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Event Horizon

It did not impress me. I do think it's better than 2001: A Space Odyssey overall, but not that much better. It definitely has much better pacing, and a proper story stretched through-out, and not spread like blobs in certain places. It is worse through in what could have made it stand out for me: atmosphere.

Considering the setting and the premise it should have been much more... Gloomy? Creepy? Disturbing? But it was not. Even the suspense was hit and miss most of the time. I think it was not slow enough, which is weird of me to say, because I usually complain about the reverse. And the characters were not interesting at all, not deep enough, probably also because of faster pacing. I think I will mostly remember the doctor and mostly because of how important he is to the plot. The others - they can as well switch places or be replaced by someone else entirely and it would not really matter.

Interestingly, I think that last year I saw a movie or maybe a TV show which had somewhat similar premise and it worked way better as a survival horror in space. Or maybe it was some game? Not Dead Space, though. I can't remember. But I remember the feeling of "existential dread" from the characters, which I did not feel here.