
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.


Linkshell "Hunt_LS" was registered on with ID 27021597764331477. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Masamune.

Current members:

Leo Hart Master Leo Hart Ralf Scheepers Leader Ralf Scheepers Aisha Dzu Aisha Dzu Akira Kikawa Akira Kikawa Alexiel Angel Alexiel Angel Alice Allure Alice Allure Alvira Asgeirsdottir Alvira Asgeirsdottir Anduril Rotestern Anduril Rotestern Angela Strraugend Angela Strraugend Appleberry Sweet Appleberry Sweet Arisa Belmont Arisa Belmont Beo Arke Beo Arke Black Chocolatemint Black Chocolatemint Blue Galago Blue Galago Brunhild Valkyrie Brunhild Valkyrie Cabbage Man Cabbage Man Carmine Heisenberg Carmine Heisenberg Chao Ca Chao Ca China Mori China Mori Chinono Negi Chinono Negi Elizia Crystal Elizia Crystal Fate Graphite Fate Graphite Feldt Yoko Feldt Yoko Fina Folesta Fina Folesta Gazeal Pyrerin Gazeal Pyrerin Ghiraga Vegan Ghiraga Vegan Gilvert Prime Gilvert Prime Gonta Kun Gonta Kun Guin Dmatterhorn Guin Dmatterhorn Hakuna Matataa Hakuna Matataa Harth Yuki Harth Yuki Hikari Lonecat Hikari Lonecat Hiroro Moon Hiroro Moon Hohoy Atohoy Hohoy Atohoy Igor Merevaik Igor Merevaik Inie Einl Inie Einl Jasmine' Tea Jasmine' Tea Joker Joker Joker Joker Jujuchan Mikomoko Jujuchan Mikomoko Kaisei Star Kaisei Star Leo Knightley Leo Knightley Lime Nekocha Lime Nekocha Lucia Sue Lucia Sue Lukka Khalkos Lukka Khalkos Mia Yuzuka Mia Yuzuka Mig Amaterasu Mig Amaterasu Mira Cristy Mira Cristy Miso Cany Miso Cany Myata Blackcat Myata Blackcat Nana Wind Nana Wind Neko Ooabare Neko Ooabare Neo Lightning'x Neo Lightning'x Novalis Kun Novalis Kun O-ku Ten-d O-ku Ten-d Oji Ji Oji Ji Ommos Ravenger Ommos Ravenger Oroka Rachmaninov Oroka Rachmaninov Pippa Nozomi Pippa Nozomi Purple Shadow Purple Shadow Qih'wo Lihzeh Qih'wo Lihzeh Rachelle Williams Rachelle Williams Ricotta Forte Ricotta Forte Ridden Flynn Ridden Flynn Rira White Rira White Risama Miqo'te Risama Miqo'te Rock Rock Rock Rock Rooty Crawford Rooty Crawford Ryo Chanter Ryo Chanter Ryo Cooper Ryo Cooper Sakura Dokidoki Sakura Dokidoki Sakura Rino Sakura Rino Sakuya Final Sakuya Final Sayaka Hoshi Sayaka Hoshi Sayla Mass Sayla Mass Shiel Sacred Shiel Sacred Skoll Randolph Skoll Randolph Snow V'illiers Snow V'illiers Strike Future Strike Future Strut Starryrift Strut Starryrift Timnas Eliot Timnas Eliot Una Borlaaq Una Borlaaq Valtemont Rillemont Valtemont Rillemont Venus Valeriana Venus Valeriana Vienna Eden Vienna Eden Wolfhero Diabolos Wolfhero Diabolos Xine Erauqs Xine Erauqs Yuki Noele Yuki Noele Yuki Noko Yuki Noko Zariru Kuro Zariru Kuro