
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Tigris Hunts - A

Linkshell "Tigris Hunts - A" was registered on with ID 9851624184996110. Last set of interviews conducted on .

Operates on Famfrit.

Current members:

Ja'guar Dragonheart Master Ja'guar Dragonheart A'eryn Sun Leader A'eryn Sun Adelina Wyght Leader Adelina Wyght Adhemar Zeauvolier Leader Adhemar Zeauvolier Admiral Buttloaf Leader Admiral Buttloaf Ardys Rhys Leader Ardys Rhys Auraelia Taisho Leader Auraelia Taisho Ayle Hitcha Leader Ayle Hitcha Azoren Jaeger Leader Azoren Jaeger Barons Morger Leader Barons Morger Blaze Jinsoku Leader Blaze Jinsoku Bramble Kron Leader Bramble Kron Claudia Mecenash Leader Claudia Mecenash Cressida Adair Leader Cressida Adair Curry Hungry Leader Curry Hungry Dark Angel' Leader Dark Angel' Eris Nyrea Leader Eris Nyrea Ezra Ura Leader Ezra Ura Gil Gamesh Leader Gil Gamesh Groo Thewanderer Leader Groo Thewanderer Gumi Tribal Leader Gumi Tribal Hua Ai Leader Hua Ai J'inwa Feldspar Leader J'inwa Feldspar Jill Manta Leader Jill Manta Jobu Tupaki Leader Jobu Tupaki Joie Mil Leader Joie Mil Kelis Selcerre Leader Kelis Selcerre Kienna Starkindler Leader Kienna Starkindler Kristof Ingenior Leader Kristof Ingenior Lady Deathborn Leader Lady Deathborn Layla Stargazer Leader Layla Stargazer Leon Taylor Leader Leon Taylor Lilka Valkyrie Leader Lilka Valkyrie Ling Zhiou Leader Ling Zhiou Maius Ventus Leader Maius Ventus Manizard Void Leader Manizard Void Miah Wolndara Leader Miah Wolndara Mikasa Leonhart Leader Mikasa Leonhart Mithra Cuddlesworth Leader Mithra Cuddlesworth Moe Noe Leader Moe Noe Naximon Suzuki Leader Naximon Suzuki Nelzilaz Gestalt Leader Nelzilaz Gestalt Niko Fantastic Leader Niko Fantastic Noy Milloy Leader Noy Milloy Olphrick Chatelfort Leader Olphrick Chatelfort Peekyo Poishon Leader Peekyo Poishon Rei Yatsu Leader Rei Yatsu Renton Thurston Leader Renton Thurston Rilizard Viv Leader Rilizard Viv Rygard Tygareus Leader Rygard Tygareus Shai Lamora Leader Shai Lamora Shana Faeril Leader Shana Faeril Simba Cat Leader Simba Cat Skwuck A'lopex Leader Skwuck A'lopex Solus Noctem Leader Solus Noctem T'eka Vite Leader T'eka Vite Tailor Swiftcast Leader Tailor Swiftcast The Bathroom Leader The Bathroom Tomato Oden Leader Tomato Oden Unforgiven Stupidity Leader Unforgiven Stupidity Val Grind Leader Val Grind Vizi Naevan Leader Vizi Naevan Willis Mckillis Leader Willis Mckillis Xena Hairball Leader Xena Hairball Aislinne La'quorra Aislinne La'quorra Altair La'ahad Altair La'ahad Arthas Vysoren Arthas Vysoren Arwynn Rose Arwynn Rose Chibi Senpai Chibi Senpai Desty Nova Desty Nova Disko Tekno Disko Tekno Draco Drakecrow Draco Drakecrow Emo Dramabomb Emo Dramabomb Fancy Bish Fancy Bish Faye Pi Faye Pi Fox Kodokuna Fox Kodokuna Fye E'corwin Fye E'corwin Galatea Kasa'ori Galatea Kasa'ori Garret Hawthorne Garret Hawthorne Garruk Wild Garruk Wild Kyte Braveshadow Kyte Braveshadow Liadeth Faelan Liadeth Faelan Link Nintendo Link Nintendo Lola Bunney Lola Bunney Lumina Yeul Lumina Yeul No'info Provided No'info Provided Noct Strife Noct Strife Nysa Idari Nysa Idari Othon Von'salza Othon Von'salza Radhart Bloodfist Radhart Bloodfist Song Vishuddha Song Vishuddha Tex Machina Tex Machina Uber Eatz Uber Eatz Yukimura Daisho Yukimura Daisho