
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare EnixOpens in new tab. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestoneOpens in new tab with special GithubparserOpens in new tab.

Service has an official Lodestone ForumthreadOpens in new tab on Lodestone forum.


Rank 30 Free Company "Imladris" was formed on and registered on with ID 9280229982150337851. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Click to copy block☆Imladris☆ now recruiting! Join for 24/7 buffs, MSQ/duty help, and social events. 18+ players of all levels welcome!

Operates on Marilith, Dynamis, leaving tags "Estel" all over the place and increasing glory of MaelstromMaelstrom. Has a medium base named "Imladris" on plot 49 in ward 6 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Click to copy blockWelcome to the Last Homely House! Feel free to come in and take your ease. Please forgive our current post-eathquake construction!

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • DungeonsDungeons

Is recruiting, but does not specify whom.

Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
95 145 116
86 49 114
46 48 110
127 48 107
45 76 102
41 76 103
71 76 102
80 40 91

Current members:

Samyra Khatayin Elrond Samyra Khatayin Sorocan Haragin Elladan Sorocan Haragin Celesta Clearheart Elrohir Celesta Clearheart Jungkookie Kim Elrohir Jungkookie Kim J'hyo Mina Arwen J'hyo Mina Jaselle Mikoto Arwen Jaselle Mikoto Lux Voidpath Arwen Lux Voidpath Alvara Marvell Glorfindel Alvara Marvell Andrew Springfield Glorfindel Andrew Springfield Baiyan Baelsar Glorfindel Baiyan Baelsar Cordia Wolt Glorfindel Cordia Wolt Joscelin Verreuil Glorfindel Joscelin Verreuil Komachi Edakumi Glorfindel Komachi Edakumi Kumokiri Naeuri Glorfindel Kumokiri Naeuri Luna Merveille Glorfindel Luna Merveille M'niho Tyata Glorfindel M'niho Tyata Mivlo Ymir Glorfindel Mivlo Ymir Namaari Borlaaq Glorfindel Namaari Borlaaq Phedre Verreuil Glorfindel Phedre Verreuil Rayne Y'day Glorfindel Rayne Y'day S'koe Nibbs-mikoto Glorfindel S'koe Nibbs-mikoto Skoenebb Bleihimalsyn Glorfindel Skoenebb Bleihimalsyn T'hera Fijah Glorfindel T'hera Fijah Vesper Kazimir Glorfindel Vesper Kazimir Y'sang Tia Glorfindel Y'sang Tia Zenobia Sunstone Glorfindel Zenobia Sunstone Albo Lene Figwit Albo Lene Alleyne Arkwright Figwit Alleyne Arkwright Aomine Darklight Figwit Aomine Darklight Athewin Maethoriel Figwit Athewin Maethoriel Aurora Hyskaris Figwit Aurora Hyskaris Ava Stone Figwit Ava Stone Basil Seedling Figwit Basil Seedling Bayar Kagon Figwit Bayar Kagon Beliala Naamah Figwit Beliala Naamah Biggest Threat Figwit Biggest Threat Billy Hargrovee Figwit Billy Hargrovee Blaidd Starscourge Figwit Blaidd Starscourge Booze Cruiser Figwit Booze Cruiser Casmjr Lunestros Figwit Casmjr Lunestros Castien Reverie Figwit Castien Reverie Ceolmund Talon Figwit Ceolmund Talon Ceyn Feuen Figwit Ceyn Feuen Cil Robes Figwit Cil Robes Clive Ros-field Figwit Clive Ros-field Declan Hendrix Figwit Declan Hendrix Deppy Sunders Figwit Deppy Sunders Eddie Munsonn Figwit Eddie Munsonn Eilis Kataja Figwit Eilis Kataja Eldaris Thorne Figwit Eldaris Thorne Enaia Duskhollow Figwit Enaia Duskhollow Erolyse Marr Figwit Erolyse Marr Ervis Cale Figwit Ervis Cale Esperaunce Miller Figwit Esperaunce Miller Evelyn Engel Figwit Evelyn Engel Faceless One Figwit Faceless One Fleur Auclair Figwit Fleur Auclair Gaseous Snake Figwit Gaseous Snake Grynia Dalean Figwit Grynia Dalean Hako Taco Figwit Hako Taco Hase Usagi Figwit Hase Usagi Inpherno Kagon Figwit Inpherno Kagon Iris Gemini Figwit Iris Gemini Jerey Miah Figwit Jerey Miah Jymbo Hymnz Figwit Jymbo Hymnz Kisa Aoyama Figwit Kisa Aoyama Kokoyo Koyo Figwit Kokoyo Koyo Kraze Norrix Figwit Kraze Norrix Larua Almagest Figwit Larua Almagest Lilja Tormelados Figwit Lilja Tormelados Lilyadi Loloyadi Figwit Lilyadi Loloyadi Lonely Lycan Figwit Lonely Lycan Lorilae Gucuma Figwit Lorilae Gucuma Lyn Minmay Figwit Lyn Minmay Magnus Jovasch Figwit Magnus Jovasch Mamaru Maru Figwit Mamaru Maru Memelao Nunulao Figwit Memelao Nunulao Mika Soup Figwit Mika Soup Mikaela Pulmenti Figwit Mikaela Pulmenti Mitsuki Fujisaku Figwit Mitsuki Fujisaku Mjara Iryut Figwit Mjara Iryut Mushy Loon Figwit Mushy Loon Mythos Leonne Figwit Mythos Leonne Nahu Mancer Figwit Nahu Mancer Nat Ymir Figwit Nat Ymir Pearl Azrella Figwit Pearl Azrella Puck Thorne Figwit Puck Thorne Qahdeh'to Jakkya Figwit Qahdeh'to Jakkya Rachine Bosco Figwit Rachine Bosco Ranjaa Voidclaw Figwit Ranjaa Voidclaw Rassel Sontrice Figwit Rassel Sontrice Rin Umeko Figwit Rin Umeko Rokiri Yugan Figwit Rokiri Yugan Sage Kero Figwit Sage Kero Sarcodine Shadowbane Figwit Sarcodine Shadowbane Saria Old'kid Figwit Saria Old'kid Sarkhan Eborsisk Figwit Sarkhan Eborsisk Scrappy Popoto Figwit Scrappy Popoto Seraphina Neko Figwit Seraphina Neko Shizuka Feylore Figwit Shizuka Feylore Sizho'a Kaztpor Figwit Sizho'a Kaztpor Soleila Darklight Figwit Soleila Darklight Soleius Naddarian Figwit Soleius Naddarian Stoic Bull Figwit Stoic Bull Strider Naamah Figwit Strider Naamah Sylveret Iseterre Figwit Sylveret Iseterre Thali Vladan Figwit Thali Vladan Tilo Vladan Figwit Tilo Vladan Valerie Asteriant Figwit Valerie Asteriant Vanya Korrogen Figwit Vanya Korrogen Vira Graystone Figwit Vira Graystone Wren Rosethorn Figwit Wren Rosethorn Ytok Menaneli Figwit Ytok Menaneli Zaya Odsar Figwit Zaya Odsar Zelos Kinders Figwit Zelos Kinders Zu Sesenzo Figwit Zu Sesenzo