
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

The Cozy Owlery

Rank 30 Free Company "The Cozy Owlery" was formed on and registered on with ID 9236742098248655507. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

A casual, all encompassing free company with the ideal that everyone has a place. Send Koa a tell if you're interested! Effortless app will be declined!

Operates on Hyperion, Primal, leaving tags "Owls" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Make yourself cozy at home and bring in the chill vibes!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids

Is recruiting, but does not specify whom.

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • Family of Hope
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
55 113 87
211 175 87
215 175 86
108 78 87
73 105 85
137 105 84
169 128 80
20 17 56
36 17 55
36 15 55
24 15 54
16 15 46
15 29 48
30 43 28

Current members:

Koa Silentwaltz Kaebora Gaebora Koa Silentwaltz Canyon Stormcloud Egg Role $$$ Canyon Stormcloud Lukile Keekilu Egg Role $$$ Lukile Keekilu Saint Satyrias Egg Role $$$ Saint Satyrias Ailuros Lunalyght On Break Ailuros Lunalyght Gwyn Cinder On Break Gwyn Cinder Uzra Argento On Break Uzra Argento Asche Damodred Owl Alt Lvl 1 Asche Damodred Astrid Luna Owl Alt Lvl 1 Astrid Luna Baddest Dragon Owl Alt Lvl 1 Baddest Dragon Bravik Altoss Owl Alt Lvl 1 Bravik Altoss Emet Starch Owl Alt Lvl 1 Emet Starch Aelia Ignus Knight Owls Aelia Ignus Amra Arduna Knight Owls Amra Arduna Brisket Aisatsana Knight Owls Brisket Aisatsana Cardinal Vertigo Knight Owls Cardinal Vertigo Cutie Kisses Knight Owls Cutie Kisses Darck Hawke Knight Owls Darck Hawke Emmeline Arduna Knight Owls Emmeline Arduna Evelyn Isa'bee Knight Owls Evelyn Isa'bee Ichigo Shinra Knight Owls Ichigo Shinra K'yuuki Valkyrie Knight Owls K'yuuki Valkyrie Leanne Delcarte Knight Owls Leanne Delcarte Lina Lannis Knight Owls Lina Lannis Radius Ignus Knight Owls Radius Ignus Raistlin Majer Knight Owls Raistlin Majer Rhodo D'endron Knight Owls Rhodo D'endron Sen Freyr Knight Owls Sen Freyr Serenity Seraphim Knight Owls Serenity Seraphim Sylvia Luna Knight Owls Sylvia Luna Tapeti Honeysuckle Knight Owls Tapeti Honeysuckle Teira Atsui Knight Owls Teira Atsui Tek Fantabard Knight Owls Tek Fantabard Theophilus Crowe Knight Owls Theophilus Crowe Verena Byrde Knight Owls Verena Byrde Aery Angura Owl Alt Lvl 2 Aery Angura Azem Krystalis Owl Alt Lvl 2 Azem Krystalis Bynx Wolfstag Owl Alt Lvl 2 Bynx Wolfstag Chupapi Choyo Owl Alt Lvl 2 Chupapi Choyo Dahlia Bloom Owl Alt Lvl 2 Dahlia Bloom Diogenes Pendergast Owl Alt Lvl 2 Diogenes Pendergast Emet- Smolch Owl Alt Lvl 2 Emet- Smolch Erend Lorn Owl Alt Lvl 2 Erend Lorn Fanfaniel Dandaniel Owl Alt Lvl 2 Fanfaniel Dandaniel Forgiven Anguish Owl Alt Lvl 2 Forgiven Anguish Hythy Daengus Owl Alt Lvl 2 Hythy Daengus Inoue Shinra Owl Alt Lvl 2 Inoue Shinra Keelah Brittleblossom Owl Alt Lvl 2 Keelah Brittleblossom Kikimo Mimimo Owl Alt Lvl 2 Kikimo Mimimo Kokotani Dazkar Owl Alt Lvl 2 Kokotani Dazkar Krystal Valkyrie Owl Alt Lvl 2 Krystal Valkyrie Leelu Kukulee Owl Alt Lvl 2 Leelu Kukulee Len Delcarte Owl Alt Lvl 2 Len Delcarte Lumen Hawke Owl Alt Lvl 2 Lumen Hawke Melanie Felony Owl Alt Lvl 2 Melanie Felony Rusten Wolfsktaag Owl Alt Lvl 2 Rusten Wolfsktaag Seraphim Starchaser Owl Alt Lvl 2 Seraphim Starchaser Shizue Izawa Owl Alt Lvl 2 Shizue Izawa Tek Tronic Owl Alt Lvl 2 Tek Tronic Thea Aliapoh Owl Alt Lvl 2 Thea Aliapoh Wildflower Freya Owl Alt Lvl 2 Wildflower Freya Arcadia Celeste Owlery Arcadia Celeste Astrelle Gartnik Owlery Astrelle Gartnik Darkglass Apidae Owlery Darkglass Apidae Dymendz Ua Owlery Dymendz Ua Elsophion Hoanoel Owlery Elsophion Hoanoel Fate Ayakashi Owlery Fate Ayakashi Flareine Blooming Owlery Flareine Blooming Grey Grey Owlery Grey Grey Iori Fuyusaka Owlery Iori Fuyusaka Junko Enoshima Owlery Junko Enoshima Light Starfallen Owlery Light Starfallen Lost Hobo Owlery Lost Hobo Lumieredeminuit Zaxia Owlery Lumieredeminuit Zaxia Niamh Melraia Owlery Niamh Melraia Paul Rusdorf Owlery Paul Rusdorf Petra Rosemaris Owlery Petra Rosemaris Rebecca Bumblebee Owlery Rebecca Bumblebee Rei Ayakashi Owlery Rei Ayakashi Ren Amor Owlery Ren Amor Rotato Mellow Owlery Rotato Mellow Seafany Krystalis Owlery Seafany Krystalis Shirika Snae Owlery Shirika Snae Vivica Angeline Owlery Vivica Angeline Wol Bromsmare Owlery Wol Bromsmare