
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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The Black Magister

Rank 30 Free Company "The Black Magister" was formed on and registered on with ID 9237023573225245216. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

"Meglio un Coke oggi che un Potash domani."

Operates on Ragnarok, Chaos, leaving tags "TBM" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder. Has a large base named "Gossip Arena" on plot 6 in ward 9 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Grazie Second Wind!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
278 470 102
345 265 101
115 274 87
115 438 87
254 438 87
280 438 87
351 438 87
324 390 88
71 42 83
86 78 83
118 62 81
105 133 80
167 84 80
176 55 77

Current members:

Zephyr Arcturus Black Magister Zephyr Arcturus Tali Windrunner Tali Windrunner Chris Von'greven Magister Chris Von'greven Dairon Silveris Magister Dairon Silveris Elinor Dreamfyre Magister Elinor Dreamfyre Leinas Kroma Magister Leinas Kroma Nuvi Dragonaria Magister Nuvi Dragonaria Asahi Aru Legatus Asahi Aru Astrelle Fyth Legatus Astrelle Fyth Celeno Schesir Legatus Celeno Schesir Sivesh Binahel Legatus Sivesh Binahel Daniel Boleyn Centurio Daniel Boleyn Derek Hale Centurio Derek Hale Gendry Stone Centurio Gendry Stone Giuda Balderk Centurio Giuda Balderk Marqus Izunia Centurio Marqus Izunia Velvet Von'crowe Centurio Velvet Von'crowe Annie Laney Legionarius Annie Laney Ayame Whitestorm Legionarius Ayame Whitestorm Ayleear Rincewind Legionarius Ayleear Rincewind Chris Rebelheart Legionarius Chris Rebelheart Diego Thespecter Legionarius Diego Thespecter Dremir Xentra Legionarius Dremir Xentra Eike Kush Legionarius Eike Kush Fenisia Liv Legionarius Fenisia Liv Fizban Redgem Legionarius Fizban Redgem Jake Damon Legionarius Jake Damon Khatu Xena Legionarius Khatu Xena Kyta Asphyros Legionarius Kyta Asphyros Liran Gale Legionarius Liran Gale Mifune Brevar Legionarius Mifune Brevar Miyum Tano Legionarius Miyum Tano Morrigan Hawke Legionarius Morrigan Hawke Nethero Nightowl Legionarius Nethero Nightowl Nodens Cthulhu Legionarius Nodens Cthulhu Ren Sabnock Legionarius Ren Sabnock Scroobz Kukunima Legionarius Scroobz Kukunima Shuro Skygale Legionarius Shuro Skygale Silent Bay Legionarius Silent Bay Teoskaven Kayalson Legionarius Teoskaven Kayalson Tessa Sting Legionarius Tessa Sting Valandil Seregon Legionarius Valandil Seregon Varovalx Imb'hatuul Legionarius Varovalx Imb'hatuul White Mint Legionarius White Mint Al Bert Cohort Al Bert Alaster Grey Cohort Alaster Grey Albret Southerland Cohort Albret Southerland Alvys Ponsso Cohort Alvys Ponsso Ananke Vollmond Cohort Ananke Vollmond Anima Nera Cohort Anima Nera Arari Lyari Cohort Arari Lyari Arhendor Raumon Cohort Arhendor Raumon Arrogance Ainsworth Cohort Arrogance Ainsworth Beautiful Bean Cohort Beautiful Bean Bogio Mogewota Cohort Bogio Mogewota Brayo Bloodyarm Cohort Brayo Bloodyarm Cordelia M'nementh Cohort Cordelia M'nementh Diazepam Girdle Cohort Diazepam Girdle Edea Kamiya Cohort Edea Kamiya Elare Yanglea Cohort Elare Yanglea Elazyel Draken Cohort Elazyel Draken Elenei Dreamfyre Cohort Elenei Dreamfyre Gannicus Weaver Cohort Gannicus Weaver Geno Leonhart Cohort Geno Leonhart Ikariel Kavell Cohort Ikariel Kavell Jaeha Eun Cohort Jaeha Eun Jimmy Dikappa Cohort Jimmy Dikappa Jordan Martell Cohort Jordan Martell Jujupel Zuzupel Cohort Jujupel Zuzupel Kame Nawal Cohort Kame Nawal Lalale Lale Cohort Lalale Lale Lantis Bohoben Cohort Lantis Bohoben Leaf Ricewell Cohort Leaf Ricewell Lifa Moonlight Cohort Lifa Moonlight Lili Rochefort Cohort Lili Rochefort Lord Grappaman Cohort Lord Grappaman Lord Ikaeel Cohort Lord Ikaeel Machete Killer Cohort Machete Killer Marisa Laurito Cohort Marisa Laurito Michelus Rex Cohort Michelus Rex Momo Alcor Cohort Momo Alcor Naur Haragin Cohort Naur Haragin Nemo Dawnguard Cohort Nemo Dawnguard Nero Capod'orso Cohort Nero Capod'orso Night Warrior Cohort Night Warrior Peevi Mellitier Cohort Peevi Mellitier Peste Noire Cohort Peste Noire Raven Necros Cohort Raven Necros Reinhart Gainsborough Cohort Reinhart Gainsborough Roehanth Horskhundsyn Cohort Roehanth Horskhundsyn Ronak Ganajai Cohort Ronak Ganajai Ruwah Aidar Cohort Ruwah Aidar Tadassar Thorstein Cohort Tadassar Thorstein Tesla X'pull Cohort Tesla X'pull Tony Zullante Cohort Tony Zullante Tyran Naa'vi Cohort Tyran Naa'vi Umbral Destroyer Cohort Umbral Destroyer Venser Loire Cohort Venser Loire Ventus Rigel Cohort Ventus Rigel Wildstyle Reaver Cohort Wildstyle Reaver Zagarna Lonewolf Cohort Zagarna Lonewolf Zell Targaryen Cohort Zell Targaryen