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Episode 3:


Damn, 3rd episode and I am still on the fence. It's got bad pacing. Quite a lot of moments, that feel almost unnecessary or simply slow. And yet, there are those moments, that are able to deliver some tension, albeit not as good as they could. To be honest, I do not remember an anime, that got me this conflicted on whether to drop it or not. Or maybe Wixoss was close to it. I think both have at least 1 similar problem: the feeling, that something (someone) will break, but that still not happening. Or as someone has put it: not "edgy" enough. It's like Gleipnir is trying to be too many things at once without having proper tools or concept to actually succeed. It should be a dark and deeply psychological story with some heavy-weight fighting, but instead it's a turtle-paced... Something. 1 last chance, Gleipnir. 1 last chance.