
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Sorceress & Witch

Rank 30 Free Company "Sorceress & Witch" was formed on and registered on with ID 9280511457127041622. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

MacOwOrons and Mochi! if You Decline this invite, You have Low blood sugar! And Diabeetus! Discord.Gg/PMhBv968RY

Operates on Halicarnassus, Dynamis, leaving tags "OwO" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder. Has a medium base named "OwO7-5" on plot 5 in ward 7 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Prison Sweet Diabeetus

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer

Current members:

The'legend Dorian'll OwO The'legend Dorian'll Gael So ^w^ Gael So Celestia Frost UwU Celestia Frost Dorian Il UwU Dorian Il Dorian Lightbringer UwU Dorian Lightbringer Dorian Lindsay'll UwU Dorian Lindsay'll Mariko Star'girl UwU Mariko Star'girl Rin Zhu UwU Rin Zhu The'legend D'll UwU The'legend D'll Kelly Star'girl <(ºoº<) Kelly Star'girl Lala Moon <(ºoº<) Lala Moon Master Hiro <(ºoº<) Master Hiro Medley Stellar <(ºoº<) Medley Stellar Orbit Meowow <(ºoº<) Orbit Meowow Rose Soulstar <(ºoº<) Rose Soulstar Shi'gi Qi'de'lia <(ºoº<) Shi'gi Qi'de'lia The'legend D' <(ºoº<) The'legend D' Tomato Basil <(ºoº<) Tomato Basil Zarok Acrono <(ºoº<) Zarok Acrono Aeris Celeri >W< Aeris Celeri Amelia Vzuttya >W< Amelia Vzuttya Amy Blackmoon >W< Amy Blackmoon Aqua Lotus >W< Aqua Lotus Arctic Thunder >W< Arctic Thunder Atimis Alexandros >W< Atimis Alexandros Avalon Sky >W< Avalon Sky Azyan Tsveta >W< Azyan Tsveta Barit Wolfsheart >W< Barit Wolfsheart Bella Unicorn >W< Bella Unicorn Bellus Ashford >W< Bellus Ashford Ben Nguyen >W< Ben Nguyen Bluu Enjoyer >W< Bluu Enjoyer Bolek Ellasch >W< Bolek Ellasch Budjek Kagon >W< Budjek Kagon Cavalier Grandee >W< Cavalier Grandee Celestial Hunter >W< Celestial Hunter Cora Nerys >W< Cora Nerys Corinna Quintius >W< Corinna Quintius D'omino Ktz >W< D'omino Ktz Delia Keeze >W< Delia Keeze Djent Music >W< Djent Music Driggz Zn >W< Driggz Zn Drogo Hawk >W< Drogo Hawk Eastre Townshend >W< Eastre Townshend Ecko R- >W< Ecko R- Egret Ubmuawesv >W< Egret Ubmuawesv Eienbi Sharlin >W< Eienbi Sharlin Eldmir Oravec >W< Eldmir Oravec Elios Nathom >W< Elios Nathom Eufemia Feuillelains >W< Eufemia Feuillelains Felixa Corona >W< Felixa Corona Flame Kajin >W< Flame Kajin Food Check >W< Food Check Fretik Worgsbane >W< Fretik Worgsbane Gabriel Amit >W< Gabriel Amit Gryz Pike >W< Gryz Pike Harpy Empress >W< Harpy Empress Here Waldo >W< Here Waldo Iella Velidan >W< Iella Velidan Joker Moment >W< Joker Moment Kaya Mizuhiki >W< Kaya Mizuhiki Khr'el E'os >W< Khr'el E'os Kiko Kaeru >W< Kiko Kaeru Kunaska Nakamura >W< Kunaska Nakamura Lala Eclipse >W< Lala Eclipse Lala Fel >W< Lala Fel Lavena Warren >W< Lavena Warren Leona Kaliyah >W< Leona Kaliyah Lettie Luna >W< Lettie Luna Malystr Ultair >W< Malystr Ultair Masha'to Molkoh >W< Masha'to Molkoh Mellina Rhalgar >W< Mellina Rhalgar Miru Marimu >W< Miru Marimu Mofufu Mofu >W< Mofufu Mofu Myth Duskfeather >W< Myth Duskfeather Noelle Castillon >W< Noelle Castillon Nolan Stark >W< Nolan Stark Odinel Chev >W< Odinel Chev Panda Queen >W< Panda Queen Red Baron >W< Red Baron Roaring Blaze >W< Roaring Blaze Roronasu Papanasu >W< Roronasu Papanasu Rosen Fyre >W< Rosen Fyre Samvik Cyris >W< Samvik Cyris Sarnai Qestir >W< Sarnai Qestir Selaine Derinloire >W< Selaine Derinloire Shiro Kuma >W< Shiro Kuma Shokunin Tobetsu >W< Shokunin Tobetsu Shu Jin >W< Shu Jin Sleepwalker Lua >W< Sleepwalker Lua Sonya Loveless >W< Sonya Loveless Steele Thaddeus >W< Steele Thaddeus Stoom Stoom >W< Stoom Stoom Sylv Eon >W< Sylv Eon Tebukuro Haino >W< Tebukuro Haino Tophat Jones >W< Tophat Jones Troius Daal >W< Troius Daal Tsuki Yana >W< Tsuki Yana Valljan Djt-nong >W< Valljan Djt-nong Vyiran Kisuna >W< Vyiran Kisuna Wynter Nova >W< Wynter Nova X'gongive Tia >W< X'gongive Tia