
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Sephirot's Hard Abs

Linkshell "Sephirot's Hard Abs" was registered on with ID 21673573206795035. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Ultros.

Current members:

Reverie Cvahnog Master Reverie Cvahnog Blake Arynn Leader Blake Arynn Ellohyin Lyndress Leader Ellohyin Lyndress Kalia Quiggling Leader Kalia Quiggling Kat Quiggling Leader Kat Quiggling Layla Quiggling Leader Layla Quiggling Merida Quigg Leader Merida Quigg Nova Quiggling Leader Nova Quiggling Painted World Leader Painted World Shiki Ti Leader Shiki Ti Ajisai Ti Ajisai Ti Aki Tsukiko Aki Tsukiko Ale Tiramisu Ale Tiramisu Annet Leontyne Annet Leontyne Babydoll Quiggling Babydoll Quiggling Bot Ika Bot Ika Cadewyn'a Chagyite Cadewyn'a Chagyite Calm Skye Calm Skye Cassian Hellion Cassian Hellion Cirnopsys Kirasame Cirnopsys Kirasame Coco Channel Coco Channel Colddeck Phoenix Colddeck Phoenix Corillea Aris Corillea Aris Decov Leaf Decov Leaf Dinkle Sprinkle Dinkle Sprinkle Divheri Tsubaki Divheri Tsubaki Doll Haus Doll Haus Draran Gilmour Draran Gilmour Ella Allex Ella Allex Eridu Sumer Eridu Sumer Fallen Starry Fallen Starry Fel Wolfe Fel Wolfe Frog Zard Frog Zard Inanna Summeria Inanna Summeria Indigo Odd Indigo Odd Iolanthe Trailseeker Iolanthe Trailseeker Jackie Chan Jackie Chan Jican Marquees Jican Marquees Jolar Bear Jolar Bear K'eara Rhel K'eara Rhel Kratos Godkiller Kratos Godkiller Kukuri Meserichorde Kukuri Meserichorde Kvothe Reshi Kvothe Reshi Kyoskai Darklaw Kyoskai Darklaw Lilja Viras Lilja Viras Liniali Rion Liniali Rion Lithum Snappalis Lithum Snappalis Merith Braithe Merith Braithe Miyukiko Hirano Miyukiko Hirano Moronis Mcdude Moronis Mcdude Moxie Soxie Moxie Soxie Mustadio Bunansa Mustadio Bunansa Mythic Dragoon Mythic Dragoon Ninjie J'inwa Ninjie J'inwa Paige Gilbreath Paige Gilbreath Pixie Poxie Pixie Poxie Ravi Muyal Ravi Muyal Rikku Noir Rikku Noir Rita Quiggling Rita Quiggling Ru'ukto Talnir Ru'ukto Talnir Ruby Saori Ruby Saori Sachi Ti Sachi Ti Sarric Akompjaw Sarric Akompjaw Scarlet Mashiara Scarlet Mashiara Sophie Rhowa Sophie Rhowa Stars Demise Stars Demise Stormy Daniels Stormy Daniels Sugar Ti Sugar Ti Summoning Belle Summoning Belle Suroh Nightsedge Suroh Nightsedge Sweet Ti Sweet Ti Sybilla Belle Sybilla Belle Tereasa Wigglebottom Tereasa Wigglebottom Thanatos Gambit Thanatos Gambit Tobias Greatoak Tobias Greatoak Twizz Gigglz Twizz Gigglz Umbre Dragonseal Umbre Dragonseal Valiastice Absolutia Valiastice Absolutia Veilara Lunett Veilara Lunett Vel Bradford Vel Bradford Vexi Luna Vexi Luna Waffles O'malley Waffles O'malley Young Roxas Young Roxas Zandred Megustus Zandred Megustus