
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Lamia Mentor Cafe

Linkshell "Lamia Mentor Cafe" was registered on with ID 15481123719218585. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Lamia.

Current members:

Nogard Mentorsama Master Nogard Mentorsama Ariel Goddess Leader Ariel Goddess Bubblegum Cookie Leader Bubblegum Cookie Devastia Northwind Leader Devastia Northwind Krzysztof Jaromir Leader Krzysztof Jaromir Mathiase Bjartskular Leader Mathiase Bjartskular Meracle Silverlake Leader Meracle Silverlake Obelith Warder Leader Obelith Warder Rin Wisefang Leader Rin Wisefang Seira Milize Leader Seira Milize Siri Usly Leader Siri Usly Addera Holic Addera Holic Ahri Vas'taya Ahri Vas'taya Albedo Kreideprinz Albedo Kreideprinz Ancilla Starweaver Ancilla Starweaver Anthony Bagles Anthony Bagles Anthra Aetherium Anthra Aetherium Aokumori Oroq Aokumori Oroq Ashe Byrne Ashe Byrne Astraea Virgo Astraea Virgo Astral Gardiner Astral Gardiner Ayerlorn Dew Ayerlorn Dew Ayr Ultiare Ayr Ultiare Blanche Blanche Blanche Blanche Bread Toast Bread Toast Brynn Hunter Brynn Hunter Cat Inthehat Cat Inthehat Catalina Arc Catalina Arc Cattalleya Aseria Cattalleya Aseria Ceceijea Vigguruld Ceceijea Vigguruld Celeste Aequitas Celeste Aequitas Celestine Hvortia Celestine Hvortia Cerila Taishi Cerila Taishi Cerrina Asteris Cerrina Asteris Charlie Laperra Charlie Laperra Clementine Amelia Clementine Amelia Daemic Kurokar Daemic Kurokar Daggerfang Arkov Daggerfang Arkov Daxy Sunali Daxy Sunali Dedede Dododo Dedede Dododo Dekkaar The-first Dekkaar The-first Dekuku Deku Dekuku Deku Delicious Frothyfist Delicious Frothyfist Destrike Nightbreaker Destrike Nightbreaker Dog Walker Dog Walker Drew Casey Drew Casey E'mili Brahn E'mili Brahn Enideal Shadowmoon Enideal Shadowmoon Esky Askel Esky Askel Felis Darwin Felis Darwin Freya Amranth Freya Amranth Gloxinia Sidheborn Gloxinia Sidheborn Gwennie Vierra Gwennie Vierra Hankinscrew Unknown Hankinscrew Unknown Helbstym Marmannsyn Helbstym Marmannsyn Justin Capable Justin Capable Kara Blackwolf Kara Blackwolf Kharool Wasatasa Kharool Wasatasa Kumop Kupopolis Kumop Kupopolis Lazarus Sharpe Lazarus Sharpe Leia Valentine Leia Valentine Llara Saltzmen Llara Saltzmen Louisoix Vuitton Louisoix Vuitton Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe Michi Kusa Michi Kusa Miss Derpina Miss Derpina Monster Do'urden Monster Do'urden Nagarok Velox Nagarok Velox Namida Lunaris Namida Lunaris Naoh Lihzeh Naoh Lihzeh Nayru Wolfheart Nayru Wolfheart Neojeo Pocket Neojeo Pocket Nobi Paharo Nobi Paharo Ooblong Qy Ooblong Qy Parluma Silentread Parluma Silentread Peregrine Waster Peregrine Waster Phenyl Alanine Phenyl Alanine Pluu Asteria Pluu Asteria President Valentine President Valentine Quinn Meadows Quinn Meadows Rabrandt Razorclaw Rabrandt Razorclaw Rae Rubia Rae Rubia Rinkha Thorne Rinkha Thorne Rodeziel Crimsa Rodeziel Crimsa Rwby' Rose Rwby' Rose Sarah Primal Sarah Primal Scorpion Sting Scorpion Sting Seissylt Haerviu Seissylt Haerviu Sen Eventide Sen Eventide Sen Rydell Sen Rydell Senah Panipahr Senah Panipahr Shiveria Moonrunner Shiveria Moonrunner Skyler Owlsong Skyler Owlsong Soladria Thorne Soladria Thorne Sora Keyblades Sora Keyblades Tael Lonelight Tael Lonelight Terrestrial Rage Terrestrial Rage Tess Duramond Tess Duramond Tigani Shilleri Tigani Shilleri Tiny Taroo Tiny Taroo Tirantus Caldare Tirantus Caldare Vendi L'eaves Vendi L'eaves Violet Erveld Violet Erveld Vivi Oni Vivi Oni Vyncent Mercurius Vyncent Mercurius W'llaya Lhea W'llaya Lhea Whyssler Whysth Whyssler Whysth X'shtola Starwinder X'shtola Starwinder Yoshi Eldenring Yoshi Eldenring Yovela Lindswood Yovela Lindswood Yukihira Kohai Yukihira Kohai Zari Xansizi Zari Xansizi Zashakiro Aceknight Zashakiro Aceknight Zera Viridae Zera Viridae