
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Lala Imperium

Linkshell "Lala Imperium" was registered on with ID 20547673300007487. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Adamantoise.

Current members:

Poisonhand Gnadgad Master Poisonhand Gnadgad Brayden Proudmoore Leader Brayden Proudmoore Brew Slee Leader Brew Slee Bsmoked Alot Leader Bsmoked Alot Corn Dog Leader Corn Dog Kai Taru Leader Kai Taru Kanchelle Loreux Leader Kanchelle Loreux Lala Lili Leader Lala Lili Leo Chidori Leader Leo Chidori Little Onion Leader Little Onion Monah Sedovah Leader Monah Sedovah Mysticmaker Profblix Leader Mysticmaker Profblix Octavia Autumnborne Leader Octavia Autumnborne Tuff Cookie Leader Tuff Cookie Aelfric Arulaq Aelfric Arulaq Agito Dorito Agito Dorito Alpha Steve Alpha Steve Angelwing Zero Angelwing Zero Apollo Gramarye Apollo Gramarye Beau Prime Beau Prime Bibipoki Bubupoki Bibipoki Bubupoki Bmnky Tusliab Bmnky Tusliab Butmunchkin Sardonic Butmunchkin Sardonic Buttah Pup Buttah Pup Callan Redstar Callan Redstar Cheese Cakes Cheese Cakes Chibbi Borse Chibbi Borse Chikin Noodles Chikin Noodles Chimy Changa Chimy Changa Clement Thyme Clement Thyme Cyder Delish Cyder Delish Dean Mark Dean Mark Dekkrai Jr Dekkrai Jr Digby Strangeways Digby Strangeways Dough Bar Dough Bar Doulock Damaya Doulock Damaya Elion Cross Elion Cross Elvar Eronir Elvar Eronir Emotional Neglect Emotional Neglect Foodj Jay Foodj Jay Frog Justice Frog Justice Gunnex Ravenclaw Gunnex Ravenclaw Gwagwa Gwa Gwagwa Gwa Hani Hanu Hani Hanu Haru Karu Haru Karu Hayabusa Koi Hayabusa Koi Hihinji Ririyako Hihinji Ririyako Hug Bandit Hug Bandit Hyz Venci Hyz Venci Inappropriate Name Inappropriate Name Jay Leno Jay Leno John Fist John Fist Jomomo Jomo Jomomo Jomo Kabyo Qyoco Kabyo Qyoco Kamhoy Rahoy Kamhoy Rahoy Kil Aak Kil Aak Kindrous Smols Kindrous Smols Koala Maru Koala Maru Koji Hornfels Koji Hornfels Kokomori Roromori Kokomori Roromori Lamb Seel Lamb Seel Laylali Laylala Laylali Laylala Leonhard Euler Leonhard Euler Leprodeful Lepro Leprodeful Lepro Lexington Steele Lexington Steele Little Granny Little Granny Little Lord Little Lord Locke Steiner Locke Steiner Loopa Indra Loopa Indra Lug Bolt Lug Bolt Maki- Nishikino Maki- Nishikino Minty Smalls Minty Smalls Mo Ranes Mo Ranes Moxi Mova Moxi Mova Murreki Juso'cio Murreki Juso'cio Nemu Kaisuri Nemu Kaisuri Neon Geni Neon Geni Nivlem Nightsprottle Nivlem Nightsprottle Oakka Otter Oakka Otter Oono Dufenshmirtz Oono Dufenshmirtz Papalymo's Reflection Papalymo's Reflection Pink Reality Pink Reality Proxy Que Proxy Que Pupuro Pera Pupuro Pera Raven Orome Raven Orome Reitalle Vesta Reitalle Vesta Richard Doorite Richard Doorite Rimuru Tenshii Rimuru Tenshii Rorovachi Yoyovachi Rorovachi Yoyovachi Sage Monke Sage Monke Say What Say What Secret Hotdog Secret Hotdog Shingen Masamune Shingen Masamune Silky John Silky John Sindri Folkor Sindri Folkor Sive Dragnkiller Sive Dragnkiller Slang Arang Slang Arang Small Dog Small Dog Smol Hashim Smol Hashim Smol Tsu Smol Tsu Soft Puff Soft Puff Sophia Cython Sophia Cython Spiritua Ashtok Spiritua Ashtok Sterl Sterl Sterl Sterl Straightest Shota Straightest Shota Sweetpotato Tots Sweetpotato Tots Tateter Tott Tateter Tott Totoro Lito Totoro Lito Vengeance Kveil Vengeance Kveil Wandering Flame Wandering Flame Wind-up James Wind-up James Yinbo Swabe Yinbo Swabe Zadoc Eternalfire Zadoc Eternalfire