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Chapter 58:


To be honest, I am not sure I understand the point of the last 2 chapters. The second to last has some images showing the "future" of the characters, but some images do not seem to make much sense to me. And the last one... Well, I think that same as previous chapter it wanted to tell something very important, but it's like it was shut down in the middle of the sentence. I mean, I understand the desire to show Sawa's perspective, but why not show it till the end? Why stop at that particular scene? Why not delve deeper into her psyche?

Although, now that I've written this and look back at the series, I may have a hunch: author had some darkness in him when writing this, but then "worked it out" and thus the story itself became lighter and brighter. And that brings fear. Fear that delving into something "dark" will overwhelm and destroy all the progress you've made. I know that feeling. But I still do not understand the last 2 chapters.