
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare EnixOpens in new tab. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestoneOpens in new tab with special GithubparserOpens in new tab.

Service has an official Lodestone ForumthreadOpens in new tab on Lodestone forum.


Linkshell "SnackChat:FourthMeal" was registered on with ID 15199648742523936. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Faerie.

Current members:

Bigsalad Cupsoup Master Bigsalad Cupsoup Bigslice Deepdish Leader Bigslice Deepdish Double Burger Leader Double Burger Agood Salad Agood Salad Atomic Pancake Atomic Pancake Awesome Coffee Awesome Coffee Baked Ziti Baked Ziti Bana Banana Bana Banana Banana Peppers Banana Peppers Basill Leef Basill Leef Bean Jungle Bean Jungle Beckfast Pancake Beckfast Pancake Beef Superb Beef Superb Beefcake Corn Beefcake Corn Beet Tea Beet Tea Berri Jam Berri Jam Blueberry Macaroons Blueberry Macaroons Blueberry Peachswirl Blueberry Peachswirl Burned Bread Burned Bread C'andy Apple C'andy Apple Captain Meatball Captain Meatball Caramel Frappuccino Caramel Frappuccino Cayenne Cayos Cayenne Cayos Cheese Vinsmoke Cheese Vinsmoke Cheeseburger Deluxe Cheeseburger Deluxe Chef Boy'ardee Chef Boy'ardee Cherry Creme-brulee Cherry Creme-brulee Chicken Fettuccine Chicken Fettuccine Chiken Tendies Chiken Tendies Chimken Alph'raido Chimken Alph'raido Chlcken Wing Chlcken Wing Choccy Milkie Choccy Milkie Chuchuro Churo Chuchuro Churo Cinna Bonn Cinna Bonn Coco'o Pie Coco'o Pie Coffee Biscuits Coffee Biscuits Coffee Jelly Coffee Jelly Compressed Shrimp Compressed Shrimp Creme Cheese Creme Cheese Crepe Chocolat Crepe Chocolat Cryspee Crunch Cryspee Crunch Death Berrie Death Berrie Dj Frenchfry Dj Frenchfry Ellaminnow Pea Ellaminnow Pea F'rench Toast F'rench Toast Ferrerro Rocherro Ferrerro Rocherro Flavored Goldfish Flavored Goldfish Flower Tea Flower Tea Fwoot Woops Fwoot Woops General Heavensbee General Heavensbee Half'baked Popoto Half'baked Popoto Ham'n Cheese Ham'n Cheese Hazelnut Praline Hazelnut Praline Honey Bearclaw Honey Bearclaw Hot Pot Hot Pot Janie Lee Janie Lee Jasmine Tea Jasmine Tea Kim'chi Jjigae Kim'chi Jjigae Lei Chuga Lei Chuga Lemonistic Orangenity Lemonistic Orangenity Lia Leftbeef Lia Leftbeef Lord Gummies Lord Gummies M'atcha L'atte M'atcha L'atte Mango Macaron Mango Macaron Mango Puree Mango Puree Mango Souffle Mango Souffle Memelon Melon Memelon Melon Minminti Minti Minminti Minti Missing Radish Missing Radish Mochi Doughnut Mochi Doughnut Nergui Tumet Nergui Tumet Oreo Swanson Oreo Swanson Pancake Pancake Pancake Pancake Pasta Alfredo Pasta Alfredo Paveun Pancake Paveun Pancake Peachy Cream Peachy Cream Pitaya Fruitsal'had Pitaya Fruitsal'had Plum Pastry Plum Pastry Pumpkin Chocochip Pumpkin Chocochip Q'wai Berries Q'wai Berries Queue Tea Queue Tea Raisin Bread Raisin Bread Raw Shawarma Raw Shawarma Redbud Petal Redbud Petal Ricotta Salata Ricotta Salata Salty Salt Salty Salt Seiki Mintbrisk Seiki Mintbrisk Senor Gyoza Senor Gyoza Shortest Cake Shortest Cake Shredded Wheats Shredded Wheats Sleepy Boba Sleepy Boba Smorg Borg Smorg Borg Snack Pac Snack Pac Soy Saucie Soy Saucie Squishy Boba Squishy Boba Stawberry Cake Stawberry Cake Strawberry Milk-tea Strawberry Milk-tea Strawberry Swisher Strawberry Swisher Strawberry Syrup Strawberry Syrup Sugar Milkshake Sugar Milkshake Sunberry Cinnamonroll Sunberry Cinnamonroll Sweet Cinnamoroll Sweet Cinnamoroll Taro Popoto Taro Popoto Tatertotty Taroyam Tatertotty Taroyam Tequila Sunset Tequila Sunset Thai Tea Thai Tea Tiny Tater-tot Tiny Tater-tot Toast Buster Toast Buster Turkey Sprimp Turkey Sprimp V'nilla Latte V'nilla Latte Vanilla Twinkies Vanilla Twinkies Vel Veeta Vel Veeta Vending Machine Vending Machine Wet Lettuce Wet Lettuce