
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Eikon's Seal

Rank 30 Free Company "Eikon's Seal" was formed on and registered on with ID 9279948507173629772. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

'  Active FC with 24/7 buffs, events every week and receptive to all kind of players! https://discord.gg/YSTmrkVAWx

Operates on Alpha, Light, leaving tags "EKS" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a medium base named "Eikon's Seal FC" on plot 43 in ward 28 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Eikon's Seal! Be welcome!

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • GuildhestsGuildhests
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
18 29 297
41 32 290
39 32 286
25 32 283
25 27 283
35 27 281
34 33 281
51 9 255
15 9 238
26 17 197
19 129 152
114 158 94

Current members:

Kiriko Kimori ounding ather Kiriko Kimori Lily Crysta 《ikon layer》 Lily Crysta Mara Hukan 《ikon layer》 Mara Hukan Maras'logistic Team 《ikon layer》 Maras'logistic Team Rhaye Vhenn 《ikon layer》 Rhaye Vhenn Severina Greyfax 《ikon layer》 Severina Greyfax Ace Nymeia ikon riest  Ace Nymeia Actarus Goldo ikon riest  Actarus Goldo Ai Suda ikon riest  Ai Suda Alia Laqi ikon riest  Alia Laqi Amber Moon ikon riest  Amber Moon Anya Yume ikon riest  Anya Yume Atheus Theos ikon riest  Atheus Theos Aysgard Dragonclaw ikon riest  Aysgard Dragonclaw Azrell Fair ikon riest  Azrell Fair Baladinh Belbaillard ikon riest  Baladinh Belbaillard Based Pepega ikon riest  Based Pepega Caddy Baaden ikon riest  Caddy Baaden Caitlin Clark ikon riest  Caitlin Clark Calix Drummer ikon riest  Calix Drummer Captain Varr ikon riest  Captain Varr Casey Flux ikon riest  Casey Flux Char Char ikon riest  Char Char Chef Bitterbal ikon riest  Chef Bitterbal Chiesh Los ikon riest  Chiesh Los Chris Marshall ikon riest  Chris Marshall Chubb Kindly ikon riest  Chubb Kindly Chuchu Velia ikon riest  Chuchu Velia Courting Death ikon riest  Courting Death Cybelle Celah ikon riest  Cybelle Celah Dagaz Rhin ikon riest  Dagaz Rhin Dajlmia Hasibaa ikon riest  Dajlmia Hasibaa Der Antrex ikon riest  Der Antrex Dexie Dragekrigeren ikon riest  Dexie Dragekrigeren Dima Lee ikon riest  Dima Lee Emy Otesch ikon riest  Emy Otesch Feminist Icon ikon riest  Feminist Icon Gaius Denz ikon riest  Gaius Denz Gamer'uwu Word ikon riest  Gamer'uwu Word Garo Sath ikon riest  Garo Sath Gary Great ikon riest  Gary Great Geezela Strife ikon riest  Geezela Strife Halja Yagirir ikon riest  Halja Yagirir Himari Omamori ikon riest  Himari Omamori Hyme Drim ikon riest  Hyme Drim Igela Koth ikon riest  Igela Koth Jantrak Nidoh ikon riest  Jantrak Nidoh Jyn Erso ikon riest  Jyn Erso Kanan Mercer ikon riest  Kanan Mercer Kharrum Esseru ikon riest  Kharrum Esseru Larow Stoneseeker ikon riest  Larow Stoneseeker Leander Arepo ikon riest  Leander