
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Les Enfants Terrible

Rank 30 Free Company "Les Enfants Terrible" was formed on and registered on with ID 9237023573225346711. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

In the outside world, everything may be gray, but here in Les Enfants Terribles, freedom blossoms in all its colors. Welcome to paradise

Operates on Ragnarok, Chaos, leaving tags "L'ET" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a medium base named "Mother Base" on plot 51 in ward 18 of Empyreum, Ishgard, Coerthas Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

A shining light, to our brothers in arms. Even in death. We are Diamond Dogs.

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • Les Enfant Terrible
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
60 29 173
45 19 172
21 19 163
5 13 168
19 13 170
17 37 164
15 37 167
26 93 147
50 93 134
104 156 105
102 156 100
168 104 82
117 104 82
129 70 83
95 70 80

Current members:

Zodiac Cifer Big Boss Zodiac Cifer Drakon Nar'khallas The Boss Drakon Nar'khallas Mighty Short The Boss Mighty Short Sizha'to Mhakaracca The Boss Sizha'to Mhakaracca A'ilith Ghuh Foxhound A'ilith Ghuh Athena Libitina Foxhound Athena Libitina Marie-sophie Pantsu Foxhound Marie-sophie Pantsu Nadalya Hydaelynasch Foxhound Nadalya Hydaelynasch Skearn Drakonson Foxhound Skearn Drakonson Akai Aoki Diamond Dog Akai Aoki Alora Luna Diamond Dog Alora Luna Amelia Carina Diamond Dog Amelia Carina Ayame Naeuri Diamond Dog Ayame Naeuri Azura Vincent Diamond Dog Azura Vincent Celestial Emet Diamond Dog Celestial Emet Ellie Tourmaline Diamond Dog Ellie Tourmaline Emi Izumi Diamond Dog Emi Izumi Esgeea Adwhara Diamond Dog Esgeea Adwhara Freya Cressent Diamond Dog Freya Cressent Gapa Lutrinae Diamond Dog Gapa Lutrinae Guardian Anna Diamond Dog Guardian Anna Ichi Chiribichi Diamond Dog Ichi Chiribichi Jux Aoki Diamond Dog Jux Aoki Kai Ryoshi Diamond Dog Kai Ryoshi Leonida Felis Diamond Dog Leonida Felis Liana Fallstar Diamond Dog Liana Fallstar Liara Vergil Diamond Dog Liara Vergil Lithdel Hikari Diamond Dog Lithdel Hikari Lyn Tsuki Diamond Dog Lyn Tsuki Lyraesel Aesth Diamond Dog Lyraesel Aesth Madora Scarlet Diamond Dog Madora Scarlet Mistress Lily Diamond Dog Mistress Lily Muna Sjarfi Diamond Dog Muna Sjarfi Peacemaker Inc Diamond Dog Peacemaker Inc Purp Felis Diamond Dog Purp Felis Quaka Moley Diamond Dog Quaka Moley Remmy Sakai Diamond Dog Remmy Sakai Renee Fallstar Diamond Dog Renee Fallstar Rimuru Slime Diamond Dog Rimuru Slime Runa Sjarfi Diamond Dog Runa Sjarfi Saito Fujimura Diamond Dog Saito Fujimura Selene Lunara Diamond Dog Selene Lunara Shan Ocarnia Diamond Dog Shan Ocarnia Shara Yapih Diamond Dog Shara Yapih Shini Soul Diamond Dog Shini Soul Siorn Hyume Diamond Dog Siorn Hyume Yomy Barlooq Diamond Dog Yomy Barlooq Yue Solar Diamond Dog Yue Solar Zephyra Nyxstorm Diamond Dog Zephyra Nyxstorm Zero Mayoneso Diamond Dog Zero Mayoneso Zoran Merigu Diamond Dog Zoran Merigu Aizen I' MSF's Aizen I' Amber Daldeus MSF's Amber Daldeus Ann Lin MSF's Ann Lin Aon'a Taihno MSF's Aon'a Taihno Arganna Yuki MSF's Arganna Yuki Avlianna Gasvonok MSF's Avlianna Gasvonok Aya Rose MSF's Aya Rose Calben Vairemont MSF's Calben Vairemont Callie Ka'bar MSF's Callie Ka'bar Candy Uup MSF's Candy Uup Cecilis Clayborn MSF's Cecilis Clayborn Chiara Centurion MSF's Chiara Centurion Claire Varlineau MSF's Claire Varlineau Conspiracy Shadow MSF's Conspiracy Shadow Damon Mikaelson MSF's Damon