
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Belle Asterism

Rank 30 Free Company "Belle Asterism" was formed on and registered on with ID 9237305048202092781. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Please make yourself at home, be it for days or months ♥

Operates on Sargatanas, Aether, leaving tags "BEES" all over the place and increasing glory of Immortal FlamesImmortal Flames. Has a large base named "The Hive" on plot 58 in ward 26 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Welcome to BEES! ♥

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
69 70 90
90 111 89
69 111 92
359 249 109
317 297 108

Current members:

Sibell Celestella Queen Bee Sibell Celestella Rycko Shingetsu Honey Bee Rycko Shingetsu Purple Ricecake Dirt Ghostie Purple Ricecake Purple Sushi Dirt Ghostie Purple Sushi Astra Selenia Carpenter Bee Astra Selenia Chrosan Ashandir Carpenter Bee Chrosan Ashandir Clauidi Mecru Worker Bee Clauidi Mecru Cordelya Lamont Worker Bee Cordelya Lamont Nimue De'clarieda Worker Bee Nimue De'clarieda Azarah Stormcrow Drone Bee Azarah Stormcrow Beensan Toastinnit Drone Bee Beensan Toastinnit Emma Fairchild Drone Bee Emma Fairchild Grim Violetchaos Drone Bee Grim Violetchaos Jon Bilzerian Drone Bee Jon Bilzerian Kris Starsong Drone Bee Kris Starsong Phinyx Silvermoon Drone Bee Phinyx Silvermoon Rashanti Vel Drone Bee Rashanti Vel Selenitic Serlut Drone Bee Selenitic Serlut Ticas Stormcrow Drone Bee Ticas Stormcrow Aberrant Bunny Bumblebee Aberrant Bunny Aiko Rumba Bumblebee Aiko Rumba Alexandria Mizrahi Bumblebee Alexandria Mizrahi Amethyst Stormbringer Bumblebee Amethyst Stormbringer Anastasia Snowcoat Bumblebee Anastasia Snowcoat Arkham Korvac Bumblebee Arkham Korvac Astraea Naeuri Bumblebee Astraea Naeuri Atrius Systria Bumblebee Atrius Systria Beni Fenrir Bumblebee Beni Fenrir Bobo Zedrole Bumblebee Bobo Zedrole Cammy Kuro Bumblebee Cammy Kuro Captain Thunder Bumblebee Captain Thunder Chun Theman Bumblebee Chun Theman Cordelia Runja Bumblebee Cordelia Runja Dark Salsa Bumblebee Dark Salsa Fjelvard Edelwiess Bumblebee Fjelvard Edelwiess Flower Stem Bumblebee Flower Stem Frau Carrotdebt Bumblebee Frau Carrotdebt Kaede Akido Bumblebee Kaede Akido Kossyne Darkmoon Bumblebee Kossyne Darkmoon Lapulapu Surtur Bumblebee Lapulapu Surtur Luner Umbreon Bumblebee Luner Umbreon Mana Foster Bumblebee Mana Foster Meowmixx Darkmoon Bumblebee Meowmixx Darkmoon Milanda Starlight Bumblebee Milanda Starlight Mimi Blackrose Bumblebee Mimi Blackrose Mrs Salsa Bumblebee Mrs Salsa Nana Blackrose Bumblebee Nana Blackrose Natsuki T'homas Bumblebee Natsuki T'homas Net Terminal Bumblebee Net Terminal Rael Sunstrider Bumblebee Rael Sunstrider Roseanne Park Bumblebee Roseanne Park Rycko Bani Bumblebee Rycko Bani Schrodinger's Kat Bumblebee Schrodinger's Kat Sienna Rae Bumblebee Sienna Rae Snooby Senketsu Bumblebee Snooby Senketsu Teresa Dawnwind Bumblebee Teresa Dawnwind Valentyne Masdet Bumblebee Valentyne Masdet A'labert Wheeskers Newbees A'labert Wheeskers Achilleon Elenath Newbees Achilleon Elenath Arru S'tuda Newbees Arru S'tuda Aurora Moonflow Newbees Aurora Moonflow Aveta Arduinna Newbees Aveta Arduinna Bucktina Ballbearing Newbees Bucktina Ballbearing Dathclaw Sobrik Newbees Dathclaw Sobrik Elaine Stardust Newbees Elaine Stardust Emmet Sterling Newbees Emmet Sterling Jeanne Belavoix Newbees Jeanne Belavoix Kadima Kawaguchi Newbees Kadima Kawaguchi Kazama Kiryu Newbees Kazama Kiryu Kiki Moongarden Newbees Kiki Moongarden Koopa Highwind Newbees Koopa Highwind Lalastair Fafalastair Newbees Lalastair Fafalastair Legato Bluesummer' Newbees Legato Bluesummer' Lillith Jade Newbees Lillith Jade Lily Frost Newbees Lily Frost Lina Laddergoat Newbees Lina Laddergoat Mana Tohealth Newbees Mana Tohealth Micah Harel Newbees Micah Harel Michael Flame Newbees Michael Flame Moldy Ham Newbees Moldy Ham Mu'ara Khatsaia Newbees Mu'ara Khatsaia Pug Puncher Newbees Pug Puncher Sango Ikari Newbees Sango Ikari Smug Mug Newbees Smug Mug Stevie Lachatte Newbees Stevie Lachatte Tiny Fox Newbees Tiny Fox Tristan Valegade Newbees Tristan Valegade Umb'ra Reborn Newbees Umb'ra Reborn Vulnerability Snacks Newbees Vulnerability Snacks