
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Crystal Union

Linkshell "Crystal Union" was registered on with ID 10133099161619238. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Lich.

Current members:

Yuri Fairytail Master Yuri Fairytail Alesia Oakenfey Leader Alesia Oakenfey Eltuliel Tail Leader Eltuliel Tail J'tiqa Topha Leader J'tiqa Topha Mathieu Jandelaine Leader Mathieu Jandelaine Regis Orunitia Leader Regis Orunitia Tierney Treeshade Leader Tierney Treeshade A'ilysha Phan A'ilysha Phan A'rexe Fiske A'rexe Fiske Aeilfr Alfredsson Aeilfr Alfredsson Ahtnamas Lorisper Ahtnamas Lorisper Ai'seishin Nandu Ai'seishin Nandu Akivas Wolfram Akivas Wolfram Aless Tsukihime Aless Tsukihime Aqua Celeste Aqua Celeste Athellion Warden Athellion Warden Axyrion Frostbeard Axyrion Frostbeard Bahd Bacon Bahd Bacon Caeri Nocte Caeri Nocte Capel Cliffstorm Capel Cliffstorm Claire Oreiro Claire Oreiro Coeurl Marx Coeurl Marx Cpt Crow Cpt Crow Diamond Terry Diamond Terry Dio Mkl Dio Mkl Dopamine Rush Dopamine Rush Dramon Xiv Dramon Xiv Dread Nightmare Dread Nightmare El Buttys El Buttys Eli Sullifelli Eli Sullifelli Erika Diantha Erika Diantha Faisal Kanshi Faisal Kanshi Fawke Leonheart Fawke Leonheart Frogwell Raincroak Frogwell Raincroak G'intana Tommo G'intana Tommo Hambo Rambo Hambo Rambo Hari Hon Hari Hon Hemolia Yaeger Hemolia Yaeger Hubble Telescope Hubble Telescope Hydro Xehia Hydro Xehia Ifer Prycar Ifer Prycar Ilulu Blackwing Ilulu Blackwing Isla Sorna Isla Sorna Ixyandra Gainsborough Ixyandra Gainsborough Jack Pongetti Jack Pongetti Jafem Peek Jafem Peek Kaishu Tailchaser Kaishu Tailchaser Kelro Varos Kelro Varos Korrina Lighttear Korrina Lighttear Labrys Shadowmyth Labrys Shadowmyth Lawinia Boh Lawinia Boh Leahdyre Tantalus Leahdyre Tantalus Leih Nyaali Leih Nyaali Leviathan Chaotic Leviathan Chaotic Lhei Amariyo Lhei Amariyo Lilith Sunvoid Lilith Sunvoid Lorcan Vordit Lorcan Vordit Lorian Vordit Lorian Vordit Lucia Serenity Lucia Serenity Lucretia Lighttear Lucretia Lighttear Lynn Negal Lynn Negal Magic Micky Magic Micky Master Bungle Master Bungle Master Slayer Master Slayer Mat'hieo Xanneke Mat'hieo Xanneke Melissa Weard Melissa Weard Merle Lea Merle Lea Mr Seed Mr Seed Munh'go Ardawalu Munh'go Ardawalu Myr Moonsoul Myr Moonsoul Nana Mint Nana Mint Nhandi Avagnar Nhandi Avagnar Nia Stormbreaker Nia Stormbreaker Noah Jormungand Noah Jormungand Noiryxa Isheim Noiryxa Isheim Phox Johansson Phox Johansson Rakuyu Daitou Rakuyu Daitou Raynea Sanguinem Raynea Sanguinem Raziel Valthor Raziel Valthor Rika Vordit Rika Vordit Sila Madness Sila Madness Stellar Blanc Stellar Blanc Sven Vordit Sven Vordit Szaryx Angerous Szaryx Angerous Tastycake Amlin Tastycake Amlin Thraja Shodow Thraja Shodow Throne Breaker Throne Breaker Tikki Tantalus Tikki Tantalus Trydo Dotharl Trydo Dotharl Tuala Sevenwaters Tuala Sevenwaters Ukato Linn Ukato Linn Ukina Lesrekta Ukina Lesrekta Vanez Denouxe Vanez Denouxe Vladimir Tepes Vladimir Tepes W'rali Veles W'rali Veles Wreckt Dejiki Wreckt Dejiki X'iel Reshana X'iel Reshana Y'solaria Vordit Y'solaria Vordit Yesui Luciun Yesui Luciun Yomi Reed Yomi Reed Yoo Ren Yoo Ren Yua Isamu Yua Isamu Yuki Hiyashita Yuki Hiyashita Zicolay Dragonsbane Zicolay Dragonsbane Zion Vordit Zion Vordit