Prairillot Clones Verdant Prairillot Wind-up Musica Clones Wind-up Musica Wolev Arkwright Clones Wolev Arkwright Zelda' Hyrule Clones Zelda' Hyrule Zohark Risingsun Clones Zohark Risingsun