
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Linkshell "ruby" was registered on with ID 18295873486345159. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Midgardsormr.

Current members:

Princess Gigi Master Princess Gigi Viktor Kelumaga Leader Viktor Kelumaga Xyphias Reidobosu Leader Xyphias Reidobosu Adelina Moon Adelina Moon Alex Sky Alex Sky Alinafe Koi Alinafe Koi Arke Kryzen Arke Kryzen Arroyo Rehw-dvre Arroyo Rehw-dvre Arun Oakenrock Arun Oakenrock Astrian Kernunnos Astrian Kernunnos Awful Vegan Awful Vegan Azuros Leijon Azuros Leijon Bakhtavor Astgh Bakhtavor Astgh Baly Yul Baly Yul Bigakuga Lompydompy Bigakuga Lompydompy Buttercream Sundae Buttercream Sundae Catharine Euphemia Catharine Euphemia Celesse Archon Celesse Archon Cu' Bone Cu' Bone Daimono Howl Daimono Howl Dante Modig Dante Modig Elethea Aetherwings Elethea Aetherwings Emo Catboy Emo Catboy Esther Stella Esther Stella Feral Catboy Feral Catboy Fuzzy J-cats Fuzzy J-cats God Dam God Dam Gorcast Kriegenhier Gorcast Kriegenhier Haywood Jasuckmi Haywood Jasuckmi Hidden Assassin Hidden Assassin Hitch Stello Hitch Stello Indra Wraith Indra Wraith Jmanc Hehexd Jmanc Hehexd Kaiya Silvermoon Kaiya Silvermoon Killua Leonhart Killua Leonhart Krabs-krab's Krab Krabs-krab's Krab Levi Hassou-tobi Levi Hassou-tobi Liisa Grince Liisa Grince Lord Dragonslayer Lord Dragonslayer Lux Anima Lux Anima Maria Mistmask Maria Mistmask Miyah Mhakaracca Miyah Mhakaracca Moist Cornbread Moist Cornbread Moritake Fujiashi Moritake Fujiashi Nala Damila Nala Damila Nedhog Swartranchsyn Nedhog Swartranchsyn Neko Pig Neko Pig Neko Red Neko Red Nico Sinclair Nico Sinclair Nikita Nightingale Nikita Nightingale Owo Whatdis Owo Whatdis Parry Windurst Parry Windurst Pedro Onizuka Pedro Onizuka Pfilo Maebaen Pfilo Maebaen Pres'sing Buttons Pres'sing Buttons Ralsey Acorn Ralsey Acorn Raphtalia Katana'hero Raphtalia Katana'hero Rathien Talonstrider Rathien Talonstrider Raza Cessair Raza Cessair Relious Starfire Relious Starfire Retired Sin Retired Sin Robbie Wraith Robbie Wraith Robert Redwind Robert Redwind Sirkit Tyums Sirkit Tyums Slappy Motherhunter Slappy Motherhunter Sombre Purgatoire Sombre Purgatoire Spooshy Potato Spooshy Potato Takikko Yakikko Takikko Yakikko Treabhair O'hare Treabhair O'hare Tsuji Gharl Tsuji Gharl Valvatorez Sardine Valvatorez Sardine Vandalieu Zackart Vandalieu Zackart Whitnya Gwyn Whitnya Gwyn Whitnyz Gwen Whitnyz Gwen Xea Egg Xea Egg Yor Lilpogchamp Yor Lilpogchamp Yoyoco Yoco Yoyoco Yoco Yozu Sogumi Yozu Sogumi Yugen Satori Yugen Satori Yuriel Aurora Yuriel Aurora Yuuko Eschaton Yuuko Eschaton Zach Gattsu Zach Gattsu Zaphkiel Kiantaris Zaphkiel Kiantaris Zinu Haruka Zinu Haruka