
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Mochi & Macarons

Rank 30 Free Company "Mochi & Macarons" was formed on and registered on with ID 9280511457127041651. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Come for the UwU stay for the MacUwUroon

Operates on Halicarnassus, Dynamis, leaving tags "UwU" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder. Has a medium base named "Domus Mactibilis" on plot 1 in ward 7 of The Lavender Beds, Gridania, The Black Shroud Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Turn your back toward the wood

Participates in:

  • Role-playingRole-playing
  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
433 459 184

Current members:

Poyomi Poyopoyo UwU Poyomi Poyopoyo Raynebow Stormcloud ÒwÓ Raynebow Stormcloud Coiled Cutie º¬º Coiled Cutie The Snowman º¬º The Snowman Allgood Runitback \ò.ó/ Allgood Runitback Avery Yggdrasilia \ò.ó/ Avery Yggdrasilia Balrog Dracul \ò.ó/ Balrog Dracul Becky Smalls \ò.ó/ Becky Smalls Big Chungus \ò.ó/ Big Chungus Bla'ir Witch \ò.ó/ Bla'ir Witch Cleo Pawtra \ò.ó/ Cleo Pawtra Frey Tregador \ò.ó/ Frey Tregador Jadite Spectre \ò.ó/ Jadite Spectre Kaid Gadai \ò.ó/ Kaid Gadai Kane Sama \ò.ó/ Kane Sama Katasuke Daito \ò.ó/ Katasuke Daito Kazek Virasch \ò.ó/ Kazek Virasch Kiouri Elakha \ò.ó/ Kiouri Elakha Kittay Katt \ò.ó/ Kittay Katt Lil' Slugger \ò.ó/ Lil' Slugger Moonglade Riverbank \ò.ó/ Moonglade Riverbank Mr Hcrip \ò.ó/ Mr Hcrip Pipo Brands \ò.ó/ Pipo Brands Post Meowlone \ò.ó/ Post Meowlone Riki Atsuji \ò.ó/ Riki Atsuji Sprite Cranberry \ò.ó/ Sprite Cranberry Strawberry Cream \ò.ó/ Strawberry Cream Tali Zorah \ò.ó/ Tali Zorah Tian Nan \ò.ó/ Tian Nan Twitchy Boo \ò.ó/ Twitchy Boo Void-queen Hera \ò.ó/ Void-queen Hera Wipe Mybutler \ò.ó/ Wipe Mybutler Yvette Takimros \ò.ó/ Yvette Takimros Zalty Nutsu \ò.ó/ Zalty Nutsu Zexyen Aequalis \ò.ó/ Zexyen Aequalis Absalar Sorry <(ºoº<) Absalar Sorry Addie Youngblood <(ºoº<) Addie Youngblood Aldrich Bloodbane <(ºoº<) Aldrich Bloodbane Alysia Peaceblossom <(ºoº<) Alysia Peaceblossom Ao Ito <(ºoº<) Ao Ito Aramon Al'shan <(ºoº<) Aramon Al'shan Ashley Stark <(ºoº<) Ashley Stark Azra Violacea <(ºoº<) Azra Violacea Baby Spice <(ºoº<) Baby Spice Beast Master <(ºoº<) Beast Master Beka Kha <(ºoº<) Beka Kha Bilbo Shwaggins <(ºoº<) Bilbo Shwaggins Byakubu Bakuro <(ºoº<) Byakubu Bakuro C'thet Nighteye <(ºoº<) C'thet Nighteye Calypso Star <(ºoº<) Calypso Star Cassan Ularyn <(ºoº<) Cassan Ularyn Cesen Jayns <(ºoº<) Cesen Jayns Chuckhard Pussischlop <(ºoº<) Chuckhard Pussischlop Ciaran Dwyer <(ºoº<) Ciaran Dwyer Craxxix Crown <(ºoº<) Craxxix Crown Crystal Ravencroft <(ºoº<) Crystal Ravencroft Dagmar Lionheart <(ºoº<) Dagmar Lionheart Dale Theiceman <(ºoº<) Dale Theiceman Daniel Nelson <(ºoº<) Daniel Nelson Darken Rahl <(ºoº<) Darken Rahl Delirious Monnawes <(ºoº<) Delirious Monnawes Derynus Blakerri <(ºoº<) Derynus Blakerri Din Din <(ºoº<) Din Din Dingo Lostone <(ºoº<) Dingo Lostone Doom Isbihchin <(ºoº<) Doom Isbihchin Dremia Ri <(ºoº<) Dremia Ri Em Uwu <(ºoº<) Em Uwu Enx Haragin <(ºoº<) Enx Haragin Eskel Kealio <(ºoº<) Eskel Kealio Ezra Bean <(ºoº<) Ezra Bean Fallen Acorn <(ºoº<) Fallen Acorn Felix Moonstone <(ºoº<) Felix Moonstone Ferronis Gaiden <(ºoº<) Ferronis Gaiden Filthy Creature <(ºoº<) Filthy Creature Finnea Thedan <(ºoº<) Finnea Thedan Fresco Daddy <(ºoº<) Fresco Daddy Gamij Tomi <(ºoº<) Gamij Tomi Halka Madalka <(ºoº<) Halka Madalka I'kezi Xeva <(ºoº<) I'kezi