
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Linkshell "CrossGoonShenanigans" was registered on with ID 26177172834158021. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Excalibur.

Current members:

Hank Nice Master Hank Nice Agrias Elms Leader Agrias Elms Altruizine Velodyne Leader Altruizine Velodyne Bacchus Wrath Leader Bacchus Wrath Balmith Yongerdon Leader Balmith Yongerdon Baphomet Rex Leader Baphomet Rex Big Shaqtus Leader Big Shaqtus Cordelia Chase Leader Cordelia Chase Knives Jonquil Leader Knives Jonquil Lanla Asri Leader Lanla Asri Lily Seiji Leader Lily Seiji The Associate Leader The Associate The Chairman Leader The Chairman Your Buddy Leader Your Buddy A'postrophe Ess A'postrophe Ess Ana Stasia Ana Stasia Anime Cliche Anime Cliche Blitz Staelhundr Blitz Staelhundr Bobby Malooga Bobby Malooga Burrito Destroyer Burrito Destroyer Can't Even Can't Even Candida Albicans Candida Albicans Catfish Buuz Catfish Buuz Catha Vae Catha Vae Celery Stalk Celery Stalk Confused Botanist Confused Botanist Cup Noodle Cup Noodle Cynthia Zo'halivaer Cynthia Zo'halivaer Demith N'diven Demith N'diven Doctor Purple Doctor Purple Elgrundus Passapour Elgrundus Passapour Emegen Ejinn Emegen Ejinn Enchilada Night Enchilada Night Ez Fras Ez Fras Freyja Omri Freyja Omri Gaia Crescent Gaia Crescent Gary Noodleton Gary Noodleton Ginger Molasses Ginger Molasses Gold Medal Gold Medal Indecision Egi Indecision Egi Iris Clover Iris Clover Kaliana Asherai Kaliana Asherai Katia Cosm Katia Cosm Kestrael Sthalsyngwyn Kestrael Sthalsyngwyn Lance Doomtaker Lance Doomtaker Lemon Pepper Lemon Pepper Levantine Kegsplitter Levantine Kegsplitter Lorev Ildgar Lorev Ildgar Lt Danime Lt Danime Meowy Bento Meowy Bento Misha Aeval Misha Aeval Miss Mistaya Miss Mistaya Mithross Gallen Mithross Gallen Myte Mitchell Myte Mitchell Natasha Kerensky Natasha Kerensky Norintha Keldo Norintha Keldo Oeyn Dyndari Oeyn Dyndari Orcane Asylum Orcane Asylum Ouhei Itsmi Ouhei Itsmi P'eakay Koelers P'eakay Koelers Paranoid Nendoroid Paranoid Nendoroid Phoca Vitulina Phoca Vitulina Pink Peanut Pink Peanut Poncho Sanchez Poncho Sanchez Qivali Tsezi Qivali Tsezi Radovan Atolna Radovan Atolna Resting Catface Resting Catface Ryan Cokes Ryan Cokes Sakura Seiji Sakura Seiji Salsa Verde Salsa Verde Scrib Jelly Scrib Jelly Seda Awandah Seda Awandah Seine Cheraevis Seine Cheraevis Selv Sely Selv Sely Sely Royce Sely Royce Silvia Volte Silvia Volte Simon Milligan Simon Milligan Sotar Litelight Sotar Litelight Spiced Rum Spiced Rum Suddenly Fajitas Suddenly Fajitas Sunnlona Iyrnlohwyn Sunnlona Iyrnlohwyn Sunny Sam Sunny Sam Trevidar Orthellion Trevidar Orthellion Vanas Genei Vanas Genei Vorva Xe Vorva Xe Waffle Haus Waffle Haus Waterless Anchor Waterless Anchor Weird Pumpkin Weird Pumpkin Willielmus Yarborough Willielmus Yarborough Yellow Snow Yellow Snow Yina Xynph Yina Xynph Yosephus Flavius Yosephus Flavius Yozora Heart Yozora Heart Zela Svanasch Zela Svanasch