Arepo Libby Stewart ikon riest  Libby Stewart Lilith Estridson ikon riest  Lilith Estridson Lonley Daydreamer ikon riest  Lonley Daydreamer Luke Skywaker ikon riest  Luke Skywaker Lysandra Ferox ikon riest  Lysandra Ferox Maya Zaraki ikon riest  Maya Zaraki Melody Asher ikon riest  Melody Asher Merlin Perceval ikon riest  Merlin Perceval Mick Moune ikon riest  Mick Moune Minty Leaf ikon riest  Minty Leaf Nameless Guy ikon riest  Nameless Guy Nienna Silvertree ikon riest  Nienna Silvertree Nightshades Glow ikon riest  Nightshades Glow Padu Raschka ikon riest  Padu Raschka Poni Chan ikon riest  Poni Chan Razorg Sailendfild ikon riest  Razorg Sailendfild Renee Arden ikon riest  Renee Arden Revan Vizsla ikon riest  Revan Vizsla Roy''s Drake ikon riest  Roy''s Drake Sett De ikon riest  Sett De Sheva Redfield ikon riest  Sheva Redfield Shion Mizuhiki ikon riest  Shion Mizuhiki Sibi Poteto ikon riest  Sibi Poteto Stev Blizar ikon riest  Stev Blizar Stevy Durham ikon riest  Stevy Durham Svesais Paegle ikon riest  Svesais Paegle Thull Loafers ikon riest  Thull Loafers Una Lyehga ikon riest  Una Lyehga Val Thor ikon riest  Val Thor Venerone Fyz ikon riest  Venerone Fyz Violet Bladesfury ikon riest  Violet Bladesfury Volnet Jgnewesfv ikon riest  Volnet Jgnewesfv Vyncent Yaegersson ikon riest  Vyncent Yaegersson Wear Pajamas ikon riest  Wear Pajamas Yekoh Fumeka ikon riest  Yekoh Fumeka Yuki Amariyo ikon riest  Yuki Amariyo Abraham The-old-man colyte Abraham The-old-man Afreya Blackbosom colyte Afreya Blackbosom Akame Ayanami colyte Akame Ayanami Alexander Astraeus colyte Alexander Astraeus Alfgard Drago colyte Alfgard Drago Alice Crowley colyte Alice Crowley Alkaly'a Marr colyte Alkaly'a Marr Allesio Cortez colyte Allesio Cortez Alma Lexia colyte Alma Lexia Alta Ishiki colyte Alta Ishiki Alyssia Lanverlais colyte Alyssia Lanverlais Amon Legacy colyte Amon Legacy Ange'ra Mewrkel colyte Ange'ra Mewrkel Arrowseur Schmilblick colyte Arrowseur Schmilblick Arry Xuen colyte Arry Xuen Ashla Lionnellais colyte Ashla Lionnellais Asmir Astolla colyte Asmir Astolla Asumi Rosfield colyte Asumi Rosfield Athor Balrog colyte Athor Balrog Ayi Shiteru colyte Ayi Shiteru Azewixe Innavys colyte Azewixe Innavys Badji Yar colyte Badji Yar Baldr Njordson colyte Baldr Njordson Beta Lemon colyte Beta Lemon Blufer Nox colyte Blufer Nox Bucynka Ultra colyte Bucynka Ultra Candice Bjornson colyte Candice Bjornson Carota Carota colyte Carota Carota Cauda Stratus colyte Cauda Stratus Ceceyigen Dazkar colyte Ceceyigen Dazkar Cellic Heiral colyte Cellic Heiral Changer Mains colyte Changer Mains Chaotic Aether colyte Chaotic Aether Cherry Blossoms colyte Cherry Blossoms Chibi Smol colyte Chibi Smol Chilly Willy colyte Chilly Willy Cloudy Roudy colyte Cloudy Roudy Crim Ella colyte Crim Ella Cristia'no Ro'nalo colyte Cristia'no Ro'nalo