
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Housing People

Linkshell "Housing People" was registered on with ID 26458647810904188. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Gungnir.

Current members:

Koko Mellow Master Koko Mellow Joe Assault Leader Joe Assault Koromo Taira Leader Koromo Taira Miu Blau Leader Miu Blau Miu Rebirth Leader Miu Rebirth Momo Karin Leader Momo Karin Noji Max Leader Noji Max Verviers Zwanzig Leader Verviers Zwanzig Aill Aegis Aill Aegis Aketan Chan Aketan Chan Akira Mizu Akira Mizu Alesya Repkin Alesya Repkin Anastasia Lala Anastasia Lala Anjelic Arshes Anjelic Arshes Arche Lyndenbell Arche Lyndenbell Avy Seeker Avy Seeker Bengal Cat Bengal Cat Bitter Sugar Bitter Sugar Canan Chelsea Canan Chelsea Chada Cabell Chada Cabell Char Sakura Char Sakura Charles Schulz Charles Schulz Chocojiroco Vtuber Chocojiroco Vtuber Choko' Ko Choko' Ko Chorona Mi-ta Chorona Mi-ta Coco Ichiban Coco Ichiban Denpon Pon Denpon Pon Drachen Klaue Drachen Klaue Duo Pond Duo Pond Ea Nagi Ea Nagi Edouard Basler Edouard Basler Efil Iroha Efil Iroha Enaga Simasima Enaga Simasima Epna Digicott Epna Digicott French Fry French Fry Gabu Neko Gabu Neko Gura Tan Gura Tan Gureusa Coyote Gureusa Coyote Hidesh Calvant Hidesh Calvant Hinachi Bauwers Hinachi Bauwers Hippi Twinkle Hippi Twinkle Ichigo Sando Ichigo Sando Iris Lilith Iris Lilith Kabo'a Nitti Kabo'a Nitti Kaguya Tukuyomi Kaguya Tukuyomi Kana Steel Kana Steel Kanon Artemis Kanon Artemis Kaoruna Glay Kaoruna Glay Kent Hisland Kent Hisland Kilie Kokusei Kilie Kokusei Kito Torito Kito Torito Kuro Logos Kuro Logos Kuroro Rushiruhuru Kuroro Rushiruhuru Lea Soleil Lea Soleil Lotus Azeztulite Lotus Azeztulite Luce Piccola Luce Piccola Lusied Vermilion Lusied Vermilion Marude Dameo Marude Dameo Meat Sauce Meat Sauce Mill Fill Mill Fill Momoka Ring Momoka Ring Momoko Rabit Momoko Rabit Myao Rose Myao Rose Nameless Edge Nameless Edge Nanami Sakaki Nanami Sakaki Nazary Swinton Nazary Swinton Nico Zarame Nico Zarame Nikolya Addams Nikolya Addams Noll Ris Noll Ris Plany San Plany San Reinhilde Middleton Reinhilde Middleton Ren Mochi Ren Mochi Ridley Lee Ridley Lee Roku Emeral Roku Emeral Rouge Glasswing Rouge Glasswing Ru Acc Ru Acc Senji Man Senji Man Shasharu Sharu Shasharu Sharu Sheryo Nome Sheryo Nome Shirahoshi Poseidon Shirahoshi Poseidon Shoebill Holmes Shoebill Holmes Sien Auger Sien Auger Siva Lily'moonlight Siva Lily'moonlight Soa Y'doll Soa Y'doll Sora Fiorre Sora Fiorre Suhutz Stra Suhutz Stra Sukuld Mercury Sukuld Mercury Tamama Aliapoh Tamama Aliapoh Thetis Crois Thetis Crois Thiris Raynert Thiris Raynert Tink Little Tink Little Tutushimi Dclxvl Tutushimi Dclxvl Usa Kagami Usa Kagami Vaizel Lycoris Vaizel Lycoris Wu Hou Wu Hou Y'zero Max Y'zero Max Yonah Haroche Yonah Haroche Yuhni Celestia Yuhni Celestia Yukie Jinjo Yukie Jinjo Yukika Drop Yukika Drop Yuzune Diletto Yuzune Diletto Zzz Ooyama Zzz Ooyama