Mikaelson Danette Foamswords MSF's Danette Foamswords Ddknight Patino MSF's Ddknight Patino Dios Fey MSF's Dios Fey Dr Mike MSF's Dr Mike Dragun Highwind MSF's Dragun Highwind Edel Gard MSF's Edel Gard Eir' Hel MSF's Eir' Hel Elena Whiterose MSF's Elena Whiterose Estasi Siderale MSF's Estasi Siderale Fanni Shmela MSF's Fanni Shmela Forged Steel MSF's Forged Steel Fujiwara Tofu MSF's Fujiwara Tofu Grey Snake MSF's Grey Snake Heddia Drayson MSF's Heddia Drayson Heddia Firebringer MSF's Heddia Firebringer Heddia Stormwind MSF's Heddia Stormwind Hellsent Payn MSF's Hellsent Payn Hemi Misty MSF's Hemi Misty Hotaro Oreki MSF's Hotaro Oreki Hyenya Linueya MSF's Hyenya Linueya Ianna Rose MSF's Ianna Rose Jin Frix MSF's Jin Frix Jino Lockhart MSF's Jino Lockhart Julie Bee MSF's Julie Bee Kamikaze O' MSF's Kamikaze O' Kanna Isopokamuy MSF's Kanna Isopokamuy Kat Tulpa MSF's Kat Tulpa Kazue Ueda MSF's Kazue Ueda Keela Underwood MSF's Keela Underwood Kelia Dark MSF's Kelia Dark Kissa Miau MSF's Kissa Miau Kuromi Shuyu MSF's Kuromi Shuyu Kyhia Fhey MSF's Kyhia Fhey Laetta Baumbert MSF's Laetta Baumbert Larc Helix MSF's Larc Helix Lee Hi MSF's Lee Hi Liliana Nightshade MSF's Liliana Nightshade Lilly Lorel MSF's Lilly Lorel Lilyth Khorn MSF's Lilyth Khorn Lina Tresedi MSF's Lina Tresedi Livia Ferus MSF's Livia Ferus Lucia Feyith MSF's Lucia Feyith Lucine Seraph MSF's Lucine Seraph Lucyellemo Lovegood MSF's Lucyellemo Lovegood Luna Lizz MSF's Luna Lizz Lusytrix Mercer MSF's Lusytrix Mercer Makoto Torioi MSF's Makoto Torioi Mal'ata Vossa MSF's Mal'ata Vossa Marie Noisa MSF's Marie Noisa Marie-teresu Burajaa MSF's Marie-teresu Burajaa Marlin Blue MSF's Marlin Blue Melody Kasanui MSF's Melody Kasanui Mesa Rentia MSF's Mesa Rentia Mesha None MSF's Mesha None Mio Midori MSF's Mio Midori Mirai Uzumaki MSF's Mirai Uzumaki Miya Elune MSF's Miya Elune Monie Sa MSF's Monie Sa Nai Lightray MSF's Nai Lightray Nandschgi Der'gerret MSF's Nandschgi Der'gerret Nepenthes Sedai MSF's Nepenthes Sedai Ninphy Dora MSF's Ninphy Dora Olsunix Branfort MSF's Olsunix Branfort Phia Nixx MSF's Phia Nixx Pinczu Shiro MSF's Pinczu Shiro Pizza Man MSF's Pizza Man Ra'hell Orr MSF's Ra'hell Orr Rain Telomeres MSF's Rain Telomeres Retsu Unohana' MSF's Retsu Unohana' Rimuru Yin MSF's Rimuru Yin Ririfa Rifa MSF's Ririfa Rifa Roga Dawn MSF's Roga Dawn Rook Gagaga MSF's Rook Gagaga Rosaline Rosefield MSF's Rosaline Rosefield Ryu Tori MSF's Ryu Tori S'ar Xahir MSF's S'ar Xahir Saeka Laciel MSF's Saeka Laciel Sakura Raiden MSF's Sakura Raiden Satyr Djt-hypnaceae MSF's Satyr Djt-hypnaceae Scarlet Remilia MSF's Scarlet Remilia Schrecksen Blutadler MSF's Schrecksen Blutadler Seri Hawk MSF's Seri Hawk Shadowsoul Everhart MSF's Shadowsoul Everhart Sharkbait Hoohaha MSF's Sharkbait Hoohaha Sheeza Freak MSF's Sheeza Freak Shinara Hiiragi MSF's Shinara Hiiragi Shivva Trix MSF's Shivva Trix Sophia Fate MSF's Sophia Fate Sueiko Adwhara MSF's Sueiko Adwhara Sykina None MSF's Sykina None Varian Ja'i MSF's Varian Ja'i Vln Stern MSF's Vln Stern Vriska Thiefoflight MSF's Vriska Thiefoflight W'hwah Tia MSF's W'hwah Tia Walouk Kekeke MSF's Walouk Kekeke Wang Yibo MSF's Wang Yibo White Noize MSF's White Noize Wind-up Myrdana MSF's Wind-up Myrdana Winter Sa MSF's Winter Sa Xaeon De'san MSF's Xaeon De'san Yana Sakura MSF's Yana Sakura Yistey Rowe MSF's Yistey Rowe Yo Amback MSF's Yo Amback Yoko Katsuragi MSF's Yoko Katsuragi Yue Seob MSF's Yue Seob Yuri Nekochan MSF's Yuri Nekochan Zakai Il MSF's Zakai Il