Cruel Arrogance colyte Cruel Arrogance Curtis Bram colyte Curtis Bram Dahalia Wilde colyte Dahalia Wilde Dave Ho colyte Dave Ho Death Marker colyte Death Marker Dedsune Callisto colyte Dedsune Callisto Dennis Cyrus colyte Dennis Cyrus Duckie Takami colyte Duckie Takami Durag' Eurl colyte Durag' Eurl Earisia Myriasth colyte Earisia Myriasth Edwina Mirielle colyte Edwina Mirielle Enza Aglia colyte Enza Aglia Erik Oswell colyte Erik Oswell Exo Myle colyte Exo Myle Ezequiel Jaeger colyte Ezequiel Jaeger Fable Faye colyte Fable Faye Fenrix Cooper colyte Fenrix Cooper Feylahnia Felstalker colyte Feylahnia Felstalker Fiadh Ivold colyte Fiadh Ivold Fjola Paharo colyte Fjola Paharo Frederyk Mercer colyte Frederyk Mercer Fury Pepper colyte Fury Pepper Gabriel Salem colyte Gabriel Salem Garlok Cresent colyte Garlok Cresent Genbu Nakamura colyte Genbu Nakamura General Knowledge colyte General Knowledge Ghamorz Yalakgh colyte Ghamorz Yalakgh Giselle Tormelada colyte Giselle Tormelada Glenn Tatsuya colyte Glenn Tatsuya Gusia Gus colyte Gusia Gus Gustavo Ranks colyte Gustavo Ranks Gwendoline Zoppas colyte Gwendoline Zoppas H'az Nia colyte H'az Nia Hades Sidius colyte Hades Sidius Hard Yo colyte Hard Yo Harrys Mum colyte Harrys Mum Helmhart Star colyte Helmhart Star Homely Depot colyte Homely Depot Hope Kodazon colyte Hope Kodazon Horace Merigood colyte Horace Merigood Hugo Pago colyte Hugo Pago Icey Spice colyte Icey Spice Ichigo Kyotaru colyte Ichigo Kyotaru Ilsamor Ariean colyte Ilsamor Ariean Iti Kohitatea colyte Iti Kohitatea Izuya Rae colyte Izuya Rae Jamie Gehr colyte Jamie Gehr Jaydon Marshtail colyte Jaydon Marshtail Jenkshi Adarkim colyte Jenkshi Adarkim Jerome Corp colyte Jerome Corp Jibryl Starglimmer colyte Jibryl Starglimmer Jinix Trio colyte Jinix Trio Joanna Franstain colyte Joanna Franstain Joseph Miler colyte Joseph Miler Kaede Kusagiri colyte Kaede Kusagiri Kaien Inath colyte Kaien Inath Karol Psychol colyte Karol Psychol Kenni West colyte Kenni West Khamira Dra'zura colyte Khamira Dra'zura Khloe Burwani colyte Khloe Burwani Kitai Stormwarden colyte Kitai Stormwarden Kityu Uchiha colyte Kityu Uchiha Kortana Kul colyte Kortana Kul Kurokami Kenshin colyte Kurokami Kenshin Kurpelz Hagane colyte Kurpelz Hagane Linlielle Lorhedron colyte Linlielle Lorhedron Llana Spritz colyte Llana Spritz Lolo Luffy colyte Lolo Luffy Lops Syrax colyte Lops Syrax Lord Lucif colyte Lord Lucif Luna Destiny colyte Luna Destiny Luna Solei colyte Luna Solei Lunar Strife colyte Lunar Strife Lunarie Tempest colyte Lunarie Tempest Mac Saoul colyte Mac Saoul Maeve Winsome colyte Maeve Winsome Marco Pereso colyte Marco Pereso Mea Kurosaki colyte Mea Kurosaki Megan Ova colyte Megan Ova Mephitic Voidweaver colyte Mephitic Voidweaver Miako Nulah colyte Miako Nulah Michel Moustouf colyte Michel Moustouf Minato Uzumaki