
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Plaisirs des Dunes

Rank 30 Free Company "Plaisirs des Dunes" was formed on and registered on with ID 9237023573225383711. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

PvE chill/ RP ; activités diverses comme chasses aux trésors/glam/donjon sans fond/raid/rp bar et aventure. N'hésitez pas à MP pour en savoir plus !

Operates on Ragnarok, Chaos, leaving tags "DUNES" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a large base named "Demeure des Plaisirs" on plot 35 in ward 18 of The Goblet, Ul'dah, Thanalan Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Délestez-vous de vos problèmes et venez vous détendre aux Plaisirs des Dunes

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • CasualCasual

Is recruiting, but does not specify whom.

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • Le Pacte des Lames
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
42 32 97
25 68 95
36 221 87
124 108 67
114 108 65
158 152 57
71 93 57
93 49 50

Current members:

Alaska Djt-marouc Master Alaska Djt-marouc Esdess Drake Vétéran Esdess Drake K'dhya Myrath Danseur K'dhya Myrath Anya Sileika Bras droit Anya Sileika Aramis Nevasch Bras droit Aramis Nevasch N'asthasia Jinya Bras droit N'asthasia Jinya Alavia Querra Membre Alavia Querra Anathos Inyaal Membre Anathos Inyaal Aory Locail Membre Aory Locail Aralda Hedessa Membre Aralda Hedessa Astra Hellthorne Membre Astra Hellthorne Ceridwen Longueville Membre Ceridwen Longueville Exxelo Logris Membre Exxelo Logris Grimgen Menchi Membre Grimgen Menchi Hally Tsury Membre Hally Tsury Harumi Mazda Membre Harumi Mazda Hyphigeny Oswell Membre Hyphigeny Oswell Hyulia Rosalia Membre Hyulia Rosalia Julie Carpenter Membre Julie Carpenter Kochmar Morningstar Membre Kochmar Morningstar Krousty Feather Membre Krousty Feather Kumira Lodbrok Membre Kumira Lodbrok Moera Taggart Membre Moera Taggart Nagisa Kirifuji Membre Nagisa Kirifuji Nahele San Membre Nahele San Netero Sadler Membre Netero Sadler Pepy Djo Membre Pepy Djo Pierluigi Collina Membre Pierluigi Collina Rec Ink Membre Rec Ink Rosalina Hatasashi Membre Rosalina Hatasashi Solarsij Ajani Membre Solarsij Ajani Talys'shrae Medjihin Membre Talys'shrae Medjihin Aeter Icemaker Apprenti(e) Aeter Icemaker Agathe Zepowah Apprenti(e) Agathe Zepowah Agaxe Sadler Apprenti(e) Agaxe Sadler Akmon Nuss Apprenti(e) Akmon Nuss Alixielle Mdm Apprenti(e) Alixielle Mdm Alyss Bellveil Apprenti(e) Alyss Bellveil Angel Dechupan Apprenti(e) Angel Dechupan Angelius Angel Apprenti(e) Angelius Angel Apolix Mankhad Apprenti(e) Apolix Mankhad Argasar Thumet Apprenti(e) Argasar Thumet Ayane Kamigawa Apprenti(e) Ayane Kamigawa Ayleth Luned'argent Apprenti(e) Ayleth Luned'argent Ayrenn Aldmeri Apprenti(e) Ayrenn Aldmeri Azuki Rhowa Apprenti(e) Azuki Rhowa Ciara Gwedhith Apprenti(e) Ciara Gwedhith Cid Hou Apprenti(e) Cid Hou Elja Shad Apprenti(e) Elja Shad Eno Lune Apprenti(e) Eno Lune Evadne Lunaris Apprenti(e) Evadne Lunaris Everett Phyreum Apprenti(e) Everett Phyreum Floay Noirfang Apprenti(e) Floay Noirfang Galm De'valhol Apprenti(e) Galm De'valhol Hyldania Nhoro Apprenti(e) Hyldania Nhoro Ipiu Minelle Apprenti(e) Ipiu Minelle Jackie San Apprenti(e) Jackie San Jaeggir Windrider Apprenti(e) Jaeggir Windrider Khulaq Urumet Apprenti(e) Khulaq Urumet Kiba Rain Apprenti(e) Kiba Rain Kiyoko Horizon Apprenti(e) Kiyoko Horizon Kossi Undna Apprenti(e) Kossi Undna Lenhardt Skugga Apprenti(e) Lenhardt Skugga Malhavoc Wyllt Apprenti(e) Malhavoc Wyllt May Feather Apprenti(e) May Feather Mia Alia Apprenti(e) Mia Alia Miirana Obinata Apprenti(e) Miirana Obinata Milgard Leorius Apprenti(e) Milgard Leorius Molly Olkund Apprenti(e) Molly Olkund Nhagor Molkot Apprenti(e) Nhagor Molkot Nina Key Apprenti(e) Nina Key Nyx Stormblade Apprenti(e) Nyx Stormblade Piinky Kamado Apprenti(e) Piinky Kamado R'ley Tohka Apprenti(e) R'ley Tohka Raiden Mei Apprenti(e) Raiden Mei Rinhaa Tyata Apprenti(e) Rinhaa Tyata Roland Decourtois Apprenti(e) Roland Decourtois Rosalia Roseblue Apprenti(e) Rosalia Roseblue Rose Kaloo Apprenti(e) Rose Kaloo Roshan Eryut Apprenti(e) Roshan Eryut Ryu Ackerman Apprenti(e) Ryu Ackerman Saja La'hyon Apprenti(e) Saja La'hyon Sakume Hoshi Apprenti(e) Sakume Hoshi Seris Vritra Apprenti(e) Seris Vritra Shar Ijin Apprenti(e) Shar Ijin Shinichi Kudo Apprenti(e) Shinichi Kudo Shirayu Yuuki Apprenti(e) Shirayu Yuuki Shuraa Karyll Apprenti(e) Shuraa Karyll Svor Shara Apprenti(e) Svor Shara Tallek Rampter Apprenti(e) Tallek Rampter Tishushu Tishu Apprenti(e) Tishushu Tishu Tsagaan Chono Apprenti(e) Tsagaan Chono Tsuki Triny Apprenti(e) Tsuki Triny Tunrida Lascandinave Apprenti(e) Tunrida Lascandinave Tydaax Fang Apprenti(e) Tydaax Fang Xennay Vecchietti Apprenti(e) Xennay Vecchietti Zoe Solargil Apprenti(e) Zoe Solargil