
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

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Eminence of Shadow

Rank 30 Free Company "Eminence of Shadow" was formed on and registered on with ID 9279807769685269847. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Eminence Of Shadow> An active FC, we offer daily buffs, weekly events and housing. Sprouts and veteran players are welcome.

Operates on Phantom, Chaos, leaving tags "EOS" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder. Has a large base named "Shadow Garden" on plot 3 in ward 5 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Had also been known under 2 other names:

  • Nightshades
  • Wulfing
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
6 7 214
6 9 222
10 11 246
11 15 187
23 14 177
26 11 185
12 11 190
13 8 200
6 6 221
10 6 198
8 6 206
8 9 221
12 6 221
7 6 226

Current members:

Sean Vickers Lord of Shadow Sean Vickers Noelle Estella Alt Characters Noelle Estella Lemira Oimeh Lady of Doom Lemira Oimeh Dionysus Nyx Officer Dionysus Nyx Ivy Persephone Officer Ivy Persephone Llaena Marchosias Officer Llaena Marchosias Mika Higanbana Officer Mika Higanbana Purrsephone Nyx Officer Purrsephone Nyx Astolfo Black Away From Game☆ Astolfo Black Aurora Midnight Away From Game☆ Aurora Midnight Azu Chen Away From Game☆ Azu Chen Cilvielle Valithar Away From Game☆ Cilvielle Valithar Hydro Liza Away From Game☆ Hydro Liza Kumokiri Yuzuka Away From Game☆ Kumokiri Yuzuka Lyria Windwhisper Away From Game☆ Lyria Windwhisper Pepega Memega Away From Game☆ Pepega Memega Rinoa Heartillyffviii Away From Game☆ Rinoa Heartillyffviii Roth Happer Away From Game☆ Roth Happer Victoria Jademoon Away From Game☆ Victoria Jademoon Zlatgar Nyan Away From Game☆ Zlatgar Nyan Feena Eisner Away From Game★ Feena Eisner Freya Phoenix Away From Game★ Freya Phoenix Gig Bean Away From Game★ Gig Bean Ichika Homura Away From Game★ Ichika Homura Jurr Flamin Away From Game★ Jurr Flamin Katerina Mikhailova Away From Game★ Katerina Mikhailova Leara Vett Away From Game★ Leara Vett Linnea Marx Away From Game★ Linnea Marx Naughty- Bear Away From Game★ Naughty- Bear Orion Mew Away From Game★ Orion Mew Rain Naweh Away From Game★ Rain Naweh Rav'ona Naweh Away From Game★ Rav'ona Naweh Sariel Vitiate Away From Game★ Sariel Vitiate Sho Top-diff Away From Game★ Sho Top-diff Sodeno Shirayuki Away From Game★ Sodeno Shirayuki Vivi Tuesday Away From Game★ Vivi Tuesday Y'tama Tenbe Away From Game★ Y'tama Tenbe Yohah Amariyo Away From Game★ Yohah Amariyo Akuna Kami Night Shade ★ Akuna Kami Alex Dolk Night Shade ★ Alex Dolk Amuzi Rharko Night Shade ★ Amuzi Rharko Artemis Lannister Night Shade ★ Artemis Lannister Ash Utarefson Night Shade ★ Ash Utarefson Bararaq Saiqa Night Shade ★ Bararaq Saiqa Buried Alive Night Shade ★ Buried Alive Care Less Night Shade ★ Care Less Cat Wig Night Shade ★ Cat Wig Cecillia Starbright Night Shade ★ Cecillia Starbright Dante Mortem Night Shade ★ Dante Mortem Darrone Lupercal Night Shade ★ Darrone Lupercal Delita Highwind Night Shade ★ Delita Highwind Demon War Night Shade ★ Demon War Doctor Oby Night Shade ★ Doctor Oby Draven- Black- Night Shade ★ Draven- Black- Efbet Liga Night Shade ★ Efbet Liga Ejderh Kerav Night Shade ★ Ejderh Kerav Fiorayne Ripley Night Shade ★ Fiorayne Ripley Flynx O'mera Night Shade ★ Flynx O'mera Giftied Fury Night Shade ★ Giftied Fury Hida Broom Night Shade ★ Hida Broom Hilf Gamer Night Shade ★ Hilf Gamer Hzula Tia Night Shade ★ Hzula Tia Izayoi Onishi Night Shade ★ Izayoi Onishi K'talah Rho Night Shade ★ K'talah Rho Kaim Arda Night Shade ★ Kaim Arda Kaldor Draigo Night Shade ★ Kaldor Draigo Kasen Lastnight Night Shade ★ Kasen Lastnight Kayser Lucius Night Shade ★ Kayser Lucius Koko Malgir Night Shade ★ Koko Malgir Kriathi Cruz Night Shade ★ Kriathi Cruz Lilith Lareel Night Shade ★ Lilith Lareel Lord Athelstan' Night Shade ★ Lord Athelstan' Luna Moonfire Night Shade ★ Luna Moonfire Mel Firebrant Night Shade ★ Mel Firebrant Mier Sol-thorn Night Shade ★ Mier Sol-thorn Nantoripa Domonokon Night Shade ★ Nantoripa Domonokon Olga Buzova Night Shade ★ Olga Buzova Owl Yn Night Shade ★ Owl Yn Page Blanche Night Shade ★ Page Blanche Pear Squared Night Shade ★ Pear Squared Polybius Reyna Night Shade ★ Polybius Reyna Pypa Greyclaw Night Shade ★ Pypa Greyclaw Ray Higanbana Night Shade ★ Ray Higanbana Rion Abyssos Night Shade ★ Rion Abyssos Ruby Rue Night Shade ★ Ruby Rue Sairintir Verlin Night Shade ★ Sairintir Verlin Salt Key Night Shade ★ Salt Key Silva Zoldyck Night Shade ★ Silva Zoldyck Sioper Stormrage Night Shade ★ Sioper Stormrage Sylandri Veilwalker Night Shade ★ Sylandri Veilwalker Virgil Kai Night Shade ★ Virgil Kai Vrenee Desroches Night Shade ★ Vrenee Desroches Abigail Gainsborough Shade ☆ Abigail Gainsborough Abys Tia Shade ☆ Abys Tia Aggro Crag Shade ☆ Aggro Crag Aika Tama Shade ☆ Aika Tama Almaz Els Shade ☆ Almaz Els Altayandra Laqi Shade ☆ Altayandra Laqi Amice Kimi Shade ☆ Amice Kimi Antraxus Kwartus Shade ☆ Antraxus Kwartus Arasuna Kitsufire Shade ☆ Arasuna Kitsufire Artemis Entereri Shade ☆ Artemis Entereri Athelem Seldron Shade ☆ Athelem Seldron Autgar Rayne Shade ☆ Autgar Rayne Baroni Stark Shade ☆ Baroni Stark Bel' Anora Shade ☆ Bel' Anora Captain Vellian Shade ☆ Captain Vellian Dark Oni Shade ☆ Dark Oni Deftout Tout Shade ☆ Deftout Tout Dehlo Zusaaso Shade ☆ Dehlo Zusaaso Dhaynnel Leizhad Shade ☆ Dhaynnel Leizhad Dis Isistori Shade ☆ Dis Isistori Dragon Hu Shade ☆ Dragon Hu Drazan Claw Shade ☆ Drazan Claw Drunk Kitty Shade ☆ Drunk Kitty Egg Eggwards Shade ☆ Egg Eggwards Eliana Astralith Shade ☆ Eliana Astralith Elio Zouzou Shade ☆ Elio Zouzou Eoras Sin Shade ☆ Eoras Sin Epic Naab Shade ☆ Epic Naab Eri Kitagawa Shade ☆ Eri Kitagawa Frason Derulo Shade ☆ Frason Derulo Freja Spacecadet Shade ☆ Freja Spacecadet G'rey Tia Shade ☆ G'rey Tia Himari Sato Shade ☆ Himari Sato Hirohito Twenty-four Shade ☆ Hirohito Twenty-four Izzzy Tomoe Shade ☆ Izzzy Tomoe Just Madness Shade ☆ Just Madness Kalsi Lignum Shade ☆ Kalsi