
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare EnixOpens in new tab. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestoneOpens in new tab with special GithubparserOpens in new tab.

Service has an official Lodestone ForumthreadOpens in new tab on Lodestone forum.

The ultimate hunt

Linkshell "The ultimate hunt" was registered on with ID 22517998136963492. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Cerberus.

Current members:

Ada Lionheart Master Ada Lionheart Araedric Lionheart Leader Araedric Lionheart Beatrix Courtois Leader Beatrix Courtois Blokeymon Kenobi Leader Blokeymon Kenobi Daur El'gal Leader Daur El'gal Eli'ze Nkoth Leader Eli'ze Nkoth Goku Fox Leader Goku Fox Kurea Aimi Leader Kurea Aimi Laphael Lanelar Leader Laphael Lanelar Lee Leingod Leader Lee Leingod Mister Gixxer Leader Mister Gixxer Siberian Lady Leader Siberian Lady A'rdalyn Rhiki A'rdalyn Rhiki Aergwyb Iyrnbryda Aergwyb Iyrnbryda Alestia Vaflhare Alestia Vaflhare Alioth Frostwyght Alioth Frostwyght Alitra Leah Alitra Leah Aoyagi Ritsuka Aoyagi Ritsuka Arcadia Achilles Arcadia Achilles Arcari Lyberne Arcari Lyberne Ari Ru Ari Ru Aria Luma Aria Luma Ariadne Trusoul Ariadne Trusoul Artemis Corvus Artemis Corvus Artizea Poe Artizea Poe Asunah Yuukih Asunah Yuukih Barristan Nahar Barristan Nahar Beatriks Sunshine Beatriks Sunshine Boxzary Strife Boxzary Strife Caelestis Moonheart Caelestis Moonheart Cassiopeia Messier Cassiopeia Messier Celine Nightbloom Celine Nightbloom Chronos Draak Chronos Draak Cocol Tanok Cocol Tanok Coulson Anderson Coulson Anderson Crabbe Stick Crabbe Stick Deecup Delight Deecup Delight Demonzica Darkpaw Demonzica Darkpaw Dennia Norbettaux Dennia Norbettaux Don Cornetto Don Cornetto Famous Grouse Famous Grouse Filomena Awakening Filomena Awakening Finkleton Smash Finkleton Smash Free Fronn Free Fronn Fuyuko Valentine Fuyuko Valentine Gaia Bancroft Gaia Bancroft Galen Valyres Galen Valyres Galima Frost Galima Frost Gelfridus Westknight Gelfridus Westknight Halcyon Ember Halcyon Ember Hope Glenwood Hope Glenwood Imperia Scientia Imperia Scientia Ivy Bookxxmastr Ivy Bookxxmastr Izzy Bertouaint Izzy Bertouaint Joey Kalix Joey Kalix Kanna Tempest Kanna Tempest Keenab Wither Keenab Wither Koubai Miu Koubai Miu Kurogane Reed Kurogane Reed Kurtys Lunae Kurtys Lunae Lilith Deimos Lilith Deimos Lillith Cloudsworn Lillith Cloudsworn Lsaie Harzek Lsaie Harzek Lunako Kaelux Lunako Kaelux Maria Ince Maria Ince Maxomaster Zenith Maxomaster Zenith May Yu May Yu Maynards Winegums Maynards Winegums Mea Sunspear Mea Sunspear Melibellule Miu Melibellule Miu Mila Primevre Mila Primevre Moon Puncher Moon Puncher Nanaki Tredici Nanaki Tredici Noona Lepurr Noona Lepurr Oletille Min'enoth Oletille Min'enoth Pero Diosus Pero Diosus Pseudo Grey Pseudo Grey Psyfe Brando Psyfe Brando Puzzle Piece Puzzle Piece R'enlan Tahl R'enlan Tahl Raphael Thaleor Raphael Thaleor Rig Contio Rig Contio Rina Hauyn Rina Hauyn Riz Lowell Riz Lowell Rosalia Violence Rosalia Violence Ruik Arda Ruik Arda Ryn'to Azphel Ryn'to Azphel Shana O'malley Shana O'malley Shiro Synthae Shiro Synthae Skuzy Foxtorn Skuzy Foxtorn Sol Darkhand Sol Darkhand Spirit Saintly Spirit Saintly Tiki Ebrietas Tiki Ebrietas Vackashken Zuth Vackashken Zuth Viserys Valyria Viserys Valyria X'apa Tiacuatl X'apa Tiacuatl Yumi Hoshiguma Yumi Hoshiguma Z-z Z-z Z-z Z-z Zerrin Zeren Zerrin Zeren Zodiac Micor Zodiac Micor Zoen Brasques Zoen Brasques