
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Hear, Feel, Ruminate

Linkshell "Hear, Feel, Ruminate" was registered on with ID 20547673300033466. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Adamantoise.

Current members:

Momo Tyriwesfv Master Momo Tyriwesfv Devo Stellae Leader Devo Stellae Gamma Kat Leader Gamma Kat Gamma Ray Leader Gamma Ray Kavalos Soullas Leader Kavalos Soullas U'gianh Tia Leader U'gianh Tia Ahmo Gohs Ahmo Gohs Anemone Habetrot Anemone Habetrot Aralynn Silvershaper Aralynn Silvershaper Asha Vann Asha Vann Ashura Moonstrider Ashura Moonstrider Astrea Wumai Astrea Wumai Becks Ilo Becks Ilo Belle Neneh Belle Neneh Berri Crhem Berri Crhem Bhunivelze Sirenia Bhunivelze Sirenia Blue Warden Blue Warden Callo Netta Callo Netta Chrysogeneia Iah Chrysogeneia Iah Claudia Kirijo Claudia Kirijo Clytemne Montreve Clytemne Montreve Conbruh Stoop Conbruh Stoop Cordia Bysnoe Cordia Bysnoe Daemu Mistweaver Daemu Mistweaver Dana Dane Dana Dane Darth Meowl Darth Meowl Dawn Casharp Dawn Casharp Day-ja Vu Day-ja Vu Derek Zoolandor Derek Zoolandor Dommanic Iksplosion Dommanic Iksplosion Drakyr Saovine Drakyr Saovine E'mber Frost E'mber Frost Elowyn Mythmoor Elowyn Mythmoor Erebus Hollow Erebus Hollow Fantastic Trout Fantastic Trout Fen Wolfthorn Fen Wolfthorn Fetti Fireware Fetti Fireware Floopen Twoples Floopen Twoples Forgiven Disarray Forgiven Disarray Freven Vhacros Freven Vhacros Gi Ita Gi Ita Glacengar Cryoumbre Glacengar Cryoumbre Growlithe Katsura Growlithe Katsura Himmel The'hero Himmel The'hero Hoppy Hopps Hoppy Hopps Iustinus Malqir Iustinus Malqir Ivy Supinski Ivy Supinski J'anneke Martens J'anneke Martens Jicoa Condaro Jicoa Condaro Jiffee Mctiffee Jiffee Mctiffee Johnny Liberated Johnny Liberated Juni Kolnberg Juni Kolnberg Kai Kuroko Kai Kuroko Kalvoth Greyfallow Kalvoth Greyfallow Kelpie Runa Kelpie Runa Kiriah Aishi Kiriah Aishi Kope Acetic Kope Acetic Krom Tepes Krom Tepes Kumera Skyshroud Kumera Skyshroud Lallia Umaru Lallia Umaru Lewen Hart Lewen Hart Limits Break Limits Break Lord Nikon Lord Nikon Lunaqua Purneko Lunaqua Purneko Lycelle Valtin Lycelle Valtin Madra Rua Madra Rua Maithe Greytide Maithe Greytide Malutki Seihai Malutki Seihai Mao Xifeng Mao Xifeng Matej Stevasch Matej Stevasch Mey'ya Kitay Mey'ya Kitay Millie Bun Millie Bun Monke Onke Monke Onke Murphy's Law Murphy's Law Myoki Katsu Myoki Katsu Nasty Milk Nasty Milk Nerf Me Nerf Me Nexys Nysais Nexys Nysais Nikolai Scholtterbeck Nikolai Scholtterbeck Nina Mooncake Nina Mooncake Noe Ilo Noe Ilo Peepers Morningstar Peepers Morningstar Raigh Ramirez Raigh Ramirez Raiyuk Anmarak Raiyuk Anmarak Rawr Intuition Rawr Intuition Razeki Lolopoki Razeki Lolopoki Rebecca Fynn Rebecca Fynn Rikku Yelho Rikku Yelho Rinh Chalahko Rinh Chalahko Risoka Hollow Risoka Hollow Rob Highwind Rob Highwind Rui Tachibana Rui Tachibana Rydia Tachibana Rydia Tachibana Sailor Mew Sailor Mew Saix Artorias Saix Artorias Samiah Skyfox Samiah Skyfox Sarah Aces Sarah Aces Sera Misspelled Sera Misspelled Shinjiro Inu Shinjiro Inu Shino Shimada Shino Shimada Shion Mizutani Shion Mizutani Shrixx Galahad Shrixx Galahad Shy Ikigai Shy Ikigai Sia Kaine Sia Kaine Silvadis Bel Silvadis Bel Solus Astrablaze Solus Astrablaze Stubbies Busse Stubbies Busse Suki Galleu Suki Galleu Surrey Jack Surrey Jack Syvv Savv Syvv Savv Tad Pole Tad Pole Tetaliya Aein Tetaliya Aein Thunderz Lane Thunderz Lane Tristan Academe Tristan Academe Tsukuyomi Miyazaki Tsukuyomi Miyazaki Umeko Yuzuka Umeko Yuzuka Val Kyrja Val Kyrja Valadriel Soroxas Valadriel Soroxas Valekrin Z'eimisra Valekrin Z'eimisra Valka Moon Valka Moon Velandio Denheim Velandio Denheim Vice Argante Vice Argante Vivith Amara Vivith Amara Wind-up Roo Wind-up Roo Yui Greene Yui Greene Yuzo Nox Yuzo Nox Zayn Stryfe Zayn Stryfe Zeko Elpollo Zeko Elpollo