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I'd say it has potential. They are using multiple tropes here at once: bad "job"/"skill" from birth, ostracized because of it, "betrayed" by party members, dies and gets resurrected (at least to me it looked like he died at least once). Definitely needs a watch of 2nd episode to see "what's the catch" here.

I do not understand why he even tried to be an adventurer, and it's unclear what was his parents' business, that he could not handle, if they were also appraisers. Or is "appraiser" a skill. not a job? Then what's the job? The skill segregation into social levels was also kind of... Forced? Or maybe just under-explained? I understand that gatherer classes, for example, may not be raking tons of popularity and money, but they could still be "middle class", if they play their cards right and coordinate with good crafters. And other classes would definitely need crafters for gear... The suggested system is too broad.

But we'll see how it goes further.