
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "KnightsOfTheLostMind" was formed on and registered on with ID 9236742098248645976. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

We've all lost our minds, Come be Batty with us! Adults Only

Operates on Hyperion, Primal, leaving tags "Hello" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "Insanity Sanctum" on plot 46 in ward 16 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:


Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • Abstract Sleepercell
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
244 88 93
94 98 93
157 169 92
212 124 90
97 118 89
116 118 89
131 68 38
117 68 37
117 47 38
97 47 39
81 47 36
16 19 44
18 24 44
15 24 43

Current members:

Thunder Pompalicious Mister Thunder Pompalicious Calcifer Flametongue Apprentice Calcifer Flametongue Teresal Murchion Member of Month Teresal Murchion Jasmine Amberly Madame Jasmine Amberly Mira Daysa Madame Mira Daysa Alihx Ludrya Sir Alihx Ludrya Charlotte Rue Sir Charlotte Rue Jericho Hawke Sir Jericho Hawke Kagenoshi Mode Sir Kagenoshi Mode Dark Destroyer Squire Dark Destroyer Kula Vermillion Squire Kula Vermillion Mighty Lykos Squire Mighty Lykos Ryosuke Shinigami Squire Ryosuke Shinigami Saren Knight Squire Saren Knight Tiddle Bristen Squire Tiddle Bristen Buffy Vampireslayer Sir/Madame Alt Buffy Vampireslayer Fc' Retainer Sir/Madame Alt Fc' Retainer Malevolent Nightmare Sir/Madame Alt Malevolent Nightmare Sarah O'conor Sir/Madame Alt Sarah O'conor She-devil Devine Sir/Madame Alt She-devil Devine Sven Simpson Sir/Madame Alt Sven Simpson Ube Cupcake Sir/Madame Alt Ube Cupcake Cindy Aurum Trainee Cindy Aurum Drago Adarka Trainee Drago Adarka Kadaj Crescent Trainee Kadaj Crescent Koko Vermillion Trainee Koko Vermillion Prince Estevan Trainee Prince Estevan Princesa Leilani Trainee Princesa Leilani Vajimir Putin Trainee Vajimir Putin Yasuke Syrgata Trainee Yasuke Syrgata Akatsuki Shadow Inactive Akatsuki Shadow Arden Pinwa Inactive Arden Pinwa Azorius Prahv Inactive Azorius Prahv Baloo Karnage Inactive Baloo Karnage Beizal Linstein Inactive Beizal Linstein Bell Cranell Inactive Bell Cranell Benji Boonay Inactive Benji Boonay Blazoned Lefleur Inactive Blazoned Lefleur Bolder Fradeknot Inactive Bolder Fradeknot Boofus Jusduhtip Inactive Boofus Jusduhtip Brock Lee Inactive Brock Lee Calseeor De'opal Inactive Calseeor De'opal Cass Casper Inactive Cass Casper Clarina Valtin Inactive Clarina Valtin Cornchips Mccheese Inactive Cornchips Mccheese Darnok Amarok Inactive Darnok Amarok Dayna Graywing Inactive Dayna Graywing Elobiwan Kenobi Inactive Elobiwan Kenobi Emegen Orben Inactive Emegen Orben Erakus Denabar Inactive Erakus Denabar Genji Hachiman Inactive Genji Hachiman Glazed Yam Inactive Glazed Yam Gohstfaec Khilah Inactive Gohstfaec Khilah Grizzly Yeti Inactive Grizzly Yeti Iron Monk Inactive Iron Monk Jakson Springheel Inactive Jakson Springheel Jazlyn Darth Inactive Jazlyn Darth Josie Jones Inactive Josie Jones Kito Runeseeker Inactive Kito Runeseeker Lady Daru Inactive Lady Daru Lorez Seraji Inactive Lorez Seraji Lyla Telemnar Inactive Lyla Telemnar Mighty Leeck Inactive Mighty Leeck Mike Leonhart Inactive Mike Leonhart Miss Smurfette Inactive Miss Smurfette Mochi Paw Inactive Mochi Paw Osiria Dark Inactive Osiria Dark Peona Katarl Inactive Peona Katarl Phantasma Goria Inactive Phantasma Goria Ramontep Geneq Inactive Ramontep Geneq Raysh Al-zuur Inactive Raysh Al-zuur Rayvick Fradeknot Inactive Rayvick Fradeknot Rydion Stormender Inactive Rydion Stormender Saevan Sturm Inactive Saevan Sturm Sancho Villa Inactive Sancho Villa Saren Sasaki Inactive Saren Sasaki Sayuri Mishra Inactive Sayuri Mishra Scotty Palmer Inactive Scotty Palmer Silmaria Dragoon Inactive Silmaria Dragoon Sir Tito Inactive Sir Tito Skith Voidmane Inactive Skith Voidmane Smol B'tuff Inactive Smol B'tuff Snow Falls Inactive Snow Falls Soul Bud Inactive Soul Bud Sycleoth Vermillion Inactive Sycleoth Vermillion Tenebris Sol Inactive Tenebris Sol Tharadin Orinshere Inactive Tharadin Orinshere Vargol Rigen Inactive Vargol Rigen Vivan Frostborne Inactive Vivan Frostborne William Winchester Inactive William Winchester Willow Weatherby Inactive Willow Weatherby Xau'la Ekoxin Inactive Xau'la Ekoxin Zangetsu Zankuro Inactive Zangetsu Zankuro