Lignum Kamila Bloodwolf Shade ☆ Kamila Bloodwolf Katakore Akiudo Shade ☆ Katakore Akiudo Kira Bleed Shade ☆ Kira Bleed Kuii Kui Shade ☆ Kuii Kui Kyzore Valkion Shade ☆ Kyzore Valkion Leon Linhart Shade ☆ Leon Linhart Lilastrea Chosai Shade ☆ Lilastrea Chosai Liliroa Gladiolus Shade ☆ Liliroa Gladiolus Longtooth Sharpeclaw Shade ☆ Longtooth Sharpeclaw Lost Ruins Shade ☆ Lost Ruins Lucina Necrozz Shade ☆ Lucina Necrozz Lucky Mary Shade ☆ Lucky Mary Lunatrix Moonbringer Shade ☆ Lunatrix Moonbringer Lydia Josefine Shade ☆ Lydia Josefine Lyla Soliman Shade ☆ Lyla Soliman Magi Crab Shade ☆ Magi Crab Mahoton Rekkula Shade ☆ Mahoton Rekkula Mannsanek Mel Shade ☆ Mannsanek Mel Maroon Mori Shade ☆ Maroon Mori Maunie Urleaux Shade ☆ Maunie Urleaux Meat Eeyore Shade ☆ Meat Eeyore Meredith Vickers Shade ☆ Meredith Vickers Mihai Iulian Shade ☆ Mihai Iulian Misaki Sama Shade ☆ Misaki Sama Mister Puupybotthole Shade ☆ Mister Puupybotthole Mizu Rei Shade ☆ Mizu Rei Mol Ni-chok Shade ☆ Mol Ni-chok Murrzikh Silvestris Shade ☆ Murrzikh Silvestris Myako Medo Shade ☆ Myako Medo N'vico Fumra Shade ☆ N'vico Fumra Nemonius Theorsi Shade ☆ Nemonius Theorsi Neo Butcher Shade ☆ Neo Butcher Nera Lichbane Shade ☆ Nera Lichbane Nerium Misheta Shade ☆ Nerium Misheta Nex Nova Shade ☆ Nex Nova Ney Foix Shade ☆ Ney Foix Nilay D'aeneria Shade ☆ Nilay D'aeneria Nini Bny Shade ☆ Nini Bny O'scar Tia Shade ☆ O'scar Tia Onl Kami Shade ☆ Onl Kami Ophelia Kirschen Shade ☆ Ophelia Kirschen Orisik Yarborough Shade ☆ Orisik Yarborough Pan Jarburg Shade ☆ Pan Jarburg Paul Ricoeur Shade ☆ Paul Ricoeur Penelope Smyth Shade ☆ Penelope Smyth Poe Almighty Shade ☆ Poe Almighty Ra Meteor Shade ☆ Ra Meteor Reham Xr Shade ☆ Reham Xr Remhi Lhea Shade ☆ Remhi Lhea Reyne Givet Shade ☆ Reyne Givet Rose Kitsufire Shade ☆ Rose Kitsufire Rosie Slash Shade ☆ Rosie Slash Ryn Lith Shade ☆ Ryn Lith Saluriel Archleone Shade ☆ Saluriel Archleone Sania Galactic Shade ☆ Sania Galactic Sarah Ravane Shade ☆ Sarah Ravane Sarmina Lhea Shade ☆ Sarmina Lhea Satku Strepin Shade ☆ Satku Strepin Shino Sakimuri Shade ☆ Shino Sakimuri Sholo Sasalele Shade ☆ Sholo Sasalele Shovi Medo Shade ☆ Shovi Medo Shrimp Eggwards Shade ☆ Shrimp Eggwards Spring Summer Shade ☆ Spring Summer Sylvin Tulion Shade ☆ Sylvin Tulion Talan Blackwater Shade ☆ Talan Blackwater Tanker Spankerski Shade ☆ Tanker Spankerski Tatami Tami Shade ☆ Tatami Tami Tomas Amigales Shade ☆ Tomas Amigales Tribal Drift Shade ☆ Tribal Drift Trixie Boo Shade ☆ Trixie Boo Tsutsuki Tsuki Shade ☆ Tsutsuki Tsuki Uchiha Hoi Shade ☆ Uchiha Hoi Uldren Sword-son Shade ☆ Uldren Sword-son Una Tswarra Shade ☆ Una Tswarra Undying Titan Shade ☆ Undying Titan Waleed Ruby Shade ☆ Waleed Ruby Willow Norbettaux Shade ☆ Willow Norbettaux Yalila Lunarsha Shade ☆ Yalila Lunarsha Yaniz Whateversson Shade ☆ Yaniz Whateversson Z'kikti Kamiri Shade ☆ Z'kikti Kamiri Zambam Kadoom Shade ☆ Zambam Kadoom Zhiganshina Thenine Shade ☆ Zhiganshina Thenine Zhoor Fair Shade ☆ Zhoor Fair Zuiko Musa Shade ☆ Zuiko Musa