
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Roegabro United

Linkshell "Roegabro United" was registered on with ID 21673573206746565. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Ultros.

Current members:

Kyne Gonzales Master Kyne Gonzales Blue Castle Leader Blue Castle Brick Fenix Leader Brick Fenix Fex Principia Leader Fex Principia Glasya Labolas Leader Glasya Labolas Kenai Nightsky Leader Kenai Nightsky Klife Kepler Leader Klife Kepler Neptune Core Leader Neptune Core Reysol Surferio Leader Reysol Surferio Ryogure Gumshoe Leader Ryogure Gumshoe Sanctum Deep Leader Sanctum Deep Ulric Delkin Leader Ulric Delkin Vitamis Dzan Leader Vitamis Dzan Alec Valtyr Alec Valtyr Anthon Stormbringer Anthon Stormbringer Araf Valparai'so Araf Valparai'so Arcturus Bhaldfarr Arcturus Bhaldfarr Arenlin Dras Arenlin Dras Ares Megalos Ares Megalos Aurelius Lightfeather Aurelius Lightfeather Axion Soul Axion Soul Bakua Tonte Bakua Tonte Baramoht Klynhollsyn Baramoht Klynhollsyn Bastjan Greylocke Bastjan Greylocke Beef Blastbody Beef Blastbody Beef Taku Beef Taku Big Booty Big Booty Bigguy Foru Bigguy Foru Blig Bengus Blig Bengus Brosuke Hanamuda Brosuke Hanamuda Brynn Swallowsong Brynn Swallowsong Byzen Stonefist Byzen Stonefist Caneletto Brocktree Caneletto Brocktree Chloe Merlose Chloe Merlose Ciro Dex Ciro Dex Code Veronica Code Veronica Commercial Break Commercial Break Coro Solkro Coro Solkro Darkfort Gabriev Darkfort Gabriev Daveak Ubron Daveak Ubron Degar Brahams Degar Brahams Doris Elaine Doris Elaine Dorn Wyrmfang Dorn Wyrmfang Dua Belas Dua Belas Durante Hennigar Durante Hennigar Euphreti Keeler Euphreti Keeler Evermillion Mariposa Evermillion Mariposa Ezekyle Abaddon Ezekyle Abaddon Fire Bad Fire Bad Florbad Rumicca Florbad Rumicca Fridge Vanderhuge Fridge Vanderhuge Gaaldin D'alsir Gaaldin D'alsir Ghades Falkner Ghades Falkner Grace Valein Grace Valein Gregarious Universe Gregarious Universe Gremm'k Earthenstride Gremm'k Earthenstride Grin Reaper Grin Reaper Grinning Bear Grinning Bear Grizzle Bear Grizzle Bear H'kuna Matata H'kuna Matata Hacksaw Duggan Hacksaw Duggan Himallona Nortstyrwyn Himallona Nortstyrwyn Honest Creek Honest Creek Igneous Nikolescu Igneous Nikolescu Ima-hot Roe-bot Ima-hot Roe-bot Io Sefe Io Sefe Jake Redsteel Jake Redsteel Jare Bear Jare Bear Joey Bear Joey Bear K'fax Porthus K'fax Porthus Karex Gavin Karex Gavin Karma House Karma House Keldric Bearclaw Keldric Bearclaw Kelhairnan Tyr Kelhairnan Tyr Knuckles Mcgillicutty Knuckles Mcgillicutty Kobuu Tredori Kobuu Tredori Lionel Ritchie Lionel Ritchie Loxguard Steelwall Loxguard Steelwall Lucy Hara Lucy Hara Mes Sage Mes Sage Mijmirg Enterri Mijmirg Enterri Mirai Rhottoumdraga Mirai Rhottoumdraga Mister Smell Mister Smell Mitsu Dupain Mitsu Dupain Norrain Bhollain Norrain Bhollain Olive Gardens Olive Gardens Omamoru Kircher Omamoru Kircher Primal Sun Primal Sun Punished Nono Punished Nono Quiet Man Quiet Man Rayze'ani Atani Rayze'ani Atani Relaxed Michael Relaxed Michael Rhetiahtyn Haldspyr Rhetiahtyn Haldspyr Ronin Bearclaw Ronin Bearclaw Rostnbhar Rymmberksyn Rostnbhar Rymmberksyn Shawn Otero Shawn Otero Sigismund Dorn Sigismund Dorn Sky Breaker Sky Breaker Snafuu Fubar Snafuu Fubar Styrmjaega Merlaisyn Styrmjaega Merlaisyn Syit Levitrof Syit Levitrof Syle Redsteele Syle Redsteele Talroth Gallant Talroth Gallant Tempest Bearclaw Tempest Bearclaw Tiny Teardrop Tiny Teardrop Tom Tom Tom Tom Triston Nijiken Triston Nijiken Tsuru Mori Tsuru Mori Ulthos Diabolos Ulthos Diabolos Ve'rytall Wowe Ve'rytall Wowe Veloxe Argentum Veloxe Argentum Waffle House Waffle House White Bone White Bone Whoger Lexaver Whoger Lexaver William Bell William Bell William Valtyr William Valtyr Wystiogahr Ostornsyn Wystiogahr Ostornsyn Zael Mizuki Zael Mizuki Zanthor Anvilforge Zanthor Anvilforge Zaro Anacusis Zaro Anacusis Zaxxon Gallaxian Zaxxon Gallaxian Zinzolan Savros Zinzolan Savros Zoi Kitty Zoi Kitty Zyyra Blackthorne Zyyra Blackthorne