
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

patrouille de chasse

Linkshell "patrouille de chasse" was registered on with ID 19984723346543312. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Moogle.

Current members:

T'erra Dehlie Master T'erra Dehlie Annah Snow Leader Annah Snow Chris Stiles Leader Chris Stiles Evil Wing Leader Evil Wing Jook Maltese Leader Jook Maltese L'eahn Jhun Leader L'eahn Jhun Leo Qtr Leader Leo Qtr Lymseia Silverberg Leader Lymseia Silverberg Nala Celah Leader Nala Celah Ombre Flamme Leader Ombre Flamme Pititaru Dewindurst Leader Pititaru Dewindurst Sandman Dream Leader Sandman Dream Serena Celeste Leader Serena Celeste A'zumyn Tykha A'zumyn Tykha Akane Mizuki Akane Mizuki Alcimera Idaho Alcimera Idaho Alexx Shygoki Alexx Shygoki Alkadia Del'maho Alkadia Del'maho Almirath Holt Almirath Holt Alys Danthess Alys Danthess Belzebuth Storms Belzebuth Storms Black Pixelia Black Pixelia Ciri Naeuri Ciri Naeuri Cylah Fox Cylah Fox Eilof Aledec Eilof Aledec Elin Kveldi Elin Kveldi Emergency Butt Emergency Butt Escanor Sin Escanor Sin Esuna Moon Esuna Moon Ethe Ackerman Ethe Ackerman Etherious Natsu Etherious Natsu Evellin Corwell Evellin Corwell Fee Lyne Fee Lyne Gkz Dwa Gkz Dwa Good Buncat Good Buncat Gore Gonzola Gore Gonzola Gota'a Epocan Gota'a Epocan Hema Ghoul Hema Ghoul Hilda Dragnir Hilda Dragnir Inico Montoya Inico Montoya Ixerion Stormcall Ixerion Stormcall Jarad Dubeltaire Jarad Dubeltaire Johnny Silver'hand Johnny Silver'hand Kasiope Zaure Kasiope Zaure Kiqa Fibnha Kiqa Fibnha Kirin Ittetsu Kirin Ittetsu Krividus Starfarer Krividus Starfarer Kyo Mibu Kyo Mibu Lanawyn Kharlu Lanawyn Kharlu Lena Ravenwood Lena Ravenwood Lhiana Kohi Lhiana Kohi Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lullaby Elrys Lullaby Elrys Lynayah Lyn Lynayah Lyn Lyneos Strife Lyneos Strife M'ciglosha Lhicre M'ciglosha Lhicre Macchiavel Fen'harel Macchiavel Fen'harel Makiavel Neira Makiavel Neira Man Eater Man Eater Mel Ancolie Mel Ancolie Mikus Mikus Mikus Mikus Mue Ilidard Mue Ilidard Mylith Kole Mylith Kole Namine Whitemage Namine Whitemage Nana Mara Nana Mara Nashu Jakkya Nashu Jakkya Nidwena Nocha Nidwena Nocha Niregin Nyahelm Niregin Nyahelm Noirhime Jade Noirhime Jade Nutnut Maevis Nutnut Maevis Raagnard Lodbroke Raagnard Lodbroke S'nijah Griffe-lune S'nijah Griffe-lune Saito Ryuzekai Saito Ryuzekai Sakura Ahrchibalde Sakura Ahrchibalde Sarafine Lapepine Sarafine Lapepine Sassayr Arh'yun Sassayr Arh'yun Seb'ruil Atuin Seb'ruil Atuin Seinshi Kudo Seinshi Kudo Seph'yr Loq'ed Seph'yr Loq'ed Shokow Tsuki Shokow Tsuki Shoran Vanguard Shoran Vanguard Sizha'li Elakha Sizha'li Elakha Sophie Farron Sophie Farron Stringa Ladouce Stringa Ladouce Sylmaryl Shandhalaar Sylmaryl Shandhalaar Teslad Aoi Teslad Aoi Ume Shu Ume Shu Uzzie Orora Uzzie Orora Valkurm Emperor Valkurm Emperor Vivi Velti Vivi Velti White' Cat White' Cat Xael Mistgaze Xael Mistgaze Yumee Yaeger Yumee Yaeger Zerawyr Aug'myr Zerawyr Aug'myr