
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Veiled Primals

Rank 30 Free Company "Veiled Primals" was formed on and registered on with ID 9237305048201996785. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

A casual, social FC, new and old players welcome! Hunts, and other duties too ;D

Operates on Sargatanas, Aether, leaving tags "SMITE" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "Primal Roost" on plot 33 in ward 2 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to Veild Primals estate! Enjoy the view, you can reach us when you need something; just leave a message :P

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Had also been known under 1 other name:

  • Celestial Guardians
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
182 132 101
290 202 105
431 341 105
122 86 110
139 86 110
42 27 133
32 40 127
19 40 126
68 97 77
131 97 77
131 106 75
172 106 75
99 106 77
85 106 76
85 48 77
55 95 76
233 179 78
83 69 43
61 204 44
287 194 40
60 82 56
29 36 54

Current members:

Opinicus Anqa Savage Primal Opinicus Anqa Elicia Venom Ultimate Primal Elicia Venom Chanee Pegason Extreme Primal Chanee Pegason Hollydew Melon Extreme Primal Hollydew Melon Mizusyu Sitra Extreme Primal Mizusyu Sitra Alexis Darkeen Operator Primal Alexis Darkeen Crystal Rivers Operator Primal Crystal Rivers Darinjaas Darkeen Operator Primal Darinjaas Darkeen Hagrid Darkeen Operator Primal Hagrid Darkeen Athena Snowsky Newborn Primal Athena Snowsky Azari T'challa Newborn Primal Azari T'challa Dareus Brimstone Newborn Primal Dareus Brimstone Girncare Jones Newborn Primal Girncare Jones Lewdakris Popotos Newborn Primal Lewdakris Popotos Prodigous Jix Newborn Primal Prodigous Jix Sora Ryuuen Newborn Primal Sora Ryuuen Zangetsu Kurogane Newborn Primal Zangetsu Kurogane Zen Azalea Newborn Primal Zen Azalea Aria Bladesong Elder Primal Aria Bladesong Constantyne Proudmoor Elder Primal Constantyne Proudmoor Fleur Larue Elder Primal Fleur Larue Glitch Clipshisdots Elder Primal Glitch Clipshisdots Kha'a Rhuwa Elder Primal Kha'a Rhuwa Mariette Honore Elder Primal Mariette Honore Mezzica Solus Elder Primal Mezzica Solus Oreykar Rakyero Elder Primal Oreykar Rakyero Shin Jaku Elder Primal Shin Jaku Aegius Thru Primal Flock Aegius Thru Amylie Ashenfist Primal Flock Amylie Ashenfist Beatrix Portinari Primal Flock Beatrix Portinari Claire Ryu Primal Flock Claire Ryu Dahlia Blackstar Primal Flock Dahlia Blackstar Feltix Keldincith Primal Flock Feltix Keldincith Four Notes Primal Flock Four Notes I'rie Mihren Primal Flock I'rie Mihren Jinh Rosfield Primal Flock Jinh Rosfield Kassandra Ryker Primal Flock Kassandra Ryker Krysalix Sveldin Primal Flock Krysalix Sveldin Lila Reynolds Primal Flock Lila Reynolds Lilac Evermore Primal Flock Lilac Evermore Perkins Thurston Primal Flock Perkins Thurston Rynn Longfang Primal Flock Rynn Longfang Sarge Kuni Primal Flock Sarge Kuni Sneaky Fallen Primal Flock Sneaky Fallen Sojhin Cragbreaker Primal Flock Sojhin Cragbreaker Stone Soup Primal Flock Stone Soup Susan Whynot Primal Flock Susan Whynot Sylvaen Demonbane Primal Flock Sylvaen Demonbane Tia Tamera' Primal Flock Tia Tamera' Tyrian Oronir Primal Flock Tyrian Oronir Va'karna Crimson Primal Flock Va'karna Crimson Vixie Pixie Primal Flock Vixie Pixie Wendy Azalea Primal Flock Wendy Azalea Zeckary Dinger Primal Flock Zeckary Dinger Akumakami Kiyomizu MIA Primals Akumakami Kiyomizu Alicat Isafk MIA Primals Alicat Isafk Alta Lune MIA Primals Alta Lune Amani Dreadmore MIA Primals Amani Dreadmore Artemis Zuldan MIA Primals Artemis Zuldan Ashe Xander MIA Primals Ashe Xander Brandon Rys MIA Primals Brandon Rys Briareos Hecaton MIA Primals Briareos Hecaton Chungus Humongous MIA Primals Chungus Humongous Cirrus Stormcloud MIA Primals Cirrus Stormcloud Deathly Nightshade MIA Primals Deathly Nightshade Derrick Damage MIA Primals Derrick Damage Efelion Berrendow MIA Primals Efelion Berrendow Eleanore Zuldan MIA Primals Eleanore Zuldan Furry Fumigator MIA Primals Furry Fumigator Hanzo Akachi MIA Primals Hanzo Akachi Heartless Romeo MIA Primals Heartless Romeo Honestly Grey MIA Primals Honestly Grey Hughe Morris MIA Primals Hughe Morris Itzda Plug MIA Primals Itzda Plug Jon Swake MIA Primals Jon Swake Liith Mekanishe-katze MIA Primals Liith Mekanishe-katze Lil Bopeep MIA Primals Lil Bopeep Maverick Tacitus MIA Primals Maverick Tacitus Mirulie Arcaneth MIA Primals Mirulie Arcaneth Oureden Wight MIA Primals Oureden Wight Oz Ozul MIA Primals Oz Ozul Percival Proudfoot MIA Primals Percival Proudfoot Ram Aziz MIA Primals Ram Aziz Rilleyn Batih MIA Primals Rilleyn Batih Ritsu Kyu MIA Primals Ritsu Kyu Royal Newb MIA Primals Royal Newb Royalbert Newberton MIA Primals Royalbert Newberton Rukwind Leonhart MIA Primals Rukwind Leonhart Selene Valkyr MIA Primals Selene Valkyr Steph Darkeen MIA Primals Steph Darkeen Suzuyu Miruyu MIA Primals Suzuyu Miruyu Swift Stryker MIA Primals Swift Stryker Taelina Vael MIA Primals Taelina Vael Tsukikage Aoigane MIA Primals Tsukikage Aoigane Tyrou Wolfe MIA Primals Tyrou Wolfe Wraid Embersong MIA Primals Wraid Embersong Xerrio Blackdeath MIA Primals Xerrio Blackdeath Yasuo Thewanderer MIA Primals Yasuo Thewanderer Zeldris Griamore MIA Primals Zeldris Griamore Zodd Nosferatu MIA Primals Zodd Nosferatu Zukon T'chal MIA Primals Zukon T'chal