
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Linkshell "FarTooFabToFunction" was registered on with ID 20547673299927940. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Adamantoise.

Current members:

Maveron Rhys Master Maveron Rhys Akl Trifecta Leader Akl Trifecta Alana Belmont Leader Alana Belmont Angieliki Greywolfe Leader Angieliki Greywolfe Anna Streeter Leader Anna Streeter Argasar Rapture Leader Argasar Rapture Bacon Mage Leader Bacon Mage Beautiful Lady Leader Beautiful Lady Bees Knees Leader Bees Knees Bob The'drag'queen Leader Bob The'drag'queen Boron Brioche Leader Boron Brioche Busty Lady Leader Busty Lady Celestial Breeze Leader Celestial Breeze Celestial Harmony Leader Celestial Harmony Celestial Heavens Leader Celestial Heavens Celestial Melody Leader Celestial Melody Celestial Radiance Leader Celestial Radiance Celestial Serenity Leader Celestial Serenity Celestial Vibrance Leader Celestial Vibrance Celestial Whisper Leader Celestial Whisper Cronus Ampoura Leader Cronus Ampoura Daca'to Wolndara Leader Daca'to Wolndara Dawn Abernathy Leader Dawn Abernathy Divinitie Bui Leader Divinitie Bui Echo Whispercrest Leader Echo Whispercrest Erenville Mallard Leader Erenville Mallard Esmaud Men Leader Esmaud Men Etherious Kazui Leader Etherious Kazui Fedora Thexplorer Leader Fedora Thexplorer Fizz Alki Leader Fizz Alki Flute Whindsaber Leader Flute Whindsaber Gabrielle Celeste Leader Gabrielle Celeste Ganondorf Dragqueen Leader Ganondorf Dragqueen Gene Kraven Leader Gene Kraven Gilbert Willowthorn Leader Gilbert Willowthorn Good Speed Leader Good Speed Greyhound Sea Leader Greyhound Sea H'yden Azrah Leader H'yden Azrah Haggis Mchaggis Leader Haggis Mchaggis Harlen Trisdale Leader Harlen Trisdale Honori Cstial Leader Honori Cstial Inappropriate Name Leader Inappropriate Name Inouye Jones Leader Inouye Jones Jade Mistel Leader Jade Mistel Joe Moose Leader Joe Moose Jojo Mojo Leader Jojo Mojo K'llian Rohcoff Leader K'llian Rohcoff Kee Note'kai Leader Kee Note'kai Khona Epocan Leader Khona Epocan Khouri Milan Leader Khouri Milan Kiskili Tsuki Leader Kiskili Tsuki Kiva'li Vahsme Leader Kiva'li Vahsme Kynn Stevik Leader Kynn Stevik Ladeca Solas Leader Ladeca Solas Lady Gagazet Leader Lady Gagazet Lantana Neros Leader Lantana Neros Lizette Skiadrum Leader Lizette Skiadrum Lute Giovanna Leader Lute Giovanna Meta Tronic Leader Meta Tronic Mikey Lockheart Leader Mikey Lockheart Mintymuffin Mcbubbles Leader Mintymuffin Mcbubbles Mira Sylph Leader Mira Sylph Miriel Tana Leader Miriel Tana Misiisii Isme Leader Misiisii Isme Moku Fylan Leader Moku Fylan Nanamai Ponamai Leader Nanamai Ponamai Nath Lahavaeinherjar Leader Nath Lahavaeinherjar Noctis Ouji Leader Noctis Ouji Pimptastic Waterloo Leader Pimptastic Waterloo Plain Cat Leader Plain Cat Qetsen Qatling Leader Qetsen Qatling Qwerty Sobriquet Leader Qwerty Sobriquet Radomil Azorya Leader Radomil Azorya Raid Cornwallace Leader Raid Cornwallace Reubin Alexander Leader Reubin Alexander Robin Averil Leader Robin Averil Rolanberry Poundcake Leader Rolanberry Poundcake S'kooma Moonsugar Leader S'kooma Moonsugar Sakura Kana Leader Sakura Kana Scientia Ignis Leader Scientia Ignis Setsuko Kuroe Leader Setsuko Kuroe Snuggans Wafflebottom Leader Snuggans Wafflebottom Sol Key Leader Sol Key Stal Bjorn Leader Stal Bjorn Stardust Tsubasa Leader Stardust Tsubasa Stella Gardner Leader Stella Gardner Stitchwork Darkember Leader Stitchwork Darkember Suzuha Sanctus Leader Suzuha Sanctus Tempest Gale Leader Tempest Gale Titica Tica Leader Titica Tica Tony Revane Leader Tony Revane Vela Vim Leader Vela Vim Viewlng Cutscene Leader Viewlng Cutscene Waifu Materia Leader Waifu Materia Wunsucc Wahnquck Leader Wunsucc Wahnquck Xander Kai Leader Xander Kai Yao Ha-dyusshi Leader Yao Ha-dyusshi Yoshino Sakura Leader Yoshino Sakura Yume Couch Leader Yume Couch Zel Ookami Leader Zel Ookami Zero A'light Leader Zero A'light Zexan Gearz Leader Zexan Gearz Zora Zalenski Leader Zora Zalenski Aiden Xanythgar Aiden Xanythgar Always Smxcked Always Smxcked Bear Osokuma Bear Osokuma Blade Fair Blade Fair De'raj Azora De'raj Azora Kreedyn Wake Kreedyn Wake Liliana Solaire Liliana Solaire Nieve Osokuma Nieve Osokuma Nyssa Radras Nyssa Radras Shadoro Ookami Shadoro Ookami