Xeva Jacob Meowster <(ºoº<) Jacob Meowster Jason Bloodborne <(ºoº<) Jason Bloodborne Jeff Lay <(ºoº<) Jeff Lay Jira Reed <(ºoº<) Jira Reed Juggalo Knight <(ºoº<) Juggalo Knight Katarina Yusai <(ºoº<) Katarina Yusai Kiht'a Kaatapoh <(ºoº<) Kiht'a Kaatapoh Kimiku Miku <(ºoº<) Kimiku Miku Kinara Eryut <(ºoº<) Kinara Eryut Kirina Banein <(ºoº<) Kirina Banein Kirsil Hrivatn <(ºoº<) Kirsil Hrivatn Kitty Uwu <(ºoº<) Kitty Uwu Kujata Starflower <(ºoº<) Kujata Starflower Kuro Yuki <(ºoº<) Kuro Yuki Lady Iosefka <(ºoº<) Lady Iosefka Laila Ali <(ºoº<) Laila Ali Lamorak Ravanar <(ºoº<) Lamorak Ravanar Leeroy Jenkins <(ºoº<) Leeroy Jenkins Lena Droughtin <(ºoº<) Lena Droughtin Liliza Liza <(ºoº<) Liliza Liza Limitless Gojo <(ºoº<) Limitless Gojo Little Huz <(ºoº<) Little Huz Loki Vance <(ºoº<) Loki Vance Lucius Aldithley <(ºoº<) Lucius Aldithley Lucrotte Ashborne <(ºoº<) Lucrotte Ashborne Luna Lunara <(ºoº<) Luna Lunara Luscinia Tremblay <(ºoº<) Luscinia Tremblay Lydirwyb Solksthalwyn <(ºoº<) Lydirwyb Solksthalwyn Mademoiselle Miounne <(ºoº<) Mademoiselle Miounne Markus Peek <(ºoº<) Markus Peek Maya Rose <(ºoº<) Maya Rose Medicineman Advil <(ºoº<) Medicineman Advil Meelo Thwaper <(ºoº<) Meelo Thwaper Mememuko Zazamuko <(ºoº<) Mememuko Zazamuko Mikhail Valtka <(ºoº<) Mikhail Valtka Mimikyu Miku <(ºoº<) Mimikyu Miku Mjrn Viras <(ºoº<) Mjrn Viras Mommys Pocket <(ºoº<) Mommys Pocket Monochrome Ghost <(ºoº<) Monochrome Ghost Naih Molkoh <(ºoº<) Naih Molkoh Naomi Murasake <(ºoº<) Naomi Murasake Nexus Haelstrom <(ºoº<) Nexus Haelstrom Nyalla Gatoh <(ºoº<) Nyalla Gatoh Nyxie Starlight <(ºoº<) Nyxie Starlight Officer Mccroskey <(ºoº<) Officer Mccroskey Okhi Moshroca <(ºoº<) Okhi Moshroca Panthra Ryujin <(ºoº<) Panthra Ryujin Parvum Unam <(ºoº<) Parvum Unam Peppermint Paddy <(ºoº<) Peppermint Paddy Qestra Sage <(ºoº<) Qestra Sage Raid Mommy <(ºoº<) Raid Mommy Rana'a Anima <(ºoº<) Rana'a Anima Re'ahna Dei <(ºoº<) Re'ahna Dei Rezorector Zero <(ºoº<) Rezorector Zero Rhaya'lo Lanbatal <(ºoº<) Rhaya'lo Lanbatal Ritsu Akuji <(ºoº<) Ritsu Akuji Roroteshu Wawateshu <(ºoº<) Roroteshu Wawateshu Rowland Kirk <(ºoº<) Rowland Kirk Sasamitty Dadamitty <(ºoº<) Sasamitty Dadamitty Sasha Dovlatov <(ºoº<) Sasha Dovlatov Sazh Bugcatcher <(ºoº<) Sazh Bugcatcher Sazzi Audora <(ºoº<) Sazzi Audora Seren Tsuki <(ºoº<) Seren Tsuki Shau Keene <(ºoº<) Shau Keene She Ra <(ºoº<) She Ra Shoe Pebble <(ºoº<) Shoe Pebble Small Meow <(ºoº<) Small Meow Solmundr Campion <(ºoº<) Solmundr Campion Sophie Tswarra <(ºoº<) Sophie Tswarra Spevtar Crustybottoms <(ºoº<) Spevtar Crustybottoms Spicy Tuna <(ºoº<) Spicy Tuna Surata Jackson <(ºoº<) Surata Jackson Syl Hole <(ºoº<) Syl Hole T'ssa Fixe <(ºoº<) T'ssa Fixe Taka Skywind <(ºoº<) Taka Skywind Tarah Lane <(ºoº<) Tarah Lane Taro King <(ºoº<) Taro King Tenrin Xhula <(ºoº<) Tenrin Xhula The Butler <(ºoº<) The Butler The Wiz <(ºoº<) The Wiz Tomie Kawakami <(ºoº<) Tomie Kawakami Tominic Doretto <(ºoº<) Tominic Doretto Tsuba Mujuuk <(ºoº<) Tsuba Mujuuk Twink Il'tose <(ºoº<) Twink Il'tose Two Shwaynes <(ºoº<) Two Shwaynes Tykha Tachibana <(ºoº<) Tykha Tachibana Uvlo Rehw-gilda <(ºoº<) Uvlo Rehw-gilda Valen Tyne <(ºoº<) Valen Tyne Vash Destroyer <(ºoº<) Vash Destroyer Wei Wei <(ºoº<) Wei Wei White Abyss <(ºoº<) White Abyss Wut Dafrik <(ºoº<) Wut Dafrik Y'ui Seishi <(ºoº<) Y'ui Seishi Yeme Ymir <(ºoº<) Yeme Ymir Yuma Vitaal <(ºoº<) Yuma Vitaal Yung Browngravy <(ºoº<) Yung Browngravy Zion O'hara <(ºoº<) Zion O'hara