
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Linkshell "Lalatopia" was registered on with ID 18014398509616490. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Leviathan.

Current members:

Sadaharu Madao Master Sadaharu Madao Carrot Parfait Leader Carrot Parfait Chel Dorado Leader Chel Dorado Jojoshaye Sutimovgip Leader Jojoshaye Sutimovgip Little Prince' Leader Little Prince' M'lady Morgase Leader M'lady Morgase Paxixi Paxi Leader Paxixi Paxi Peachy Weechy Leader Peachy Weechy Shukoko Shuko Leader Shukoko Shuko Slim Pickens Leader Slim Pickens Anubis Lovecraft Anubis Lovecraft Audio Ignition Audio Ignition Baba Bouille Baba Bouille Babaku Baku Babaku Baku Banana Crispy Banana Crispy Basil Tre Basil Tre Bebeca Beca Bebeca Beca Beef Soup Beef Soup Beepers Chesternut Beepers Chesternut Benko Momono Benko Momono Big Ze Big Ze Bittersweet Memories Bittersweet Memories Celes Burkhardt Celes Burkhardt Chachamu Chamu Chachamu Chamu Chibi Kusuri Chibi Kusuri Cottage Kore Cottage Kore Crispy Whovar Crispy Whovar Cute Heart Cute Heart Darni Darnbuwu Darni Darnbuwu Deku Phantomhive Deku Phantomhive Dragonice Theoriginal Dragonice Theoriginal Eeta Eta Eeta Eta Eleanor Leywin Eleanor Leywin Elsebet Steinen Elsebet Steinen Eryka Lonwoerd Eryka Lonwoerd Eternal Wind Eternal Wind Fiana Banana Fiana Banana Frieren Slayer Frieren Slayer Gaon Thaon Gaon Thaon Gilbez Baldesion Gilbez Baldesion Griz Smol-griz Griz Smol-griz Haboc Neflight Haboc Neflight Hashtag Triggered Hashtag Triggered Hikoyo Yumishi Hikoyo Yumishi Huge Neckmen Huge Neckmen Ignii Anesti Ignii Anesti Jacinta Ootani Jacinta Ootani Jack Frost Jack Frost Jacob Zoriik Jacob Zoriik Jejeybi Jeybi Jejeybi Jeybi Kali Kazoo Kali Kazoo Kana Kujo Kana Kujo Katie'bo Batie Katie'bo Batie Kokoyo Koyo Kokoyo Koyo Kumquat Bihl Kumquat Bihl Kurumin Haan Kurumin Haan Lalaticus Neaubee Lalaticus Neaubee Leo Whitefang Leo Whitefang Leo Zimant Leo Zimant Lil Tsubasa Lil Tsubasa Locke Burkhardt Locke Burkhardt Lune Fantasia Lune Fantasia Lux Aria Lux Aria Maglyssa Baku Maglyssa Baku Masa Xlll Masa Xlll Mercury Black Mercury Black Mew Curia Mew Curia Mimi Crutix Mimi Crutix Mo Chi Mo Chi Mog Knight Mog Knight Moldar Twin Moldar Twin Money Penny Money Penny Nacho Tuncho Nacho Tuncho Naddy Smalls Naddy Smalls Ned Thedestroyer Ned Thedestroyer Nelarus Faina Nelarus Faina Neneco Neco Neneco Neco Niwuwu Niwu Niwuwu Niwu Nomolon Waters Nomolon Waters Nunuki Nuki Nunuki Nuki Olive Ivy Olive Ivy Otter Dance Otter Dance Ozma Reiner Ozma Reiner Panini Pani Panini Pani Papaya Empanada Papaya Empanada Paul Tarafell Paul Tarafell Phyllis Dyllis Phyllis Dyllis Pittu Sutoppu Pittu Sutoppu Poinky Poink Poinky Poink Popotato Tototato Popotato Tototato Pork Chops Pork Chops Puffy Headpats Puffy Headpats Rafutaria Iwatani Rafutaria Iwatani Ratrick Batemouse Ratrick Batemouse Raven Melody Raven Melody Raven Tohka Raven Tohka Refia Fia Refia Fia Rem Starspotter Rem Starspotter Rocky Hunter'p Rocky Hunter'p Rororori Ruraris Rororori Ruraris Rowan Tomoko Rowan Tomoko Rurulai Fafalai Rurulai Fafalai Saga Higashi Saga Higashi Sakufun Onigiri Sakufun Onigiri Sinister Carrot Sinister Carrot Sinister Potato Sinister Potato Sir Shallot Sir Shallot Sophia Arrowsmite Sophia Arrowsmite Squishy Fishy Squishy Fishy Stef Wrensong Stef Wrensong Sturben Mandrake Sturben Mandrake Subell Uedai Subell Uedai Suzume Mori Suzume Mori Synjoya Twell Synjoya Twell Tamorlian Littlefoot Tamorlian Littlefoot Tavi Katti Tavi Katti Tax Fraud Tax Fraud Tibby Sufokia Tibby Sufokia Todd Kronk Todd Kronk Topas Towopas Topas Towopas Tortellini Lini Tortellini Lini Unico Tezuka Unico Tezuka Virgin Queen Virgin Queen Windsome Thistledown Windsome Thistledown Yuki Suzuno Yuki Suzuno Yuni Bevelle Yuni Bevelle Yutaka Tomuch Yutaka Tomuch