
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Chi In 5 Mins

Linkshell "Chi In 5 Mins" was registered on with ID 27866022694492004. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Sargatanas.

Current members:

Pathadin Lightbringer Master Pathadin Lightbringer Merghy Mergh Leader Merghy Mergh My-wife Left-me Leader My-wife Left-me Saigo Hero Leader Saigo Hero Addison Versailles Addison Versailles Aeileil Caidoneir Aeileil Caidoneir Albus Kazimir Albus Kazimir Alear Oronir Alear Oronir Alekassandra Estia Alekassandra Estia Arianna Rein Arianna Rein Astral Star Astral Star Aya Brightmoon Aya Brightmoon Aydria Fireheart Aydria Fireheart Bastian Zaphire Bastian Zaphire Captain Cook Captain Cook Captain Toaster Captain Toaster Cardem Tyrael Cardem Tyrael Casual Casualty Casual Casualty Chennery Blooddancer Chennery Blooddancer Cidolfus Bunansa Cidolfus Bunansa Claire Walker Claire Walker Coco Owo Coco Owo Coconut Coco Coconut Coco D'inutana Tenbe D'inutana Tenbe Dara Khan Dara Khan Darkblood Kurayami Darkblood Kurayami Dosaka Zold Dosaka Zold Dreadful Truthiness Dreadful Truthiness Dreamy Tushie Dreamy Tushie Eimhyr Claymore Eimhyr Claymore Erebus Elidibus Erebus Elidibus Fantasia Manderville Fantasia Manderville Farah Harook Farah Harook Favy Free Favy Free Filthy Trash Filthy Trash Foitong Cake Foitong Cake Fonou Nomura Fonou Nomura Gabe Exists Gabe Exists Gaia Narengawa Gaia Narengawa Ginger Lemongrass Ginger Lemongrass Gnocchi Alfredo Gnocchi Alfredo Gwent Master Gwent Master Haelfendir Eladhros Haelfendir Eladhros Haizel Yu Haizel Yu Himari Asahi Himari Asahi Iam Batman Iam Batman Istrault Sirois Istrault Sirois Ivence Sifu Ivence Sifu Jev Thawne Jev Thawne Jim Jams Jim Jams Jordan Thedragon Jordan Thedragon K'nako Rein K'nako Rein Kairi Fen'harel Kairi Fen'harel Kallilye Dawnstar Kallilye Dawnstar Katana Jade Katana Jade Katya Moshantu Katya Moshantu Kawa Tokugawa Kawa Tokugawa Kha Rohs Kha Rohs Khiv Meioka Khiv Meioka Kieran Tyalisse Kieran Tyalisse Kiwi Smyt'hh Kiwi Smyt'hh Kristof Blaque Kristof Blaque Lenneth Starrfire Lenneth Starrfire Liara Luna Liara Luna Lilith Tanninim Lilith Tanninim Lily Lilily Lily Lilily Lily Nightshade Lily Nightshade Lluvia Roseheart Lluvia Roseheart Ludus Sudul Ludus Sudul Lullshare Springbloom Lullshare Springbloom Luna Hayashi Luna Hayashi Luna'lva Shiratama Luna'lva Shiratama Lunazul Draculea Lunazul Draculea Mario Mom Mario Mom Mario Speedwagon Mario Speedwagon Mattie Blackthorne Mattie Blackthorne Mavio Vanderhohl Mavio Vanderhohl Melia Arashi Melia Arashi Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury Mineth Stringson Mineth Stringson Mini Baconator Mini Baconator Myin Tleif Myin Tleif Natasha Stone Natasha Stone Nebby Cosmog Nebby Cosmog Nonovo Novo Nonovo Novo Obmuw Wumbo Obmuw Wumbo Odette Sanguine Odette Sanguine Oliver Haradas Oliver Haradas Oviya Uyagir Oviya Uyagir Pog Chump Pog Chump Ralphonso Deluxe Ralphonso Deluxe Raviera Wells Raviera Wells Remi White Remi White Renat Delacroix Renat Delacroix Revvy Rothwind Revvy Rothwind Rhegar Stormfury Rhegar Stormfury Rhysk Ghosteye Rhysk Ghosteye Rose Joli-ciel Rose Joli-ciel Sable Aurita Sable Aurita Sasha Solus Sasha Solus Secretive Plotter Secretive Plotter Seph Nightroad Seph Nightroad Sey Dior Sey Dior Shae Lahna Shae Lahna Sheeble Beeble Sheeble Beeble Sinjetsu Estrada Sinjetsu Estrada Sir Nibbles Sir Nibbles Slania Nightwish Slania Nightwish Spanky Tushie Spanky Tushie Strawbery Manderville Strawbery Manderville Sweet Potatoe Sweet Potatoe Tiyo Em Tiyo Em Turtle Rabbit Turtle Rabbit Vira Lord Vira Lord Voodoo Mama-juju Voodoo Mama-juju Wickii Wenst Wickii Wenst Wolfrik Targaryen Wolfrik Targaryen Yuge Chode Yuge Chode Yv'rell Yascaret Yv'rell Yascaret Zal'kel Drazi Zal'kel Drazi Zaria Roseheart Zaria Roseheart Zia Dia Zia Dia Zoe Leveilleur Zoe Leveilleur Zorka Zeppeli Zorka Zeppeli