colyte Minato Uzumaki Mitzi Raye colyte Mitzi Raye Moissax Hominane colyte Moissax Hominane Monkey Nuts colyte Monkey Nuts Montagne Eiyo colyte Montagne Eiyo Morghoulus Willow colyte Morghoulus Willow Murasaki Usagiyama colyte Murasaki Usagiyama Mustarka Slick colyte Mustarka Slick Nagel Salat colyte Nagel Salat Nataria Sixeye colyte Nataria Sixeye Naus Dreamfyre colyte Naus Dreamfyre Nell Tehp colyte Nell Tehp Ngha Lanbatal colyte Ngha Lanbatal Nirala Alkor colyte Nirala Alkor Nova Karris colyte Nova Karris Nuppe Noje colyte Nuppe Noje O-ren Ishii colyte O-ren Ishii Oranne Ziona colyte Oranne Ziona P'inwa Tia colyte P'inwa Tia Philldarth Fairclough colyte Philldarth Fairclough Pop Glasur colyte Pop Glasur Puputsu Putsu colyte Puputsu Putsu Qaskiya Shingarne colyte Qaskiya Shingarne Rankless Noll colyte Rankless Noll Rassjan Copihwes colyte Rassjan Copihwes Rcclet Juli colyte Rcclet Juli Rekka Likka colyte Rekka Likka Rhett Spike colyte Rhett Spike Rhynna Saika colyte Rhynna Saika Rille Rabiat colyte Rille Rabiat S'ndae Tielronde colyte S'ndae Tielronde Saffi Heartseeker colyte Saffi Heartseeker Shaleth Miyumi colyte Shaleth Miyumi Shay Sherath colyte Shay Sherath Shilgen Benbbr colyte Shilgen Benbbr Shiro Ren colyte Shiro Ren Shy Raa colyte Shy Raa Silvix Sniks colyte Silvix Sniks Simba Delajingle colyte Simba Delajingle Sina Chan colyte Sina Chan Smz Zz colyte Smz Zz Sniff Myazz colyte Sniff Myazz Super Buu colyte Super Buu Suzuka Nishikawa colyte Suzuka Nishikawa Sweet Caramel colyte Sweet Caramel Sword Walker colyte Sword Walker Szary Zero colyte Szary Zero T'ia Ska colyte T'ia Ska Tatsuya Hatasashi colyte Tatsuya Hatasashi Tauney Djt-marouc colyte Tauney Djt-marouc Telly Delmundo colyte Telly Delmundo Theja Voras colyte Theja Voras Theophrastus Bombast colyte Theophrastus Bombast Thrumball Biggins colyte Thrumball Biggins Thunfisch Salat colyte Thunfisch Salat Thyra Eydis colyte Thyra Eydis Ting Ling colyte Ting Ling Tiritas Jr colyte Tiritas Jr Tommy Rotten colyte Tommy Rotten Trikxs Ter colyte Trikxs Ter Tsillah Moon colyte Tsillah Moon Turmbobm Elbobm colyte Turmbobm Elbobm U'viloh Rha colyte U'viloh Rha Udon Ramen'soba colyte Udon Ramen'soba Umfrey Stark colyte Umfrey Stark Unae Vergaen colyte Unae Vergaen Uno Hikaru colyte Uno Hikaru Viks Xl colyte Viks Xl Voyce Westmoore colyte Voyce Westmoore Whispered One colyte Whispered One Woody Rh colyte Woody Rh Xarny Soulfully colyte Xarny Soulfully Xsab Alexa colyte Xsab Alexa Yui Rose colyte Yui Rose Yumi Stella colyte Yumi Stella Yuniku Emhren colyte Yuniku Emhren Yuu Naze colyte Yuu Naze Zander Noxquill colyte Zander Noxquill Ze Nn colyte Ze Nn Zepius Shiria colyte Zepius Shiria Zeth Wayne colyte Zeth Wayne Zio Keyn colyte Zio Keyn Zira Nedbalek colyte Zira Nedbalek Zoro Dragneel colyte Zoro Dragneel Zulric Algus colyte Zulric Algus